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Posts by Gdyniaguy14  

Joined: 18 Sep 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Sep 2014
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From: gdynia
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2 Oct 2014
Life / UK British TV in Poland for free [7]


apart from filmon which blocks some uk programs (football matches, sports events) their is also an option to use the Zenmate add-on to google chrome. Just download chrome, search for zenmate addon and downland it and it will automatically install and a little zenmate icon will appear in the top right hand corner of your screen. Open this and connect to the uk and you can watch uk tv on all the iplayers ITVplayer BBCiplayer and 4OD for free.

hope this helps.
6 Oct 2014
Travel / Do taxi drivers in Poland overcharge foreigners? [8]

Taxi drivers everywhere overcharge foreigners. Just ask the driver at the front of the queue how much it will cost and then ask the 2nd driver in the queue.
14 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Curious about differences Polish people see with the British? [95]

I assure you I'm not bitter at all. I'm being sarcastic, seeing Polish historical opinions and myths being presented as unreasonable as if in contrast to reasonable British opinions and .....myths about history.

To be honest, the Majority of British don't care about Poland. Most British either think Poles are hard workers or an expensive inconvenience to the Economy. As for the War, it was over 70 years ago.
14 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Holding a British passport. Married a Polish woman. Applying for Polish passport? [21]

Uk passport holders can visit 173 countries without a visa. Same as Finland and Sweden. Polish passports can only visit 157 countries. Makes you wonder why you would both applying for a Polish passport. My son (half uk/polish) has a Polish passport but i am applying for a UK passport for him.
15 Oct 2014
Work / Moving back to Poland after 8 years in the UK (19 years old, currently studying HND in Business & Management) [4]

I've got an HND in Management. It's not a degree its a Higher National Diploma. You would need to go to university for another 2 or 3 years to get a degree. It would be classed as a degree in Poland, that's the reason why the top Polish Universities are ranked outside of the top 300 in the world rankings. Foreigners in Poland find jobs without Polish qualification and there are plenty of foreign firms looking to take on qualified staff with good English. Your UK qualifications and language skills should stand you head and shoulders over Polish applicants. Don't worry.

Don't think that Poland is the same now as it was 11 years ago. I've been here for 5 years and it has changed massively. An apartment in Poland will cost you upwards of 250,0000zl (50k pounds) and on a salary of 3-4,000 zl a month you won't be able to afford any sort of lifestyle. Also, bear it in mind that the UK has an unemployment rate of 6% compared to 11-12% in Poland.

If I were you I would go on to do a degree and then get some work experience for an International company in the UK first. Experience counts more then paperwork.
16 Oct 2014
History / Why HMG (Her Majesty's Government) abandoned Poland to the Soviets [30]

It's funny how the Poles always big up to the British but never the Americans. FYI Churchill wanted to re-arm the Germans in order to fight the Russians but was stopped by the Americans (in particularly Roosevelt). Had George Patton been the president then the war would have ended with an attack towards Russia and probably Armed Germans. However, it didn't.

Every Nation has history that we aren't proud of and admit to. The End of the War for my nation was a proud moment. People from peaceful villages took up arms and went overseas to fight against the Germans. My Granddad for one who landed on the beaches in Normandy and my other Granddad who was evacuated at Dunkirk. As a nation we were bankrupt and didn't have the public didn't have the will to fight Russia. After the war the British brought in swift legislation allowed Poles to settle.

Polish people on the whole however, are blind when it comes to their indiscretion's......

Maybe Ozi Dan would like to discuss Polish in the Nazi Party, Pogroms and retribution of land and property to the Jews since the end of the War, Poles fighting for the Germans in WW1, how the Poles used German invasion of Czechoslovakia to take land from the Czechs, ... I could go on. Or maybe he ignores these things?
16 Oct 2014
History / Why HMG (Her Majesty's Government) abandoned Poland to the Soviets [30]

in 1938 Poles only took back what Czechs stolen from Poland using the fact the Poland was fighting the bolsheviks on eastern front in 1920 - the region was inhabited by vast Polish majority - after the second world war the region went through massive czechisation but there are still people there who speak Polish at home

I see you have selective Polish-led history. Before it was Polish who did it belong to? Whether or not it was stolen by any side (czechs, poles or whoever) prior to 907, 950, 1060, 1155......, 1918,1919 or 1920 doesn't excuse the fact that they stole it back using the Germans to help them. Or did they miss that bit out in Polish history lessons?
17 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Polish people in the UK using the English version of their name? [56]

Unlike Poland the UK has been a home for people from different cultures for centuries. Some cultures have adapted to anglicise there names and some haven't. My family name is and anglicized version of an Irish surname and we've been in England since the 1880's and people still can't pronounce it.
17 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Do people in Poland live "better" than here in the UK? [150]

Casual Observer

I can't disagree with anything you've written. Polish tourism does gain from the influx of German's but on as a world destination isn't anywhere that the majority of tourists would flock to. Apart from Auschwitz most non Poles would struggle to name more then 1 other thing to see in Poland.

With food you just need to compare the same food programs from Poland and the UK. Gessler and Ramsey for example, come dine with me and master chef.

If you've ever Watched a polish Cabaret on the TV then I would be hard pushed to see why you would ever want to attend one. Maybe its a cultural difference but it's like when the Germans watching James Last.

And Poland seriously lacks a Pub culture.
20 Oct 2014
History / Why HMG (Her Majesty's Government) abandoned Poland to the Soviets [30]

Maybe in 70 years time there will still be idiots on forums saying that the UK left Poland to the mercy of the Russians. Maybe Poland should man up as a nation and strengthen it's defences and stop expecting other mothers sons to be slaughtered for it.
20 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Do people in Poland live "better" than here in the UK? [150]

Gdyniaguy14, I think many tourists now know about Gdansk, Wroclaw and Cracow, thanks to Ryanair, and Bialowieza and Biebrza have long been tourist destinations for British people who are into wildlife (which is many of them).

I can tell you whole heartedly that British people don't consider Poland as a tourist destination apart from the odd trip to Auschwitz. Compare the amount of UK trips to Poland to Prague. Most of my mates back home are amazed when i take them to Sopot as the general bloke in the street still asumes that Poland is still stuck in the Communist 70's.


I bow to you superior knowledge of British people. After all I was born and only lived in the UK for 40 years and have spent 5 years convincing people back home and abroad how different Poland is from their perception of it. What would I know. The British people would tend to be polite to your face. How many of these 'people' that you know have been for a holiday (not a stag weekend) in Poland? None?
20 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Curious about differences Polish people see with the British? [95]


First of all how did you know the girl was Polish?

Actually I've heard from some foreigners that Polish people are relatively helpful so her behavior was rather related with being utterly reckless then with culture in anyway! we can meet idiots all over the world.

Actually, Polish shop assistants in the UK are generally better then the ones in Poland.
20 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Do people in Poland live "better" than here in the UK? [150]

The argument on a whole from the start of the post was that Poland was a better place to live and one of the arguments being tourism.

I'm not denying that there isn't a small amount of Brits who travel to Poland. As a nation we've been exploring the world for Centuries. But, for the posters on here to say that Poland is a better tourist destination then the UK. Your friends who have visited Poland have done mainly as a by-product of cheap flights used to ferry workers to the UK. Ask 10 friends tonight if they had the chance of a city break in the EU where would it be, I bet you'd be lucky if you hear Poznan.
20 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Do people in Poland live "better" than here in the UK? [150]

Not tourism, but "tourism infrastructure".

What is meant by tourism infrastructure? If it doesn't mean tourism?......''Do Polish people live better then British people - better tourism infrastructure???? ''

Thomas Cook in July 1841 invented the tourist excursion. The UK has been creating tourist destinations both home and abroad since then. A lot of places I visit in Poland don't even have signs/information in any other language apart from Polish. This has improved since Euro2012 but it's still lacking behind the UK. When I take the wife home and we go and visit places I nearly always manage to pick up literature in Polish for her.

If the poster means internal tourism then fair enough. Poland has a bigger internal market because older and only Polish speaking Poles tend not to travel outside of Poland as much as British people do. British people used to stay at home until the mid-late 1970's when package tour become cheaper and the British Equivalent of Wladyslawowo died a death. Polish resorts were also always boosted by the state sponsored holidays.
21 Oct 2014
History / Why HMG (Her Majesty's Government) abandoned Poland to the Soviets [30]

Paulina, Polish pilots made up less the 5% of the number. Some people on here would think that those 5% were only fighting for the UK and not against Fascism. Poland has to 'man up' and fight it's own battles and stop relying on others do it for them. As a nation Poland needs to become self sufficient stop relying on hand outs and blaming others using events 70 years ago for it's own failings. People like you will still be blaming the Allies for your demise in 100 years.

Get over it! Grow a pair of balls and try and become a great nation for once.
21 Oct 2014
History / Why HMG (Her Majesty's Government) abandoned Poland to the Soviets [30]

you do know the basic geography of europe dont you? see where Poland is? Now look at that small strip of water between France and UK? that is what saved B ritish asses, along with American intervention.

The channel didn't save British asses before 1066. We were invaded by people such as the Roman, Vikings and Normans. Again you seem to forget that it was the Americans that sold out Poland and didn't even join the war until Pearl Harbour. Historically you are seem a touch inept.
21 Oct 2014
History / Why HMG (Her Majesty's Government) abandoned Poland to the Soviets [30]

I was merely pointing out that the strip of water hasn't always saved the British. I See you've still managed to gloss over why the Poles seem not to be able to talk about America's failing before, during and after the war with regards to Poland.

As i've said before Churchill was all for rearming the Germans to fight the Russians. This was blocked by the Americans. Why don't you and the original poster ask that question to the Americans? Us British are getting a bit tired of some Polish ingratitude.