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Posts by Chamonix  

Joined: 9 Sep 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Oct 2015
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10 Sep 2015
Life / Christian Fellowships & Prayer groups in Poland - Szczecin [43]

If you want to do true bible study then you need to find a Seventh Day Adventist church, they have them in Poland. You wont get any joy out of Rome because they changed the commandments to suit their agenda. All religions kiss the papal/jesuit ring apart from the Adventists. Hope this helps.
11 Sep 2015
Life / Christian Fellowships & Prayer groups in Poland - Szczecin [43]

I'm sorry? You find the anti catholic overtones to be offensive, then on the other hand, you say -

I'm sure anyone that wants to study the bible will get just as much joy out of the Catholic Church than they will out of the loonies in the Seventh Day Adventist churches.

You say myth and then fail to read your own link which clearly states that they have removed gods second commandment of not making graven images or bowing down to them. What do the catholic church do? They make graven images and then bow down to them. Not only that, they make money from them, selling statues of mary, selling images of their saints etc.

Not only that. Sunday was the first day of the week as Saturday was the last. Saturday is Gods holy sabbath day as the last day of the week. The vatican has made Sunday (the first day of the week) it's holy day.

Who feels they have the authority to change Gods commandments?

This is an excerpt from your own catholic article -

4. We believe the Catholic Church alone has the authority to give to God's people an authoritative list of the Ten Commandments.

Now the gentleman was asking which church does bible study, so i told him that the Adventist church do bible study. The first hour of their sabbath services are dedicated to bible study.

Who has the biblical truth and follows the whole bible and nothing but the bible? Remembering that Judaism only follows the old testament? The answer is easy - The Seventh Day Adventists have the TRUTH

This is laughable.
11 Sep 2015
Life / Christian Fellowships & Prayer groups in Poland - Szczecin [43]

Well this is why it is good that we still have freedom of choice and freedom of speech because if we didn't then we would not have freedom of thought. The poster - Cecilraj has freedom of choice and he will choose the denomination that he/she feels comfortable with.

There are many Protestant churches, however all apart from the Adventists have forgotten the reformation and some even sacrifice Jesus over and over again by the catholic ritual of the eucharist.

Remembering of course that when we look upon the grandeur, pomp and ceremony of the catholic churches, full of images and idols and vast sums of money extracted from the poor while the cardinals and priests drive around as gods in chauffeur driven Mercs,-

The Adventist churches appear more as did Jesus on the donkey. God works in mysterious ways......... ;-)
11 Sep 2015
Life / Christian Fellowships & Prayer groups in Poland - Szczecin [43]

I'm no scholar of Genisis, my specialty is more the book of Daniel. But didn't the snake encourage eve to eat from the tree against God's wishes? Is the snake not referring to the anti-christ? Why have a festival for the anti-christ? Bit weird is it not?
11 Sep 2015
Life / Christian Fellowships & Prayer groups in Poland - Szczecin [43]

Deny evolution????? They merely want the theory proven so they can except it as fact. If i had a shop selling ****, then you Jon, i would want as my first and biggest customer. But not on a Saturday. For i would be closed on a Saturday. Bring many Zlotties mate.
31 Jan 2017
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

I think the reason as to why people are sceptical is because the name has been changed from global warming to climate change. I think the name is changing more than the actual climate to be fair.