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Posts by JeenCzlowiek33  

Joined: 4 Dec 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 8 Dec 2017
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5 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

I have met girls on gadu gadu at 16 who are super smart like that chick from the chat I posted she even revealed to me she lives alone and works and is doing amatura from homesomehow (home school or zalicznie or something). Shes basically ahead of me in life since I lost everything from my immigration and prison. WHy would you think a girl at 16 who lives alone, travels and knows what she wants can handle all that but its the worse thing in the world if she has sex with me? or a guy in his early 30s? Whats wrong with that if she chooses and its legal in Poland? Why do you have a problem with it esp since I dont want kids or get them pregnant or marriage of even long term relationships just fun and friends with benefits.

I dont get your mentality or mentality of yanks and AMericans. Its ok to die in a war, live alone, work but sex with an older loser who happens to be attractive is the worse thing in the world for these girls?
5 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

How bout this girl whom says she like me recently became an expat but her family moved her from Canada. Me and her have a connection already. Plus, look how hot she is. No 18 yr old girl is even that hot. You guys are seriously saying shes not ready for sex or wants it and you would reject her?


Here is another one with a great ass. You guys seriously would reject such a wonderful time for both you and her because of some big brother from usa morals if you had a chance?

5 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

It was way more than just 1 or 2. His accusers alone numner in like 7 and some of them were even younger than her and the oldest was like 20 even his current wife apparently was only 19 and he was like over 50. I look better and even younger for my ag than he for his age so thats the comparison. Btw, in Poland it is still common but only in rural areas you see in places like Jasien girls at 16 carrying cribs to the park.

"But yes, women are attracted to money. An old guy who rolls up in a Mercedes convertible in an Armani suit is much more likely to pick up a 18 year old college freshman as a sugar baby than say some old dude who's driving some pos Honda."

Or me. Like I said before, I was only used by them and everytime I try to make a connection with them even up to this day they use me and have power over me like those girls near palac kultury who tried to extort me for vodka and one was taking pics when I told her not to and acting like a fool running around trying to take my photo when I covered up. Like I said, I never even had sex with a girl younger than 20 in my entire life.

And my situation was always the same, whether here or America, whether I had a car or didnt due to duis whether I still lived at home or now alone, its always same.
6 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

Lol at the comment from that same article:

"Niedawno na Szewskiej pod Banana Dance Club też był taki, co się nie bał. Zmarł w szpitalu parę dni po tym jak go skatowało dwóch "patriotów" z patriotycznymi symbolami na bluzach."

It seems that the patriots or nationalists are the hardest in Poland. Are they hard enough to take on the russian or ukrainian bydlo though? WHen the two groups meet each other and you can twll pure cockyness, confidence, nothing to lose on both groups faces what happens?
6 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

"Like I said, girls at 16 17 18 even up to 20 care"

They care about ages or about money?

Dirk, theyre talking about different areas of Wroclaw one guy seen crazy **** at some banana dance club the other at some street where parties are there all night between hoodlums and loose chicks. Pasaz Niepolda or something.

But drik Ive seen some tough russian faces here in Warsaw. One guy was mean mugging me in a bar and he totally had that flat russian face with nothing to lose. But you never see them around the hooldum aprts of warsaw but the good spots for some reason maybe so they can feel tough being ruskies?
7 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]


I think in almost all western countries only non white people live in hoods there or ghettos and in general the white males are sissy feminine metrosexuals. you dont see people like in thst wroclaw district described in thst onet.pl comment secrion of news article or certain parts of praga or sosnowiec who will stab you for looking at them wrong or chase tou out or evne chekc you just for going in some of those osiedles except poland and non west places in europe like romania, serbia, ukraine, russia, etc. thats the main difference why poland is still gangster and as east as them not france or germany. i didnt see one ghetto when i was in germany and even the street where blacks were dealing had young chicks by thrmselves feles afe enough to hang out or walk alone ther (warschaus trasse) and I saw one tough german dude get arrested as he was trying to fight people but he may not have been german and thats one guy or needle in a haystack. also, the difference is that youc ans till get things done withf avors or through acwuiantances unlike umerica where in poland no lawyers need to be involved hardly anywhere you dont need to constantly sign comtracts to prevent you from suing ppl like you do in america for joining any mma gym and you can get a job without background checks. its less corproate and lawyer heavy thats for sure.

but even germany, a county of the west is totally different form umerica when it comes to sex. almsot the whole world is. no country is so feminist, and extreme in protecting womens rights and girls and girls chastities and onsessed about age even if its only one yr difference than umerica. usa is not even west its a melting pot or crap of the world together.
7 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

to the guy who said praga district now is gentrified, i dare you to go inside this one osiedle i took a pic of before they tried jumping me or threatening me for no other reason is i was just looking at the mural and enjoying a beer inside their osiedle. Here is its picture:


go across from where this guy is pissing in thst osiedle thst has a getto praga mural and a back section with a bunch of heads just standing around all day you can see from the main street them standing there or doing some business. also its the most active osiedle in terms of people particularly young males going in and out. here is a oic of me i took im there but i only went to the back secrion for a sec when no one was there kicking it:


if you go to alternatywa or alternative warsaw tour the guide will tell you the main street particularly some osiedlas like this inside it is the worse in terms of murder or heaviest crimes in the whole city. Here is this main street where the osiedle is in one of he doorways to left:


i dare any of you guys to go in there esp all the way to the back area within the osiedle and come baxk out. i would double dsre you to hand out in there for even a minute and see what happens. ill pay you like 50 zloty if you do it lol. esp in mid day or night time. its right across a crumboing wall where fuy is pissing. One time I saw this young hoodlum teen guarding entrance on bike saying we got nothing right now or nothing today.

lol so I find out that 16 yo girl who lives alone ive been talking to on gadu gadu is a self sdmitted sociopath:

lol so tske this forum and you guys really think i or you should csre about whats food for her or her feelings or somehow sex can damage her with me beyond what shes already damaged?
7 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

Dude, come on she just admitted shes a sociopath and self centered herself. why would you care what even happens to someone like thst? you yourself or your society in Umerica believes in no empathy putting in prison for yrs often innocent or voercharged of things they didnt do, sells people, lawyers who take advsntage to make money off peoples misery. you make excuse thwt its ok treating bad people bad because theyre bad so why should a sociopath her in this case not get her medicine? your whole umerican society flaunts that. and what makes you think she cant make an informed decision? like I said, if she can live alone and survive she can make many informed decisions and actually has better survival skills thsn me. sedondly how would sex damage her and do anything besides give her a good time? and also, baxk to the topic of sociopaths. plenty of females are this, they use fuys only for money or to get their way and dont care about their feelings or anything in between either. so why should you or a society care about them or their feelings when they dont care about you or your feelings or anyone around them? ive seen how some women talk to their own fsmilies and how vile they can be why do you continue to defend every female and put me or every male down for doing anything against them even as little as sexual harassment when many od them do so much worse?

oh and welcome to the real world. society is not empathetic and is sociompathic like youd escribed, esp in america. try being a freelance writer like me and seeing how many people will try ripping you off and not caring you wasted a week or so doing work for the, and deserve to be paid and may not have bread on the table at the end of the month or rent money. yea society is exactly how you tried to describe me. try to be ane z con in america and youll see how empathetic thst society is. and what makes 18 yr olds be able to make informed decisions? what makes tyem two yrs more so much smarter particularly the ones who do porn? shouldnt porn have much higher standards of age than just sex? i mean the whole world will see them and them degraded and in life very few of them act that way or any guy caj get away with spitting on thrm, pissing on them, etc. all the stuff you see in porn?

Another thing you totally didnt cath is I posted proof a link to an article about a u.s. senator where the girl who was 17 and half his age later praised him and has no ill feelings. i remember on vsrious forums girls taokimg about particularly the weird ones or lonely ones on forums like lolita imdb how they enjoy the attention and such relationships. one was now a woman on imdb would visit the dateline forum and even rbagged about boinking some old dude who was her professor and she was only 16 but happened to go to college that young for some resson. they crave it, they eant it too bro.

lol I thought zi posted it, zi k ow dirk resd it but the mods must have removed it. anyway I found this which is even better and proves my point all men do it if given a chance:



Found it:
why not just relax, not judge me and just live a little? Wow what a life this guy and his friend trump had, what a life almost as good as the ukrainians:

in Polish:

8 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

"A 16 year old cannot possible know that about herself, it's teen posing and a healther person recognizes that."

yet they charge them particularly males occused of crimes in the u.s. with the death penalty and as adults. so Amerikkka is wrong then you admit yet again? and btw, everything I said about that crap gold digger, full of bums and ****** and gang banger filth. trash country with hypocrytes and laws that defend cowards is spot on and Putin is right too.

"Second, the US justice system is not this exploitative thing looking to do you damage. You damaged yourself, by attempting to lure a CHILD for your sick and nefarious purposes, and you were rightly sent to prison for that crime, not long enough unfortunately. "

before you post more stupidity get your facts straight p. I was sent to prison for only confronting and later fighting back against a white trash cultist who gives drugs to his own kids and was trying to distribute drugs in my neighborhood. basically theys ent me for yrs to prison for exactly the same thing you wish to do to me or threaten me and i had a lot more reasons then you. try talking to someone hwo is trying to use his own kids as shields like a coward throwing things at you and when you come close outs his kids on his shoulder. here is his facebook profile, just look at thst pathology thst your country defended and thst continues to exist in your country with no one beside me trying to do anything about it (scamming people, selling drugs, abusing his own kids he even keeps showing naked kids inv arious pics while he holds them up and bragged he was a kid making machine with like 14 kids):


nothing I went to prison for im ashamed for. If you think contronting pathology or dead beat dads (i never had a dead and cant stand trash like this) or gypsies or people who come into your neighborhood and start moving drugs then youre pathology trash yourself like ur mom was when she had u and hope you end up like me cause ill use the same coward tactics like this guy from now one since in ur land apaprently it works.

There is nothing I did that the U.S crap government and country full of hicks, cowards black and brown gang banging filth and white trash punished me for through lies and deceits on both the system and the cowards who played victims part, that I am ashamed of. Why would I be ashamed of being a man and standing my ground (many states including FLorida has this law and the whole planet should have it and I am not talking about using guns like that coward Zimmerman but martial art skills like I did in my case which every gym would advise or tell their students in that situation to do). I may be not proud or a bit ashamed of my two duis but thats because it cost my mom and fmaily a lot of grief and money but fighting bar coweards who group up or some half native american gypsy wannabe filth who starts cults and produces over 10 kids who look like beggars or junkies is much more of a hero than that subway new york guy who fought the muslim with the knie on the tram or those Umericans who attacked muslims on a plane. Muslims are a lot less filth than this guy imo and just looking at him makes me want to take him out of the gene pool. It makes me think Hitler was onto something with eugenics.
8 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

This is for whom Santa Cruz county gave me a multi year prison sentence for simply confronting and putting in a rear naked choke after he attacked me. Do you believe me? Why would I make this up. its worse than a greek tragedy. This guy was a cultist and making kids after kids being a deadbest dad and from the looks of it creating generstions of pathologies and maybe giving young kids drugs. why was I wrong standing up against that? Just because I was a sex offender from hick county for simply trying to meet someone and liking yougner girls makes me incapable of empathy against other forms of abuse or real abuse or make me be able to stand up against it or be a man? just because I am Polak or foreign? why would they do that to me?

How can you call me a **** person for choking out a pos like that and who attacked me first? If that makes me a pos person than any ma gym owner or really any mma athlete must be a **** person to you too because any of them would have done the exact same thing. You think just because I happen to be a sex offender for crap deal making, crap county hick trash, crap lies by cops (thus I had no chance) should make me not be able to be a man and fight or stand my ground against ur country's filth?
8 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]

well they were the ones harassing me in jail or grouping up, so i give them the same medicines on street when I train mma and am confident enough i odnt baxk down from them whether at bars or praga district, etc. ill run into them. plus I carry a knife.

In the u.s. ive been virtually my whole life on probation since meeting that firl or trying to. sicne iw as 24 i was either in jails prison or on probations there so i know themr eal well, the thug element and how abxking down or showing weakness is what gets them off.

Ive seen a lot of Mesicans and hispanics in california to do eay more lewd things than I did with trying to meet that girl or even our donversations and aive never seen them be prodecuted or arrested or really not getting away with their typical behavior. for instance in santa cruz there is a lot of ex cons and ex mexican gang bangers or just weird fat creepy mesicans taking pictures of young girls or kids in bikinis from the bridge overlooking the beach. what would you do about it if youd seen it? cause aive seen it many times. and in santa cruz there is a white guy who lays on the beach almost naked and its a regular beach hes bold too and fat with steing like underwear. all over thst towns tuff like that exists and they even have a saying there, "keep santa cruz weird," so really how would you deal with it if you lived there sauger if you have a hard time co posing yourself even talking to me?

and thats the other thing I dont get, why is it that in jails or prisons they harass white people who have sex cases when almost all hispanics even gang bangers are perverts? they and the media in a way seems to accept that in their culture but its ok to harass and prey on other whites there. why? cowardice? fear? white people being super weak in the west?

by the way to all those who hate my idea for business and hate me in general you do know that almost any **** site in the u.s. oeprstor would do the same thing if he was lucky enough to live in a country in east euro right? you do realize that met art arguably one of the most successful naked modeling sites running since 98 at one time even had like 12 yr olds on there right? so you think im worse seuger or wtf your name is for trying to meet a firl that age than a site that is durrently active and whose oeprwtor never even had ascase against him for uploading for the whole world to see images of them naked? is that how ur logic works? trust me im one of millions of men out there and iw as only 24 yrs old and she liked me to no matter what you say. read this if u dont believe me about met art (just articles no images or nothing so dont trip about clicking it):
