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Joined: 1 Oct 2013 / Female ♀
Last Post: 1 Oct 2013
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ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / Pakis VS Poles in the UK [62]

Is it? People in Poland work hard, do they?

Yes, they do, they don't really have a choice, living in a tough capitalism we have ;)

What I meant was that only unhappy and unfullfilled people will have a problem with immigrants that are normal working people..
ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

Its actually the right wingers that want to push the failed policy of multiculturalism -

I have to agree 100%, that is exactly what the politicians are after. What I don't understand is why the hatered is focused on immigrants, not politicians. Immigrants just want to live and work in peace, well, at least most of them do. There were offered an opportunity and they took it.

Do immigrants enjoy everlasting life on earth? Do they grow old? Will they require pensions? What then? Imporg more immigrants to pay for the older immigrants pensions? That is neither sound nor sustainable policy. Its economic illiteracy.

I guess it is better to solve the problem for 20-30 years then not to solve it at all. And the immigrants have childeren, when they are offered better economic conditions than in theri home country. Actually, there is no good solution to an ageing society - apart from accepting immigrants and hoping they will have children what can you do? You can't force people into having children, and you cannot shoot old people. If you wouldn't have immigrants you would have to pay higher taxes, or pay for medical treatment, or have less benefits, and I guess you wouldn't like that either.

You claim that there is nothing we can do and scoff at us as if it is some sort of victory. Then you claim that a sizeable amount of people are Nazi like. Heres the thing. Europeans want immigration severely restricted - euractiv.com/socialeurope/europeans-overwhelmingly-imm igra-news-507074

It absolutely isn't a scoff, it is merely a grim stating of a fact that the politicians don't care for you or for me, and they will do what they consider necessary. If you, as a society, ccould force your government into creating more fair and even society, like in scandinavian countries, that would be great. The problem is, what would mean the richest people and the biggest bisnesses in the UK would have to start contributing more to the society, pay bigger taxes. But I don't think they want it to happen, because of the reasons you stated above.

If politicians continue to throw their hands in the air and claim that there is nothing they can do - people become more annoyed and more radical. That is why people are angry. It is not a personal slur aimed at you, but the policies and the endless tidal wave of immigration.

Ok, so why don't the politicians make some laws that would take care of immigrants that don't contribute to the contribute to the economy. They should be deported. What I don't understand is pointless hatered towards ALL the immigrants, instead of taking some practical steps, instead of adressing your politicians with this problems. Actually it is what the politicians want.
ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / Pakis VS Poles in the UK [62]

ffg registered:
Yes, they do, they don't really have a choice, living in a tough capitalism we have ;)
I've never noticed urządniki working particularly hard.

Yes, 'urzedniki' is another story, a relict of communism age. :D Often they work where they work bacause they have some family commections (also a relict of comunism). They are a real pain in the ass sometimes, they can be rude and reluctant to changes and upgrades in a workplace. But I know a few young ones, and they are working really good, and have a different attitude. Of course they are being used by those old 'urzedniki' to do all the job.. Anyway, they are a hope for the future.. Anyone else except of urzedniki, and a few people who have great jobs, and won't get fire no matter what they do, because they are sb' childeren, have to work real hard, and often one person is doing duties of 2 or 3 persons, because it is cheaper for the employer that way.

Let's say you're a building worker. You're earning a good wage. You've got a mortgage and family to support. Then someone offers to do your work at half the price you were paid. Happy?

I see your point. But then you should force your government to set minimum wages for certain professions, they did so in Norway, and nobody can earn any less. And of course employers prefer to hire Norwegians then, unless they have ral shortage if staff in certain proffesions. I don't think focusing your anger on unaware immigrants will solve anything..
ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / Pakis VS Poles in the UK [62]

Skilled building workers don't normally work for minimum wage in the UK. But plenty from outside the UK are more than happy to do so. Employers will take them on, not necessarily because they are harder working or more highly skilled, but simply because they are cheaper.

I don't mean fixing a minimum wage for everyone - I mean fix a standard fair wage for everyone, that's how it works in Norway
ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

polish hate Jews

I am polish and I don't hate jews. I think they are like every other nation - there are some good and some bad people. I only know one jewish family - they are great kind people and I like them very much. My family and friends are polish, and none of them hates Jews. The only guy I know who hates Jews is an older bloke who's family was killed by nazis because the Jew they were hiding denouced them when gestapo has caught him.

That was punishment for hiding Jews in Poland - you and your family were killed, and even though polish people knew that, still lots of them decided to help and hide Jews.

It's funny that the punishment for hiding Jews in other countries were lighter - prison, or death of the person who was hidin a Jew, but not the whole family, but still much more polish people helped Jews in Poland then in any other country. (You can read about it a bit in 'Pianist' book Epilogue by Wolf Biermann, and also here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Righteous_Among_the_Nations)

Yet it is the Poles that are called antisemitic, not the French for example, who surrendered to the nazists without a fight, and their police helped nazis to catch all the Jews in France. Yet we all know those wonderful films about french resistance movement and hero Frenchmen, and nobody except Poles remember hopeless polish fight against nazis in '39, or Warsaw Uprising.

History is such a *****, isn't it.

And by the way, do you even know that before '39 Uk, France and Poland had an agreement, that if any of the countries would be attacked by the Germany, the other two will attack Germany? And what happened? Hitler knew that neither France nor UK will help Poland when he attacs it, and guess what, he was right! Poles weren't able to figh with such power and they failed. But they never worked for the nazis, it was considered the worst treachery, and the few people that did, were killed by the angry mob after the war.

Besides, Jews have lived in Poland since XIV century, because it was a one of a few palces in Europe that granted them freedom of beliefs.

. The other reason and an important attraction for European refugees was a remarkable religious tolerance for that time, enforced by our elected kings. "I am not the king of your consciences" - those were the words of the Jagiełłonian king Sigismund II Augustus, pronounced as early as the mid-sixteenth century and he indeed did not interfere with his subject's religious beliefs and set the tone of tolerance for his successors.

I don't thiks the Jews would stay in Poland for so long if they would be treated badly. And I don't think there would be so many Jews in Poland in the '30s if they would be better somewhere else.

If you are accusing Poles of antisemitism it's probably because you project your own rasism and xenophobia on us, the ugly feelings you don't want to recognise and acknowledge in yourself, but which are all too visible after reading some of the threads on this forum
ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Yes, apparently there's no arguing with historical facts, so what else can you write, if you have no arguments.

I don't say there isn't any antisemitism in Poland - of course there is, as well as in the other countries. And some Poles did some horrible things to Jews in the past, just like other people in the other countries. I just can't stand that some people make Poland some sort of a whipping-boy of Europe - they know nothing about polish history or culture and they are babbling on and on about polish antisemitism..
ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

In reality the allies suffered more killed/wounded during the fall of France than during the fall of Poland.

I can't see how it is relevant in any way, but still:

Battle of France:
Allies: 144 divisions
Allies: 360,000 dead or wounded
2500 dead or wounded per division

Invasion of Poland:
Poland: 39 divisions (some of them were never fully mobilized and concentrated)
Poland: 199,700 total casualties
5120 dead or wounded per division

Which is exactly what your Polish Blue Police did too.

It wasn't 'polish' blue police, as it was created and run by Germans in occupied Poland.

Polish Police of the General Government (German: Polnische Polizei im Generalgouvernement).
It was formed by Nazi Germany officially on October 30, 1939 by reinstating Polish state police (Einheimische Polizei) existing before the invasion of Poland, with German instead of Polish leadership.

The Blue Police had little autonomy, and all of its high-ranking officers came from the ranks of the German police (Kriminalpolizei).

The role of the Blue Police in its collaboration and resistance towards the Germans is difficult to assess as a whole, and is often a matter of dispute.[14] Historian Andrzej Krzysztof Kunert estimates that 10 to 20% of the policemen were murdered by the Germans for taking part in resistance - on top of those mass-murdered by the Soviets in Mednoye - explained Irena Wollen in her documentary film "Granatowi" for Telewizja Polska (1999).

And meanwhile in France:

[i]Following the defeat in June 1940, President Albert Lebrun appointed Marshal Pétain as premier. After making peace with Germany, Pétain and his government voted to reorganize the discredited Third Republic into an authoritarian regime.

The newly formed French State maintained nominal sovereignty over the whole of French territory as defined by the Second Armistice at Compiègne.

Marshal Pétain collaborated with the German occupying forces in exchange for an agreement not to divide France between the Axis powers. Germany kept two million French soldiers in Germany as forced laborers to enforce its terms. Vichy authorities aided in the rounding-up of Jews and other "undesirables". At times in the colonies Vichy French military forces actively opposed the Allies. Despite its pro-Nazi policies, much of the French public initially supported the new government, seeing it as necessary to maintain a degree of French autonomy and territorial integrity.

And by the way, do you even know that before '39 Uk, France and Poland had an agreement, that if any of the countries would be attacked by the Germany, the other two will attack Germany? And what happened? Hitler knew that neither France nor UK will help Poland when he attacs it, and guess what, he was right! Poles weren't able to figh with such power and they failed

Not this tired old lie yet again!

[i]On March 31, 1939, in response to Nazi Germany's defiance of the Munich Agreement and occupation of Czechoslovakia,\ the United Kingdom pledged the support of itself and France to guarantee Polish independence.

On April 6, during a visit to London by the Polish foreign minister, it was agreed to formalize the guarantee as an Anglo-Polish military alliance, pending negotiations.

This guarantee was extended on April 13 to Greece and Romania following Italy's invasion of Albania.

Polish-British Common Defence Pact


In your case you very simply deny those facts exist.

It seems you are lying, or uneducated, or too lazy to check facts
ffg registered   
1 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Someone has lost his temper.. A bit uncomfortable with all the facts and quotations?

Allies: 360,000 dead or wounded

You are right, I should have written that they surrendered after lost a battle, so they can keep their government. How typical that you don't adress your mistake about how many people were killed, but my unfortune use of words.

It wasn't 'polish' blue police, as it was created and run by Germans in occupied Poland.

It was created by Germans in occupied Poland, and run by Germans, as opposed to France, which kept their government and their police forces, for the price of collaboration. Which part of that you don't understand? Should we dumb it down for you even more?

I never said there weren't any Poles colaborating with the Germans, I said it was rare and on a smaller scale than in the other counries, because oft the hatered towards nazis. How dare you accuse me of being a liar, and not even respod to all historical sources I have presented (from JEWISH historians as well)

Or you didn't forget about it and simply chose to lie by claiming that Britain did not take any action: which is it?

They could have as well declared a war on Madagascar, since they only declared it and didn't do much about it. But it's nice you admit that it wasn't a lie after all. But you're changigng your mind awfully fast for someone who believes himself so well educated in history.

As for checking facts, you'll want to read just a little more widely than just sanitized wikipedia if you want to learn more about Poland's history:

Wikipedia is as good source of information as any other, as it gives us quotqtiuons from historical sources by many different historians. Unless you are big-headed self-declared homegrown 'historian' who doesn't care about historical sources, unless they treat Polish people as antisemitic murderers. Actually from what you just said, I believe that you consider that Poles are some sort of homicidal anisemitic monsters, with no white spots in their history, and if the historical sources say otherwise they are surely wrong, and the historians who write anything good about Poland are lying, or are polish themselves.

You have some sort of serious polish - phobia mister, and I advise you to contact the psychiatrist as soon as possible.

And don't offend the people who are trying to have some serious conversation with you, by calling them liars, even thogh they quoted a lot of historical sources and you didn't, this makes you look rude, cheap and fanatic little man