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Posts by SigSauer  

Joined: 2 Oct 2017 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 13 Apr 2018
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Posts: Total: 378 / In This Archive: 224

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2 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well.

I am an American citizen, defense contractor, previously living in Estonia and now in the Middle East. My fiancee is Polish, and we would really love to move there and start our family. The main issue for me regarding this is employment. I was hoping to hear from some other expats that work for multi-nationals about what opportunities exist. I have tried a number of searches, and there just does not seem to be a centralized place to search for expat careers. I don't need to post my CV here, but I have two masters degrees, one in Education (US certified educator), and the other in Global Supply Chain Management(Logistics). I do not speak Polish, only English & Russian. While I wanted to stay in defense contracting, this does not seem to be possible as there are no contracts in Poland currently.

Really looking forward to hearing from you guys, always interested to find out how expats get on abroad. Have a great day everyone!
2 Oct 2017
Work / Popular expat jobs in Poland [14]

I know this is an old thread, but if any of the western expats wouldnt mind contacting me regarding what they do career wise, I'd appreciate it. I am looking for opportunities anywhere in Poland.
2 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]

Wulkan.... Thanks for the precision of language and the Ben Shapiro quote. It is the prevailing term used, but I actually have no problem being an emigre since I'm marrying a Polish citizen. Perhaps I should have clarified, careers for westerners who do not speak Polish?
2 Oct 2017
Work / Popular expat jobs in Poland [14]


If that person does not speak Polish as a requirement of their job, that would be great, thank you!
2 Oct 2017
Work / Popular expat jobs in Poland [14]


I didn't know about this site. Thank you for the useful link! Much appreciated.
2 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]


Thank you for an excellent reply bro.......I thought along the same lines as you. The vetting will not be a problem as I'm currently working on a 1bln$ contract administered by the US Army, I jumped through 6 months of hoops and BI's before I deployed here to the middle east. You are right that if I need a TS for any of those jobs, my foreign contacts from my years in Estonia will all need to be investigated, and that just means a long arduous process.

I wouldn't be able to survive on a salary teaching English, what do those guys make, $800/month? That's cool for a backpacker, and I am only 29, but I'm a grown up, ESL is not a career.

I thank you for the other leads you mentioned, I'll be certain to investigate those thoroughly. Props on the expat definition, I don't really understand the hostility when I was just asking some questions and being polite.
3 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]


I'll be an expat until I have a Polish passport. Even so, I still have allegiance to America, and dying though it may be, it is still the best and most powerful country in the history of human existence, and the greatest country on Earth.
3 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]


Right, because being patriotic is a problem? I guess you should drive around Chicago and tell the people with Polish flags hanging from their porch that they have to go back to Poland. That doesn't bother me, they add something great to America. I hope you can sort out whatever inner issues you have that makes you behave this way with disdain and hate.
3 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]

It would depend on which metric you wanted to use to determine that. I wasn't speaking empirically, but emotionally, of course I love the country which allows me to travel the world, which offers amazing consular services wherever I am in the world. Honestly, I hope everyone feels that their country is the greatest in the world. I am certainly not the "Murica F-yeah" guy in the room, quite to the contrary, and if you read my posts you can see I have a great deal of respect for the nations that have hosted me as a resident. We can save the debate on the relative power of the early Roman Empire versus present day America for another thread, it would be interesting, as there are some striking similarities.


You may be amused, I don't feel any contempt for you either, but rather pity that things didn't work out in your country of register and now you feel disdain for your countrymen. I feel bad for a person that makes assumptions about other people they've not met (career). I can't make any assumptions about you because I don't know you, I'd never be so haughty as to do so.
3 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]

@Dirk diggler

Dolce bellum inexpertis!

I agree with that. I could move to Japan and get citizenship, but I will NEVER be Japanese. America is a truly unique place that welcomes people with open arms, and allows you as a 1st generation immigrant to be one of us. I would hope I receive a warm welcome when it is time to make the permanent move to Poland, some of the comments here don't give me hope however.
3 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]


I meant that more as a sentiment than honestly believing I was going to have some welcome parade from the Poles. This isn't my first rodeo, I lived for the past 3 years in Estonia, I speak fluent Russian, and I am quite familiar with slavic culture being that I'm engaged to a Pole and all. The stoicism is not unfamiliar to me.
8 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


What total and utter nonsense. Have you lived in Ukraine? I have. Have you been offered Ukrainian citizenship for what you've done for the country? If not, then your opinion is seriously off the mark here. Ukrainians are Ukrainians, end of story. They're proud, extremely patriotic, and there is NO support for Russian terrorists in the East of the country. Ukraine will not give up 1 inch of territory without extreme bloodshed, as it should be. The Budapest memorandum guarantees the territorial inviolability of Ukraine, and despite the international community dropping the ball, the Ukrainians now have the largest standing army in Europe. You people can talk about whatever you want, but how DARE you propose carving up Ukraine, do you know how offensive such a proposal is to Ukrainians and people who love Ukraine?
8 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


Do I care that you're Serbian? Not really.

Ukraine's borders were agreed to, as was its constitution by all oblasts, POST-Soviet and POST-Communism. Under the Ukrainian constitution no oblast can declare independence without ALL oblasts voting in a referendum. Hence, the referendum in OCCUPIED Crimea is illegal under international law, and was held at gun point. The Eastern regions of Luhansk and Donetsk AT MOST had 25% ethnic Russians, and of those many still spoke Ukrainian regularly. You didn't like when Kosovo declared independence, why would you defend people who do something similar in another country? That totally ignores the fact however, that it was NEVER a grass roots movement in Ukraine for separation, and instead a Russian GRU military operation spearheaded by Igor 'Strelkov' Girkin and his useful Ukrainian idiots Vyacheslav Ponomarev (since executed like all the other Russian parasites - Motorola, Givi, etc). In the post WWII order, borders were agreed upon, these are international norms and we ought to respect them (I am and was against the independence of Kosovo by the way).

The fact remains that Russian terrorists are occupying parts of Ukraine. You're going to tell me about Ukraine, when my best friends mom had her apartment blown to bits by Uragan rockets fired on CIVILIANS by Russian terrorists. Again when I lived in Ukraine in the summer of 2015, Russian terrorists fired Uragans on Mariupol and killed 30 civilians. There were no military targets, only apartment blocks. Ukraine is defending its sovereignty and territory. The Donbas-1 and Donbas-2 battalions are comprised almost exclusive of people FROM Donbasa. The Ukrainian 95th Paratrooper regiment is almost 80% residents of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

Sell your Russia Today, Rossiya 24, TASS, lies and propaganda to someone who didn't live in the country and experience this, to someone who doesn't own a business in the country.

8 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


If Donbas wants to be autonomous, they can do it with the crap sliver of land they are squatting on with their Russian parasite buddies, but it will not be a part of Ukraine. The geopolitical impetus for wanting an 'autonomous' Donbas within Ukraine is so that Russia can exert its influence over independent Ukraine. They no longer have a puppet in office like Yanu, who is willing to pilfer $40bln USD from one of the poorest countries in Europe and put it in his personal bank account (que Putins personal slush fund Rosinvest). Ukraine will never let that happen.

If I believe the Russian lies that all of the Russian soldiers who have been captured in Ukraine were there on "vacation," or that the day before they were captured they were discharged from the Russian Army, well then I would really like to see one of our ships with 5,000 US Marines dock in Odessa for "holiday."

Poland supposed to be the main topic here
8 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


You really just exemplified how little you know about Ukraine-Polish relations. My closest friend in Kyiv is a diplomat for the Polish embassy. It is Poland's MOST IMPORTANT diplomatic posting! They share a common enemy, Russia, and because of that the relations between Kyiv and Warsaw have never been stronger since 2014. There are 0 "Nazis" on the streets, 0 "nazis" in Parliament, and this Banderistan, Banderovyts nonsense is largely Russian propaganda seeking to drive a wedge between Poland and Ukraine. You base your opinions off of the propaganda you see on TV, and I base mine on first hand knowledge, first hand relationships with Ukrainian diplomats, military officers, and battalion fighters. As in, I WAS THERE, you weren't.
9 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


Could you please stop calling it Novorossiya, there is no such place on a map, it does not exist. You can refer to them as the "Self-declared DNR republic," or "Self-declared LNR republic," or simply "Terrorists in the East." There are no freedom fighters there, only FSB, GRU, Russian regulars, and Kadyrovyts.

Also, your use of a pejorative racial slur to refer to Ukrainians as "Ukrop"(dill) is unwelcome here, and i almost certain it is a violation of the terms of service to be on this board. Take your racial bigotry somewhere else. Russia has 0 vested interest in Ukraine, they are a sovereign country, and have the RIGHT to chart their own path, and to make alliances with WHOMEVER THEY PLEASE. слава україні
9 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


Shhh.......facts don't fit the agenda here, that countries aren't responsible for their own problems, it's all America's fault. So far this week on this forum, I've heard people talking about Slavic unity while simultaneously driving a wedge between Poland and Ukraine by repeating propaganda, and then earlier someone extolling to virtues of "uncorrupted communism" whatever the F--- that is?!, on a forum whose sole purpose is to discuss Poland, a country who was ravaged and lived under the thumb of communist oppression for 60 years, and caused UNTOLD suffering and misery for its people.

Carry on.
9 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


Since this is related to Poland in a way. Please tell me other than Praviy Sektor (Right Sector) who is an extremely fringe political element that the government in Kyiv is OPENLY HOSTILE to, where are the Nazis? Please name them, other than Oleg Lyashko who is really just a nationalist, not a white supremacist, who are the 'Nazis'? I lived there for several years (3 blocks from parliament near ulitsa Institutskaya) and never could spot a single one. Like I mentioned previously, trying to stir up a complete false, intellectually dishonest argument that there are ANY "Nazis" running things in Kyiv is only to serve sewing disunion between Warsaw and Kyiv, and thankfully it's not working on anyone with more than 3 brain cells.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Neo-Nazis in former Yugoslavia:

Nacionalni stroj (National Alignment) - Serbia
Serbian Action - Serbia
Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights - Croatia


National Socialist Society
Pamyat Nazi Party
Russian National Unity
Russian National Socialist Party

You were saying?

In regards to Poland:
National Revival of Poland cooperates with Ukrainian Svoboda and the Right Sector, whilst Association for Tradition and Culture "Niklot" and "Autonomous Nationalists" even sent members to fight in War in Donbass within the ranks of far-right Azov Battalion.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Yea, exactly to your link. The leaders in the self-proclaimed DNR/LNR are a who's who of scumbags, derelicts, gopniks, and titushki. Alexander Zakarchenko ran a god damn soap factory before he became "General Major" in the Oplot battalion of Russian losers. Borodai got relieved because everyone started to wonder why people born in Moscow were in charge of Ukrainian cities. What a joke, and that this stuff isn't transparent to people even in Serbia is amazing. The DNR/LNR have 695 main battle tanks in an area the size of the state of Delaware. That is more main battle tanks than all of the armies in Europe combined, I guess they went down to the local tank dealership and picked em up half price.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Crow, you literally have no idea what you are talking about with regards to Ukraine. Just stop already. There is no genocide in Ukraine, and the majority of the civilian casualties are caused by the indiscriminate shelling of the fake rebel forces (I.e.- Russian FSB/GRU terrorists). There was never a genocide or even a persecution of Russians in eastern Ukraine (na vostok). That was largely fabricated by Russian GRU, there are god damn phone intercepts of agents checking in with their handlers in Rostov-On-Don (rostov-na-donu) after shooting at both protesters AND police in Odessa in order to sew chaos. Last summer two Russian GRU (sabotage&reconnaissance) soldiers were shot and captured in the East and taken to Kyiv. They are what caused the release of Nadezhda Savchenko who was illegally kidnapped and taken from Ukrainian territory to Russia.

You should for one minute, put aside your prejudices and preconceived notions, and listen to people who know a hell of a lot more than you do about the conflict in the country, and not just from things they have read, but from being there.
10 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


I would be way more concerned about rounding up people who held positions of power under the communist government and summarily executing them, than I would the German government paying reparations.

That is really funny the UK detesting Poles right? While the welcome thousands upon thousands of Bronze age savages into their country.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Yea I misunderstood your post sorry, I thought you meant there was a present day genocide happening in the East. The rest of my post is entirely accurate though if you care to address it. Obviously I know about the genocide which took place around Lutsk in Volynskaya oblast.
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]


It's not a feature of only PiS policy. In fact, it is a pervasive problem across Eastern Europe. Based both on evidence in reports, and anecdotally from expat investors I know personally. Property rights in many post-Soviet states is a problem with antiquated laws on the books, corrupt judges who take bribes, and allow legalized theft to take place. I don't have much sympathy for people who engage in this, particularly when they are trying to court foreign investors as is the case in Ukraine. The woes of one French winemaker in Odessa oblast are enough to scare away most foreigners.
19 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

You're thinking way too highly of yourself, coincidentally the same kind of self aggrandizement ACTUAL Nazi's took part in, thinking they were the center of the world, and that everyone was out to get them.

FACT: There are no Nazi's in the Ukrainian government, No Banderovyts in the government or military. These are fabricated Russian moskali lies. Keep sipping on that pepper vodka Boris.

Lol yes, NATO is the cause of all the ills in your **** hole country of Montenegro. If big bad NATO would just leave you poor "victims" alone everything would be ok, and your country would be able to take your rightful place as a glorious Slavic nation that should lord over the Untermensch (everyone who isnt a slav).

Poland is slated to be the most successful economy in Eastern Europe, their unemployment is shockingly low. They are a member of both NATO and the EU, which affords Poland a level of stability that would not have been possible without either organization. The EU development fund has been hugely beneficial to their infrastructure, reforming political organizations, etc. NATO allows them to have a medium sized military while still staying protected from Russia.

You know what Montenegrans do here? They do the **** labor, and they accept crap working conditions because we know you'll take the money and just be grateful not to be in that micro-state barely putting food on your table.

In honor of you Crnogorac3, I have a new hashtag slogan. #NukesOnPodgorica

Think harder before you speak to your betters.
22 Oct 2017
Work / Confused ... 1 yr London Vs Poland Base hiring [30]

I don't know why $100k has become the litmus test of being well off. The truth is its barely getting by in the major cities and the North East of the United States.