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Posts by Dougpol1  

Joined: 26 Jan 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 17 Jan 2020
Threads: Total: 29 / In This Archive: 27
Posts: Total: 2497 / In This Archive: 1751
From: Tri-city
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Walking the dog

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13 Feb 2014
Life / Famous Polish music and musicians [48]

It's ridiculous that nobody has mentioned the two greatest Polish musical performers of the 20th century.
14 Feb 2014
Food / Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland? [289]

You're talking out your ass. Kerrygold is a proper cheddar, it is not processed cheese. I'm sure you can find better artisan cheddars in the UK and Ireland, but given what is available here it is the best.

I use the word "processed" to opinionate that it ain't no good....

Everybody to their own and all that :)
16 Mar 2014
Classifieds / Language exchange group, Tricity [60]

I would gladly come if you were still there at midnight :( Do you drive the Go carts after a few sherberts? :)
PS do they admit canines?
18 Mar 2014
Classifieds / Language exchange group, Tricity [60]

Midnight, Go carts, sherberts, canines???

Go- cart centre, beer, dog.......... as if you didn't follow the lingo :)

The other factor is 12 at night, when I am free :)
18 Mar 2014
Classifieds / Language exchange group, Tricity [60]

Hello Dot,

Please PM me if you are interested in teaching me and my lab Polish - we are both hopeless A2 cases but would do our homework!

PS My family was originally from Perth :)
22 Mar 2014
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

Does anyone have anymore info on this? or a better link, as the one above costs a subscription to read this



Or jargon translated - Poland is breaking European import laws, so will have to pay penalties. Which they will - just to save the "car" industry in Poland - where people pay 15 thousand zlotys for an old wreck at a car lot - you really couldn't make it up.
23 Mar 2014
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

So according to you this has NOTHING to do with concerns for safety of all potentially affected road users??? It's not hard to predict what would happen should the accident statistics worsen as a result... I'm not sure who would be willing to take that risk.

According to the European Commission the refusal of Poland to accept RHD has nothing to do with safety concerns.

I happen to agree with the Commission - as Poland has had only 20 odd years to play with driving without fuel restrictions and with access to all vehicles - and consequently Polish safety "experts" now sweet fukk all in terms of how RHD would affect the statistics.

It;s Polish protectionism rearing it's ugly head again. what would the mechanic cottage industries do if people could import cheaper high range British cars for those who can afford the relatively high fuel costs.

And changing RHD to left hand is potentially hazardous in quite a few cars - ask any mechanic. Car fires are not uncommon.

Subarumad - your vids are over the top mate :) but wait until you see your first dead body. I've lived here for 21 years and I've seen 7 or 8 separate incidents - ranging from people strangely lying immobile on the road with their eyes open and seemingly just a bruise , to the full works with decapitated mish mash.

You're right about one thing - some Poles are the worst egotistical drivers, out-doing the supposedly mad Italians.
But don't bother yourself - you will get used to it. These people will never drive sensibly until they are banned - which simply does not happen here.

To get to 24 points you would need to kill somebody. As to dangerous drivers - If you were to challenge them further down the road they would have absolutely no clue as to why you are threatening them with violence :)
24 Mar 2014
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

Court says right-hand drive cars can be registered in Poland.

Wroclaw Boy - the Warsaw Voice used to be a useful source of news. Now it is just Reuters' news. I still don't think, unfortunately, that the stubborn Polish government will listen to sense on this subject :(
24 Mar 2014

Interesting stuff from InWroclaw about 30 zl an hour for teaching being the norm in Wroclaw. Not boasting - but the facts are that if you can actually teach, then three times that figure per hour is achievable. Here in Tri-City at any rate.
26 Mar 2014

Lol - I've done that in my time, and learnt quickly - Poles love to exploit. I might offer a trial at 70 per cent of fixed price - but free? Too busy for time wasters, especially any schools.
6 Apr 2014
Life / Amazon stops super saver delivery on orders to Poland [40]

I wonder about their business model.. I thought their major selling point was the free shipping? Time will tell.
Their prices are not particulary cheap and it's not like you ever get to finger the goods before you buy.
Strange - and a gamble shirley?

They must be confident that they've done a McDonalds and outstayed the competition.
11 Apr 2014
Travel / List your dog friendly pubs in Poland - if any :( [8]

A non backward country

The opposite: Gdynia

Where I have so far, after 6 months of happy life with my lab, found one restaurant and one pub that welcome us both. I am talkinginside, not on the street/patio....

The rest can go and do one.


Any additions in Trojmiasto are welcome, or any links to the same topic.

What is the situation in other cities? I remember Katowice is not so sad :)
13 Apr 2014
Travel / List your dog friendly pubs in Poland - if any :( [8]

Sorry for asking, but why are you taking your dog to restaurants, pub and etc?

Because I like going for long walks with him, instead of leaving him at home? And me and him get thirsty, and hungry - in that order.

Ask a stupid question...... sorry Snowflake - but the whole point of owning a dog is to have it with you, and to enjoy seeing it develop - not to keep it chained up and *****t*** in the back yard.

Just my opinion.

In the meantime I will continue giving cheek to Gdynia "pub" owners who think they are too grand for my pup. :))


Czerwone Piec Starowiejska 40

Donegal pub
Zgoda 10

Bulwar Nadmorski

Bulwar Nadmorski


Bulwar Nadmorski


Tawerna Dominikanska

Targ Rybny 9
26 Apr 2014
Work / Job offer from IT Giant in Katowice, Poland (UNIX specialist). Information on tax and rental costs needed. [65]

Katowice, in particular, can be very depressing in the winter.

I was enjoying your (exhaustive) Dominik. Stop what you're doing and start a 'recipe style' travel service :)

Let me correct you if I may....

Gdynia (my experience), Warsaw, Poznan, and tens of minor cities are very depressing in the winter. And Gdansk has bitter wind chill which results in one of three things:

1. Non stop bedroom action
2. Drinking
3. Gaming consoles

The first two could be considered fun.

Katowice on the other hand has real winter, excellent infrastructure, and happy ski resorts an hour's drive away - I commend it the OP and urge him that you don't need to go to boringly snobbish Krakow every weekend just because it's there :)

PS Because this silly forum doesn't allow instant edit.....

I have finished your treatise now, and I have to say, that's a damning indictment of the Polish economy and society, which would get us all reaching for the noose, if only hanging quality rope wasn't so expensive in Poland.

Don't you ever think of anything else but money Dominik? :))
26 Apr 2014
Work / Job offer from IT Giant in Katowice, Poland (UNIX specialist). Information on tax and rental costs needed. [65]

You sound very optimistic. Methinks you just landed another proofreading contract :P

Excellent! :)

No, I found an extra 10 zloty note I didn't know i had.

And Dominik, those were class posts. You are easily the most erudite pathologist I have ever come across - though I must confess I have never met a pathologist in the professional sense, and when I finally do, I will not be in a position to comment on their prose, will I?

Very entertaining stuff - are you published? :) I always fancied myself as a writer, but I am disillusioned to the point of despair after your posts - in much the same vein as Clapton and Townesend considering dumping their guitars in the nearest skip, on hearing Hendrix at the Bag o'Nails club in '66, I am tempted to put away my gold tipped quill for good.

Orlowo is a hoot, but there is nowhere for me and the labrador to wet our whistle :( Katowice wins out there - but if the OP doesn't drink then that fact is admittedly a moot point.
30 Apr 2014
Travel / Gdansk at night - where do I go for nightlife? [10]

Get the suburban train Rosco - it's called SKM - get out at Sopot - follow the youths down the hill to the beach - there only is one road - but it is VERY important to exit the station at the end next to the driver.

There is only one real happening street - Monte-Cassino - and you will find it by following the mob.
The real teenage hot spots are down near the pier.
I couldn't tell you anything else - I am old enough to be a grandfather and I hate that sort of **** music and scene anyway :)

PS It doesn't kick off until 10 PM.

PPS smurf is incorrect - the SKM runs every 30 minutes after 8 PM so check those schedules. Waiting 30 mins in the wind is no joke. Believe me - I know - FFS :(
17 May 2014
News / Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland [116]

RIP General, a true Pole and patriot.

I wouldn't play poker with you Harry, as I have no idea if you're bluffing or not - apart from your and Delphs' ignorant posts on this subject from time to time..

Let's just say that if the aforementioned gentleman had been British and had done what he did, to the Poles, turning the tanks and armoured cars on the populace - then on the "return to normality" aka post Round table - he would have been kicked to death in the street.

The Midlands boyz would have doled that out, If he had visited my neck of the woods at any rate.

To misqoute Wilde, the old geezer is an unspeakable apology for a human being who should have been executed.
17 May 2014
News / Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland [116]

Adam, I don't get the point of your cut and paste.

If you look into the archives, you can find film of Adolf recieving a British delegation in a snappy suit and being a charming chancellor statesman; 1936 I believe. All very prim and proper and correct to the British diplomatic rose -tinted vision.

Now - just because Jaruzelski did his duty early in his career doesn't negate from his crimes against the populace later on.
Maybe for you of course, but try asking Poles who were there and had to live with it.
18 May 2014
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

No point in doing that for us Brits (or Poles living in Poland) All of the above means that driving back to Blighty every year to fix MOT and road tax is more expensive than buying a car in Germany, for instance.
19 May 2014
News / Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland [116]

The fact that Stanley Baldwin died at home in his sleep decades after sending armoured cars and tanks onto British streets and that David Lloyd George died of cancer decades after sending tanks onto British streets shows that your claim is completely wrong.

The difference being of course, that those two were acting at the behest of the Establishment, with an electoral mandate. There is no ethical comparison between the (archaic) action of a British government in a pre-war world where populations had no social rights, and a totalitarian state where 3 million out of a population of 35 odd million attempted and succeeded for 40 years to cowe the masses, and murdered 40 plus civilians in the food riots of 1970, where of course your hero is also cited as being involved.

Your support of Jarelzelski does baffle me a little Harry but of course opinions are there to be argued over.

I would like to argue however, or opinion, that the crime of turning the guns on your own people is worse when,as we now know, that action is defended over the years and never apologised for.

Instead Jarelzelski unerringly acts the fantasist and is exposed as a liar when he says the Soviets were about to invade. We know it was he who solicited Soviet interference -the words of dissidents and historians back this up unequivocally - though no doubt you will dig up some obscure quote that Mother Russia was about to obliterate Poland from the map.

All I know is that there are plenty of people out there who I have spoken to, university professors, playboys, allotment retirees, train drivers, you name it, who would have preferred the Russians to come - so that they could have seen the supposed real enemy.

But instead the Poles were faced by their own "people". And it is to Poland's shame that they didn't clear out the old guard, as in East Germany and the old Czechoslowakia.

Jurelzelski - traitor, always will be, for millions. There is no deeper insult and if he is a believer he will know that he faces the ultimate sanction.