14 Nov 2014
Life / Looking for where to find information about a Polish prescription drug (eve drops) [6]
Something like this?
Encyclopedia of drugs will provide you with comprehensive information about the effect, the ingredients and the use and dosage of medicines and dietary supplements. To find an interesting specimen, use the medicines search or select a specialty from the list. In the search you can also find the active ingredients of drugs.
If you are looking for information about a particular drug it is best to use preparations search in the drugs section of A - Z (search by trade name).
Diseases heading helps you find information about the searched group of diseases or symptoms such as "asthma", "coughing" or "allergy", and groups of drugs that are most commonly used in these cases.
Search heading allow searching by name international or trade name and by symptom / disease.
Diseases heading helps you find information about the searched group of diseases or symptoms such as "asthma", "coughing" or "allergy", and groups of drugs that are most commonly used in these cases.
Search heading allow searching by name international or trade name and by symptom / disease.
Something like this?