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Posts by jamshaid  

Joined: 23 Dec 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2017
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 18
From: Warsawa
Speaks Polish?: yes normal
Interests: hardworking. and. interested in business

Displayed posts: 20
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30 Dec 2013
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Yes I know many polish grils are married but they like sex with other mens...... why??? Not all girls may a percentage but big ratio like it?
25 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / Culture shock (my neighbours in the UK are Polish and Slovak) [88]

gumishu Edited by: gumishu Sep 28, 2011, 12:24pm ☓ #

ngs are not tense at the moment they all smile, but seem abrupt in the way they talk
yes both Slovaks and Poles are quite loud when in their own company and our talk is pretty emotionally charged then (it may seem that Poles constanly argue (in fact Poles do argue often (but not constantly as it might have appeared) and are pretty straightforward with any criticism))....


May be after drinking they makes noice but they must care of families. Living around them. I know Some poles drink too much and but there are many sober type of poles When I do sone mistake they help me because I am in Poland. Shortly all people are not same in every country
5 Feb 2016

Please let me know any Family ADVOKET or Lawyer in Poland thanks....
I have an ADVOKET but not satisfied with his performance and all the time he talk about money...... I have paid him 2500 zlothy but he is insisting I paid him every month some money but I did not get my right as a father.

My child is one year but I did not see my son till now because my wife do not want.
I am really mentally disturb and want to discuss what to do to see and visit my son regards...
On other side I heirs an ADVOKET 7 month passed but still no result because of my wife applied divorce in court...
But As a father I Have right to meet my son??
I am scared of I will go alone she can make any problem as she have been did in England while we was living in England... We was some arguments and she reported to Police I raped with my wife....(amazing)

I am just scare and want to safe himself...
I really love and like her but she cheated with me, now she do not want I meet to my son. Please help me what to do in this situation. While our case is in court from last 6,7 months....
5 Feb 2016

I am sending every month 400 plan to my wife as expenses for child......
She do not want I met my son.....
That's why I am mentally disturb guys, she lied me our son name but in actual I came to know it's not real name....

My wife have been phychological treatment in Poland and I am non eu citizen and we went to uk for work.....
After 3 days my wife told me she wants to apply benefits and she is disable person ....
Some one misguided my wife she is disabled and she can get home and benefits in Uk.....
I tried to understand her that she is getting already benefits in Poland and now she wants to apply in UK, she must little work and than she can if she want but she did not listen me..

We applied her NI for work in UK and than she away in voluntarily organisation for benefits etc
I was in person and Police investigate all matter.
Police leave me after one day and one night when they take my interview and when they knew I am innocent......
When my wife came to know I have been prison out.......
She Come back to Poland.........
I have one question on humanitarian basis can I have right to meet my son???
6 Feb 2016

I am surprised when I **** her before marriage and we enjoyed each other and after marriage some one create misunderstanding and she became so cheap and selfish that forget I am her husband and reported I raped her.......

But truth is truth we have to answer to God....
And I and really scared and do not believe her more she cheated to me.
She write me couple of mothers ago that we are not living together, I wrote her what I believe her?????
7 Aug 2016

Hi guys I have got a big issu again......
In 1st hearing, As discussed above court give me permission to meet my son twice a month at my wife flate (she is living with her mother together).

I got permission to meet my son in end of april, 2016. I was two times to visit my son. Than my wife give application in court I tried to kidnapped our baby.

1. ( she write We went to park and he tried to take away baby on bus and his mother caught me.)
2. I also misbehaved with her mother and when she was giving milk to baby I snatched baby from her (my wife).
In 4th of August I was hearing in court regarding these allegations but my wife and her mother did not come.
Court ask me some questions:-
1. Regarding visits and did I tried to kidnapped baby????
My answer was NOT

But court decision was against me

Court decided I am not allowed to see baby anymore until doctors will take your psychology test and next hearing????

So guys my English is not very good please help me what I have to do in this situation I have video and audio recordings at my wife home where I am playing with our son but court did not watch these and if my wife and her mother did not come next hearing. The decesion can be in my favor or not???
9 Aug 2016

Thanks sir I hav some questions?

She lied that I tried to kidnapped my son and I want to take baby on bus but her mother caught me.
Where this happend? , what time?, did they call to police? Etc or what questions can be asked from them can some one help please
In court my wife and her mother evidence of enough or court will be ask for other witnesses?
15 Aug 2016
Law / How can I get media in Poland court hearing - my wife lied that I tried to kidnapped our baby? [15]

Hey guys I am foreigner and married in 2015 and we have a son one and half year.
In last visit to see my son 24 and 25 June my wife write to court, I tried to kidnapped baby when we was in park, I tried to take him in bus!!!!!!!

in court hearing she did not come which was in 4 august, 2016. But court forbid me to visit my son anymore until next decision...

So please any one can help me how can I get help of media because it's totally unfair and unjustice with me, it is totally silly that from the parks ride to take my son on bus while her mother and my wife was with me.....

2. Why I will kidnapped my baby ?? Will I get Gold medal to kidnap him he is small and he is needed both of us mother and father....
15 Aug 2016
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Sorry to say I also feel as a foreigner that poles are much recist some time hurt feelings.
15 Aug 2016
Law / How can I get media in Poland court hearing - my wife lied that I tried to kidnapped our baby? [15]

She writes to court
From the park I tried to kidnapped baby in bus and her mother caught me when I want to take baby in bus etc....
while we was together in park this is just idiot allegation how can be possible to take a baby while my wife, her mother, a lot of people in park and bus and I do not know where is bus going etc........

Why I will be kidnapped baby, will I get gold meddle to kidnapped baby......
So I am very disappointed with court hearing because my wife and her mother did not come to court and court forbid me not visit to child more until next decesion it is not justice and fair

So I need help of media what happening with me as a foreigner ( I really very upset I just meet my son 2 times in one and half year....

So what Have to do please guide me......
15 Aug 2016
Law / How can I get media in Poland court hearing - my wife lied that I tried to kidnapped our baby? [15]

Nothing happend in park. She only lied and write to court lied story because she do not want I visit to my son and than She and her mothers did not come to court hearing.

I do not know when will be next hearing and if she and her mother not come I have right to see my child until next decesion of court???

Please tell me how can I get help of media in court hearing???
15 Aug 2016
Law / How can I get media in Poland court hearing - my wife lied that I tried to kidnapped our baby? [15]

I want media record hearing and people see on TV my wife just give a false statement and they did not come to court for hearing....

1. Court did not check my proof ( video and audio recording I made during meeting because I was scare d she can do in future and I also told court in first hearing, that I am scare she can make problem in future that I want to kidnapped baby ( my wife sister write to me on Facebook if I will go without court permission they thinking like this)

But. forbid me to meet my son while I visit 2 times in one and half year to my son.
2. What is my fault if I am foreigner their feelings are feelings but my feelings does not matter it is totally injustice...
I want court examin case on fairly basis and who is guilty must punished...
If I was in UK never happens with me like this...
15 Aug 2016
Law / How can I get media in Poland court hearing - my wife lied that I tried to kidnapped our baby? [15]

Because I have been live more than one year UK
Her sister write to me

Jamshid , jako wykształcony facet powinieneś przewidzieć, że Paulina na skutek niezawinionej przez naturę niepełnosprawności i różnych trudności z tym związanych, od ludzi także , kompleksów oraz zrozumiałego przewrażliwienia może reagować bardzo przesadnie, na każdy gest, który uzna dla niej za nieprawidłowy. Nie ma zaufania do praktycznie nikogo. O mnie napisała do mojej koleżanki, że jestem jej wrogiem 🙂. Ja z jej strony doświadczam również wiele nieadekwatnych , złych słów i emocji, kiedy ona zle coś zinterpretuje.

Jak było w Glassgow nie wiem. Wiem tylko jedno, Twój błąd był taki, że zabrałeś jej telefon i internet. Inaczej ja bym nigdzie nie zadzwoniła.

Teraz jestem przez nią oskarżana, że pojechałam nie do UK mojej koleżanki tylko do was 🙂. Śmiejemy się z tego z Dorotą, Paulina na mnie do niej głupoty zaczęła wypisywać min. , że jej nie pomogłam, że chciałam aby tam została i aby jej dziecko odebrali. Ja nie mam już siły na jej bzdury i zastanawiam się czy Ty nie zderzyłeś się z podobnymi nonsensownymi sytuacjami.

Ja mam zakaz fotografowania dziecka i pisania Ci prawdy, ponieważ uważają , że będziesz chciał je porwać. Jednak po ostatnim jej wyskoku do mnie na ulicy ! wiem jedno, jeszcze jest ojciec, który ma prawo o tym dziecku także decydować.

Napisałam prawdę, Twój syn nazywa się: David Akhtar.
Jednak , jak ona z matką dowiedzą się , że Ci napisałam prawdę, nie wpuszczą mnie długo do nich.
Tę informacje możesz sprawdzić dzwoniąc do przychodni ul. Szczytna 73 Toruń, czy takie dziecko jest tam zarejestrowane. Jest 🙂.
31 Mar 2017
Law / How can I get media in Poland court hearing - my wife lied that I tried to kidnapped our baby? [15]



HI I am foreigner and married with a polish womwn. we have a child will be 2 year in April 2017. last year in june 2016 , when I visit to my son, my wife and my mother in law write to court that I tried to kidnapped baby in bus. which is totaly just untrue and painful for me because the case is still undre process and court forbid me to visit my son untill next decesion.

it has been more than one year and I did not see my child she did not tell me about my son health and did not answer my phone call if I asked her for baby....

in April is his birth is any way to meet my son and celebrate his birthday. (if I go to police and told than I miss my son and want to see and my be celebrate his birthday so what do you suggest just?????