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Posts by Miloslaw  

Joined: 5 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 17 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 5027 / In This Archive: 790
From: London,England
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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7 Mar 2018
UK, Ireland / Criminal elements within the Polish community in the UK [26]

In my area most of the crime is committed by British born Indians but like RR1972,I won't offer any evidence............ ;-)
It is true that Polish criminals have come to The UK to try their luck but they are a very small minority.
In general I would say that Poles are more law abiding than Brits.
8 Mar 2018
News / Poland's MPs vote to demote communist-era army officers [13]

With the exception of The UK many young people across Europe are turning against The EU.
But in the Central/Eastern European countries it's not just the young.
I love to see Poles showing pride for their country,culture and people.
Poles have had enough of being controlled by foreign states.
They won't let it happen again.
13 Mar 2018
History / How come Poles like Russians but not Germans? [216]

I don't even think Poles ever hated ordinary Russian People.Even when she was in a Siberian Labour Camp during the war my aunt told me ordinary Russians were good and often kind people.

It is The Russian state that we Poles hate and are fearful of and nothing has changed there.
As for Germans,it's the other way round.
The German state is not too dangerous but some ordinary German people can be very arrogant and condescending.
13 Mar 2018
History / How come Poles like Russians but not Germans? [216]

It's true that Germans and Poles are both direct but I don't think many Poles have that arrogance so often shown by Germans.

I would never accuse Australians of arrogance but in my experience they are much louder than Americans.
14 Mar 2018
History / How come Poles like Russians but not Germans? [216]

Dirk Diggler - Surprisingly Brazil and Argentina have apparently hundreds of thousands of Poles

Yes,Porto Alegre in Brazil has a large Polish population.
14 Mar 2018
History / How come Poles like Russians but not Germans? [216]

Delphiandomine - The UK in comparison has plenty of actual Poles, but not that many Polonia

Before the mass influx of Poles to the UK from 2004 onwards there were over 100,000 people of Polish descent here already.
Mainly WW2 veterans and their descendents.
If you add these to the more recent arrivals it makes about 1 million.
16 Mar 2018
Food / Eating Kielbasa - how do you cook yours? [119]

But here's the thing.
Most Americans only think of kielbasa as one type of sausage.
When in truth there are dozens of different types of Polish kielbasa that all lend themselves to different types of cooking.
I don't think uncooked kielbasa have even been mentioned in this thread!
So in short,there is no answer to the question of "How to cook kielbasa",you first have to ask what type of kielbasa is it?

Whist on this subject,have any of you ever heard of Tucholska?
16 Mar 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

This is B******s of the highest order.
There is very little racism in The UK compared to other European countries,perhaps with the exceptions of Scandinavia and The Netherlands.But racism is on the increase there too.

Of the racism that exists in The UK,very little is aimed at Poles and what there exists tends to be away from metropolitan areas.

In general,British people have a very positive view of Poles.In fact I would go as far as to say they are respected.
The main critics of young Poles in The UK in my experience comes from the older generation of Poles that came here after the war!
21 Mar 2018
Life / Wroclaw - club scene [16]

Dirk(Adrian),from his posts,is obviously relatively young and not as clever as he thinks he is.
Oh,and into drugs........
22 Mar 2018
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Slavs are not descended from Sarmatians!
Slavs are a mix of Sarmatians,Scythians,Alans,Balts,Celts,Germanic tribes and many more......just like now,there is not and never has been a "pure race".That is where the German Nazis got it wrong.

We are all mongrels.....and stronger for it.
We all know what happens to inbreds.......
23 Mar 2018
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Atch - I think the forum members generally like Crow actually even if we don't agree with him.


As for Serbia,large parts of it are beautiful.The people are friendly,the cuisine and alcohol are good and the climate is pretty good too.

Serbia may have it's problems but I certainly wouldn't describe it as a shi---.
27 Mar 2018
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

The Zubr we get in The UK doesn't seem to have changed but what they sell here may not be the same as in Poland.

When in France I always drink Kronenbourg but most of the stuff they sell in The UK now is brewed here too and I can't drink it.
28 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

As other posters have said before,one of the main problems with all this "lefty-liberal" political correctness is that the general public are getting more and more fed up with it and it is encouraging increasing support for the far right.Which I am sure is something none of us want.
28 Mar 2018
Language / A mother yelling at her child in Polish [16]

So someone using the name ComickingAway who does not speak Polish,is writing a story about an immigrant mother in America and casts her as Polish.

And this doesn't ring any alarm bells with you?
28 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

Just go to YouTube and type in "no go zones".......you don't even need to type in Sweden.It just comes up.
Watch some of the videos and form your own opinion.
2 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

You guys have no real knowledge about British people's attitudes to Poles.
Just as in Poland there are a few idiots who hate foreigners but they are very much in the minority.
In general Poles are well liked and respected by The British.
Mainly because of their hard work ethic but also because many British people are aware of the Polish military contribution in WW2.
We even have a Polish war memorial in Northolt next to the airfield that 302 and 303 squadrons were based.
2 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

Dirk and Crow please stop making up stories.
Its all BS.
Dirk,you claim to have spent time here.
I have lived here most of my life and know what you say about Britain is b******s.
Crow,you have probably never been here.
I have never seen the newspaper articles Dirk claims to have read and I read the press daily.
You are both just trying to stir things up.
All lies and untruths.(There is a difference).
2 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

Crow,The Poles in The UK know the history.
They don't like the fact that Britain gave up on Poland after the war.
But they also understand that Britain declared war on Germany because of their invasion of Poland.
And are intelligent enough to understand that after the war there was nothing Britain could do to save Poland from your Russian friends.
2 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

it's all about Serbia with you.....you don't care about Poles or fellow Slavs any more than I care about Serbs.
Russia will never be a friend to Poland.
Russian people yes,Russia no.
BTW,we have had Serbs in The UK for over 20 years now,mostly illegals.
Those that aren't criminals do "hand car wash",for below the minimum wage.
But of course they don't pay taxes or national insurance.
Serbs,unlike Poles,are not highly respected in The UK.
3 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

@Dirk Diggler

You have no understanding of The British people or the media here.
The newspaper articles you talk about were not expressing anti Polish sentiments,just reporting stories of attacks on Poles
and highlighting the fact that these were wrongs committed by a bigoted minority.
"Brits get on well with Poles" is not newsworthy............
The British want immigration to be controlled.
They want to be able to control EU immigration just as they do immigration from outside The EU.
Currently any EU national can come here irrespective of their worth to Britain and even if they have no job to go to.
What is wrong with that?
And I much prefer London to Chicago.........


The EU was/is the problem,as I have explained above.
3 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]


Nice to see another voice of reason on this forum.
There are a few of you on here.
But we need more to overcome "The Nutters".

As far as The Polish diaspora goes,I think Poles and their descendants in Europe share very similar views to Poles in Poland.
Î would also say that is pretty well true of Poles in Brazil and South Africa too.
Can't comment on our Antipodian brothers and sisters as I have insufficient knowledge.
But being a very early user of the internet,from the days before the WWW,when all we had was e mail,ftp and newsgroups,

I can tell you categorically that Polish Americans are a different breed.
I haven't quite worked out why yet,even after all these years.
But they just don't think like Poles.
3 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]


Good to see another sensible poster on this forum,Witam!!

@Dirk Diggler

It's hilarious and sad to see Polish Americans with their distorted views of life in Poland and Europe.
In 2100,none of us will still be alive.
But Britain's first language will still be English.
American's first language will not be English......but you know that but chose to ignore it.
People in glass houses.....