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Posts by WaleedAly  

Joined: 1 Feb 2016 / Male ♂
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From: Egypt, Cairo
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1 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

Merged: Living In Poland with Hijab

Hello Everyone,

I have an offer in Poland, Wroclaw and I'm considering accepting the offer. I'm from Egypt and I'm a Muslim. I will be moving to Poland by my wife and son.My wife wears Hijab.

I did some researches and found out that The people of the country are mostly friendly people :) .

But i needed your opinion:
Are we going to face any difficulties?
Are the people going to accept my wife?
1 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]


who said that i'm obligating anything she wears Hijab as her choice and if she choose to not wear i will support her too.

You said that ((woman are free to wear what they want)) then that means if my wife wants to wear Hijab she is free to wear it right? she shoudln't be obligated by you or me or anyone to particular kind of cloths, right?

I also lived in UK for a year and she were able to wear whatever she wants.

Note: she doesn't wear the all black kind of Hijab
1 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

I doubt if she still wears it outside the Masjid or her home.


If you like I can ask the women in the Masjid on Friday(if Allah wills) about their experiences with the Hijab in town.

Yes please that will be a great help for me.
1 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

From what i read you don't have problem with Muslim People but some of you are not very fund of Hijab and think it is unnecessary accessory of cloth?

i do respect all your ideas and thoughts but still it is my wife's decision to choose if she wants to wear Hijab or not.

And until now she wants to wear it and she believes and i do too it is part of the Muslim religion.

so do wearing the Hijab will Harm her in Poland or be a barrier?
1 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

It is the rapes in Cologne, the murder of Alexandra Mezher by cold blood at Sweden by a illegal immigrant, it is all the rapes of Hamburg, the riots, all that sh1t.

again that not muslims that are terrorists please it is insulting to any muslim to say that these are acts of muslims.

These don't represent MUSLIMS.
1 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

Muslim countries don't force hijab on anyone except in saudi arabia and iran.
In egypt it is optional to wear what ever you want.
I do believe it should be like this everywhere even in saudi arabia and iran

And it is not out of respect for my wife to take off hijab it is her choice and belief that should guide her to do so.
2 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

example here where i live

Where do you live?

If that practice include put others safety in risk, than it is not valid.

A woman or a girl wearing Hijab put others in RISK ?!!!! how?

we are taking about a peace of clothe covering the hear, how this going to put anyone at RISK?
2 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]


I lived in Saudi Arabia for 12 years it was a very hard time. They only force their traditions not an Islam thing for women to wear black.

my Sister was 12 years old and she was forced to wear Hijab and black dress.

What is happening in Saudi Arabia is not an Islamic thing it is Saudi's Government enforcing their traditions.

Even Muslims think that KSA enforcing of this is wrong.

In Most of other Muslim countries you can wear whatever you want, it is your own decision.
and you are allowed to practice any religion you want, Muslim Countries don't force.
The Islam itself have a rule that you shouldn't force anyone to do anything, what is happening in KSA is purely their own decision.

there are 50 or mor muslim countries in the world, only two of them force their culture clothes (KSA and Iran) that is 4% you can't say that Muslims force anything on others with this percentage.

For the same reason that you cannot enter with a motorcycle helmet at a bank.

a motorcycle helmet will be covering your face, and here in Egypt if you are wearing a Helmet that doesn't cover your face (cover only your head) you will be allowed to enter the Bank as this will not be a risk as you still see the face.

if your argument is valid then a nun can't enter a Bank also!! But they do enter Banks.
2 Feb 2016
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

Only his family, and that will depend on the reaction of the family if they accept this or not.

i mean that nothing can force him, but his family might react to this and this reaction will vary from one family to another.

I know 2 Muslims who decided that they don't believe in Islam anymore, and their families accepted their decision.

But there was a case in Egypt of a musilm girl which was killed by her family for doing so.

and another girl (christian) which wanted to convert to Islam and her family killed her.

it is not about the religion it is totally about the mindset of the people.