Amit Mehlawat
23 Jan 2019
Work / Poland is not the best country to get part time job with study? [59]
Wow I literally read what everyone was saying and the hate for third world country people is real. I dont know what we guys did to deserve it. I was thinking of doing MBA from there and finance my own studies but read somewhere else that non-EU students can work for only 3 months that July, August and September which is just absurd. I dont belong from a very rich family but we have a pretty decent lifestyle and standard of living. Now I m not sure if I even want to come there. I m a post graduate in my country and people often move to another country in hopes of having a decent or better lifestyle than what they currently have thats how globalisation works but some people dont like this idea so they might as well build walls around border so no one can go in.
Wow I literally read what everyone was saying and the hate for third world country people is real. I dont know what we guys did to deserve it. I was thinking of doing MBA from there and finance my own studies but read somewhere else that non-EU students can work for only 3 months that July, August and September which is just absurd. I dont belong from a very rich family but we have a pretty decent lifestyle and standard of living. Now I m not sure if I even want to come there. I m a post graduate in my country and people often move to another country in hopes of having a decent or better lifestyle than what they currently have thats how globalisation works but some people dont like this idea so they might as well build walls around border so no one can go in.