History /
Polish-Hungarian border exchange? [60]
I know this post of mine is quite old already, but I wanted to clear some things regarding it.
First of all, during the conversation, the 13 towns of Spis got mentioned. - Actually the territories wich the my OP was about have nothing to do with those territories. Spis is not even part of Poland.
Second, if I already mentioned Spis, I would like explain the legal situation of it at the time. Ironside said because the pledge was never paid back, those Spis towns became the part of the Polish Crown. This statement is not right. First of all Spis never became part of the Polish Crown, the pledge agreement itself forbids it, and this agreement was never broken until 1773, when the Habsburg-Polish treaty returned it to Hungarian control. Further evidence that the "13 towns of Spis" was never incorporated into the Polish Crown that it always enjoyed significant levels of autonomy, and these cities contributed to the Hungarian Diet and not to the Polish.
Third, back to the territories mentioned in my OP, I talked about territorial exchange, so the Polish would receive something in return, most probably money. The border in this hypothetical sceniario would be the same as the border was for hundreds of years until 1918. (I know I already posted this map but, it's easier this way for me and I would like to correct my mistakes if I had earlier.
The thick line is the current border of Poland and Slovakia, in this sceniario Hungary would purchase the lands marked as "2", "3" and "7".
I hope you read it, and maybe cleared some things up. Cheers!