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Posts by Uncle Mitch  

Joined: 9 Sep 2015 / Male ♂
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Posts: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
From: USA, Tennessee
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Hunting, fishing, history, economics, politics, carpentry, hiking, camping

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Uncle Mitch   
9 Sep 2015
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Hello all. This is my first post as a member. This thread just happened to be one of the first interesting ones I saw.
I am 45 years old and have spent my entire life in the US. All of my great grandparents were born in Poland and came to the US circa 1900. I have recently become very interested in learning more about the history of Poland, and interacting with Polish people. Believe it or not, it is extremely common among Americans to not take much interest in their European heritage. I could be described this way until recently.

I was born in NJ and moved to the South (North Carolina) as a young adult. I now have a home and a cabin with some land in Tennessee. I'm an RF engineer in the telecommunications industry, single, never married. Currently in a relationship with a lady of Czech descent who grew up in Nebraska and lives in Colorado (My home is in Tennessee, but I travel for work quite a bit and have spent the better part of the last 3 years in Colorado, where we met). It is funny to me (not meaning to insult anyone) that in other parts of the world we might be considered "different," since in the US we are extremely similar on a relative basis (compared to the lack of homogeneity in the cities and suburbs here).

On topic, I have never been considered anything but white by anyone, ever. Never any doubt about that. I do get some funny looks from the Scots-Irish people of the South (Tennessee, North Carolina) when they hear my Northeastern accent (though it has faded) or read my last name, but I don't seem out of place by appearance as far as I know.

Looking forward to interacting here.
Uncle Mitch   
9 Sep 2015
Life / Imagine a man killing 15 students in Poland. Would Polish flag be removed? [26]

Listen to johnny reb, guys. He understands Confederate history and culture well. I can see that some of you are getting the leftist narrative about the Confederate flag. I've lived my entire life in the US - half in the heart of the birthplace of the nation (Philadelphia area) and half in North Carolina nad Tennessee. The white people of the South get along better with Blacks than do the white people in the North. The Stars and Bars represent their heritage to them. In modern days it has also filled a role as a symbol of defiance to the invading hordes from the North who move there for the weather, low cost of living, and office jobs in and around Raleigh, Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville, etc., and vote Democrat.

The US is coming apart at the seams culturally. The South could actually persevere as a nation with some tweaks. Other than some rural parts of the West and Midwest, that can't be said for any other parts of the physical country.

That war was far more complicated than casual readers understand. The rewriters of history want you to believe it was about slavery. Lincoln wanted to send the Blacks back to Africa after the war.
Uncle Mitch   
9 Sep 2015
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

"IMO, if you have never stepped foot on the homeland you cannot consider yourself that ancestry."
I don't understand. Though most Americans are mixed, as far as I know all of my great grandparents came to New Jersey directly from Poland. Of course that is my ancestry, by definition. I worked for a guy who was my age, who came to the US from Poland at age 18, who told me that he hired me because I was Polish, even though I'm 4th generation American. I'm just quibbling with you in a friendly way, man. I understand that people see things differently. I never said I was a Polish National or anything like that. Anyway, I'm here to learn something. I only read the first and last pages of this thread. I think I will start here by reading this one in its entirety.
Uncle Mitch   
9 Sep 2015
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

"oh please not that old chestnut"

It is fascinating that there are people who will still try to refute the racial IQ difference. I simply can't believe that you don't privately acknowledge it, at least to yourself, so I wonder why you insist on saying this.
Uncle Mitch   
9 Sep 2015
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

I was being lazy, edited.. "who try to refute the evidence-based assertion that there is a one standard deviation difference in mean IQ between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans with wishful thinking"

How's that?
Of course I have heard of cultural bias; I am very familiar with IQ testing. Cultural bias is one of the myriad defenses leftists flail about in desperate denial of truth that threatens their narrative. Test makers have been doing backflips for decades trying to create a test that closes that gap. Maybe you could do something constructive and work on another one. Lol.