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Posts by Ania30  

Joined: 29 May 2018 / Female ♀
Last Post: 4 Jun 2018
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 18
From: New Zealand
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Piano

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29 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

I left Poland way back in 2008 when my boyfriend finally could afford to start a family at his home in New Zealand with me. We were young, and my mother was afraid, but I left. Unsure of my life and what it promised in future - I still left Poland. I left my mother and my sisters behind. Perhaps out of love for my boyfriend, or maybe because I was sick and tired of Poland.

Poland is good, but its a dull and dismal country with lots of prejudices. Now with my mother no more, I feel I still want to somehow go back and tell any girl in her 20s to just leave if she is not from Warsaw or the big cities.

Just leave. Its a good decision.

Let me tell you, as a girlfriend and wife you will have far more worth with a boyfriend of husband who is not Polish. I've seen my father and other men in the neighbourhood treat women, we all know how it goes. If you educate yourself and have a more open world view, you can avoid that.

My husband is a Kiwi (New Zealand Born Citizen with Bangladesh ancestry) and we have 2 children. It worked out better than my best guesses.

If you are a young Polish girl, entwined in your little world where you are not getting your worth, think again.

Bye Poland, my final goodbye.
29 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Polish men are xenophobic, aggressive, and backward. We live in an uncultured and uncivilised way and only have benefited from our place in Europe and proximity to Western Europe. I am not ashamed to admit a fact.

It is a fact, and I have seen it closely.

They have a massive inferiority complex too, and all that negativity comes out of it. Their religion is themselves and they just keep Jesus on top to cover themselves so that no one would see their actual faith - i.e. being faithless and cruel.

Could I live with my current family in Poland?

Could I live with peace?

Lots of other questions - YES we all have the answer, but just will not dare admit.

My mother always felt afraid and did her best to stop me. I wish her a good afterlife (if any such thing exist), but I am glad I left.

Today I feel sad for her, but still, I know deeply (not all that happily) that Poland lives in its own abyss.


Maybe you are the troll. I posted an opinion in a forum using my ethnic title. You posted here uninvited and something irrelevant.

Yes, you must be offended. Trolls get offended easily I suppose.
29 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Funny how people behave exactly you would expect the arrogant and malevolent Polish Patriarchal society to behave. They condemn the UK, New Zealand and apparently can be seen begging to come to these countries even as a menial labour with their so called high degrees. Shameful behaviour.

I say what I know. Outside the big cities Poland is a mess. We shouldn't dare compare our country with my new country New Zealand.

Yes, my husband has Bangladesh ancestry but he is a Kiwi, we enjoy bacon and wine and have beautiful children who do well in school and study with Anglo, Maori, Pacifica, Indian and Asian students and learn more than an average Polish child. There is true freedom of speech here. JESUS is not the King of Poland, I thank Jesus for it :D.

Such a dismal condition Poland fell into now. It was getting better in the cities, but the outskirts were neglected. We became the last refuge of a medieval patriarchal sentiment that was held by some of the most useless men of the entire European Continent.

I've seen how Polish women are left with their cats after 45, how forsaken and how limited are their rights over themselves.

I am a New Zealand citizen, but born in a foreign country with an accent. I still get love and respect and opportunities. My household is diverse, secure and loving. After so many years of marriage, I still feel special.

Polish women from outside the main cities are left with this question to themselves: "What do you think, are you getting all this?"

I know the true answer ... so no need to answer.
30 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

100 percent committed to your new life

Nice to read your story. I came to New Zealand for my boyfriend who is now my husband.

I read a lot about New Zealand after I met him online. I loved him a lot, but I also had a wish to leave Poland when I was a teenager. I don't like the way my town was dominated by old and arrogant men who have very closed view on life.

I can start but will never be able to finish. Just read through this thread and you will find exactly what I mean. They are greedy, and have very low self esteem. They would kill to go to USA, UK, Australia or New Zealand and then when also make poor comments about the lifestyle and social structure of those countries ~ as if Poles got it better, as if they have any right to do so. They've created a patriarchal, homophobic, xenophobic system which breeds in a depressed version of Europe in perhaps the 30s.

Its a sad country outside its big cities, and even its big cities are nothing in comparison to a small town in New Zealand. The society, community and people, the rich culture and food and drinks, the space for love and freedom - its all missing.

I came here only to say to myself and my mum a "Goodbye" ... nothing else. As I can't find her again. I feel sad for her, and I remember my childhood in Poland. However, if time was rolled back andI had another opportunity to make a decision, I would always make the same decision I made then.

By the way, Polish women will always have a better life with a non-Polish man. Thats for sure.
30 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

muslim culture

Why do you live in the UK then? Please come back and live in Poland in your great Christian land.

My husband's ethnicity is Bangladesh but he is a New Zealander, and so are my children. Unlike a backward and uncivilised country where I unfortunately took birth, New Zealand is a truly secular country with respect to all its ethnicities.

You are so uncivilised that your little brain would remain stuck in muslim and hindu and christian and won't be able to fathom that general people can still enjoy a glass of wine, eat bacon and go to the beach for a swim and have less to go with an imaginary thing like religion which you are so obsessed about and obviously intelligent people have long stopped being obsessed behind.

You should spare the UK. No wonder they wanted brexit.
30 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Poles get deported in their dozens from New Zealand, and they cannot find jobs. This is "THE" truth. My husband got a Polish man his first job as an electrician and helped settle his family. I tried to help another family but well, they got deported as the man in that unit went towards corruption.

Yet Indian men in the UK are so successful and at all the positions of power, while the Poles are rejected from society and it are famously "unwanted" and have earned nothing but shame. We are one of the primary reasons for the UK wanting brexit.

How can anyone blame them. Look at the Poles already living in the UK. They hate the UK and its lifestyle and culture and diversity. If you hate UK so much then why don't you leave and go back to where you came from?
30 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

where did I mention anywhere that I am religious?

Why did you assume my husband was a muslim because he has Bangladeshi ancestry? Shows that you associate religion with ethnicity, so you are religious in that sense. Maybe not practicing ... but surely religious.

I am quite real and why should I need psychological treatment? Because I am not Politically Correct and speak my mind? Say things that are true and "on the ground" reality and fact.

The proof is you being in UK and me in New Zealand. You just want to live in a fake world and I know what I am talking about.

Grow up. We all know the truth.

why would this be a concern of yours in NZ?

None of my concern, but it was on a context with my discussion with 10iwonka10
30 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Bangladesh was created as a muslim state

Never did I visit, but all I know that it was a part of Pakistan and then they wanted to be secular and so they separated. Most muslims are good people and not extreme, although I don't come across many in New Zealand.

And, apparently, not even relevant to my post. Good luck.
1 Jun 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Aren't you glad you left?

We all are glad that we left. These people are filled with inferiority complex and want to pull things out of context and the worst among them live in some unknown medieval past to extract some sense of pride as they lack any of it in the real world.

Sick, ignorant and uncultured.

If it was so good, why would they flood the countries whose diversity they so much hate? They should've lived in their own countries or moved to Ukraine - its very much of exactly what they seem to love about the world.

Indian men in the UK

If course they are successful. Why are you so jealous? I have no connection with them but keep hearing of their success and witnessing it. The best students in New Zealand are Chinese and Indian, and a simple google browse will show it. When I say Indian I mean the whole of the subcontinent which includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Srilanka. They are doing good. But where do Poland stand with such a proximity to Western Europe? No where.

Apparently there is nothing to argue with a mind already set on something. So arguing with a blind person is useless.

Both Polish and Indian immigrants went out, one made it better than the other. Thats a fact. The Chinese have done even better, they have excelled and will soon be the best in the world.

We Polish are going to make Poland a rotten hell hole even worse than what it is.

good riddance. Now froth in your mouth as I spoke TRUTH and you can't handle it.
1 Jun 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

At least they are doing well in the USA and UK and Australia and even in NZ. What did we do? Ever cared to check?

But you know what, its useless. This forum reminds of all the useless chatters of old Poles when they had nothing better to do (which was most of the time).

Anyone with even half a brain left the country.
1 Jun 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

tens of millions of tourists

Because Poland as a "country" is beautiful. I never said that my birthplace was ugly as a country. It has been truly blessed with natural beauty. The people, however, have a lot to work on themselves. The big cities are still trying to move forward, but I wonder for how long...

Seems like a pretty harsh indictment of your mother....

Yes. Exactly. However much I love her, I am harsh on her and harsh on the rest of Poland that I've grown up among. I have my reasons and so do most, I just like to tell it as it is. You don't like to read that? Poor you ~ just cover your eyes :).


Not just money, its the lifestyle. Money you can make anywhere if you have the capability, but the lifestyle you cannot have with a regressive community.

If you have no capability for money, you will be a burden anywhere you go.

Poles do tend to be better than other Slavs. But we are just not there yet... and its not just immigration. Its the sheer patriarchy, the everyday oppression of thought and freedom forced on others. The dumb hate of what is different .. and as I find it, its mostly propagated by men suffering from inferiority complex and fear.
1 Jun 2018
Law / Applied for Poland's karta pobytu but voivodeship didn't stamp passport [4]

i am legal here by Europe law because i am married with Polish

What nonsense. I never heard something like this.

And apart from such rubbish experience, why (the hell) do you want to come to Poland? Do you hate yourself so much? Just go to some other country with her ... she have no brain either as she is not telling you the same. If you love her, you need to get the hell out of Poland and be somewhere better. Poland doesn't have a future as good as its unfortunately influence by everything negative and the Hungarians are too near - adding to the stupid. Please don't go to Pakistan with her, I think it will be another rubbish decision.

Appalling. If you still keep trying then hang a plaque of "stupid" on your neck for the rest of your life.
2 Jun 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

not because they like the diversity

They like everything else that diverse countries are all about. Those countries are diverse, that is the only reason the Poles could be there. Its such an oxymoron, your comment that it is ludicrous.

Yes, and yes again! Poles prefer to leave for the lifestyle. If they cannot earn money in their own backyard, they are loser anyway.

In fact many europeans wish their country was in a position like poland.

Of course they do. You're high on right wing propaganda. Is xenophobia all about Islam? If you think it is you are stupid.

You take the name of countries and rape and violence? Those countries have different laws on rape and they have there statistics to show. It is not their fault that you are a stupid man with a massive inferiority complex who would only listen to those who confirms to his belief and not really look at the truth.

Homophobia, xenophobia is OK for you? GOOD. Stay in Poland and be a proud king and kindly keep there. When you grow old you will inspire others to either correct Poland or just leave.

I wish Poland would change, and I know perhaps one day it will. Till then, I'm OK to be selfish :)

You don't like it? Good. I hope you never do. That is your curse.
18 Jun 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Who the hell is Tommy Robinson?

someone who broke the law making videos in the courtroom. Him and his supporters don't like the idea of them following the law of the land. Good on the UK.

"He admitted committing contempt of court by publishing information that could prejudice an ongoing trial via a live stream on his Facebook page."
Source: independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/tommy-robinson-jailed-contempt-court-facebook-live-video-stephen-yaxley-lennon-a8374121.html