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Posts by Peter59  

Joined: 12 Aug 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 35 / In This Archive: 19
From: USA, Ohio
Speaks Polish?: I wish
Interests: travel,gardening

Displayed posts: 23
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12 Aug 2013
Genealogy / Chadaczow - Searching for town or village that might have had name changed [5]

Hello Polish Forum Followers, I am one more 2nd generation American that is researching his Polish roots. My grandparents immigrated to the US in 1907. The ship manifest shows their last place of residence as Chadaczow. I have been able to find reference to this village being in the Galicia region. Which would fit with what my mother used to say, she had said that they where from outside of the Krakow area. Does anybody out there know of an area, or former area, known as"Chadaczow"? Also would anyone have any info on the name "Bucia". Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks margaretsdad@localnet.com
13 Aug 2013
Genealogy / Chadaczow - Searching for town or village that might have had name changed [5]

Thanks so much DominicB, I have been searching an old copy of a Galicia map from 1898 ,with a magnifying glass, and could not find anything close to that spelling. I will start again and see what I can find. Do you have any idea which geographic direction and how far out from Krakow?? How do you know of Maria Bucia?? Is it safe to assume she would not have a command of the English language?? Would you know how I could get in contact with her??
13 Aug 2013
Genealogy / Chadaczow - Searching for town or village that might have had name changed [5]

Thanks again for all of the great leads. I am still searching for maps of South East Poland. My biggest hangup is my computer connection. I live in very rural Southern Ohio, with only a dial up connection to the internet. Talk about slow. I could probably walk to Chodaczow by the time I get some of these maps pulled up. Might have to give up and go to the library for a faster connection tomorrow . Thanks again for all of your help.
14 Aug 2013
Food / A snack at Bob Beans - could sure use some info. [4]

Last summer while visiting Poland I had the pleasure to snack on a bowl of Bob Beans. As one who enjoys gardening I decided to try to grow my own supply. Are there any gardeners out there that have raised Bob Beans that could tell me why my plants do not produce very many bean pods? The plants are 50 to 70 cm tall and have continually bloomed for the last month, but hardly any of the blooms turn into bean pods. It sure has me puzzled?? I could also use info on how to prepare them, if they do happen to produce enough to eat. Thanks:)
14 Aug 2013
Food / A snack at Bob Beans - could sure use some info. [4]

Maybe by next spring I can talk someone into mailing me a shoe box full of good Polish soil. But until then I hope there are a few more suggestions as to why the blooms do not turn into pods. I also keep honey bees so there are plenty of bees for pollination. But they do not seem overly interested in the Bob blossoms. Does anyone know what the common pollinator for these beans in Poland is?
19 Aug 2013
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

I am surprised that this line ever got off the ground. Last Summer I had the privilege to travel in Poland and while there I commented to my travel partner that "We are the fat Americans". I marveled at how fit the average Pole was, and that it seemed that the only ones carrying any extra weight were some of the elderly.
28 Sep 2013
Genealogy / Stanislaw (Jan) Czternastek & Bronislaw Wydrowski - searching info on Polish War Pilots [45]

You don't seem to be having much luck turning up info on your pilots, to bad. Did your copy of The Forgotten Few arrive yet? I've really enjoyed reading it, it is interesting to see some of the statistics as to the effectiveness of the Polish Air Force while with the RAF. I tried looking in the glossary of the book to see if your two pilots were listed, but unfortunately they do not appear in the glossary. Does not mean that they are not in the book though, as I found other pilots in the book not listed in the glossary. I did not have your pilots names firmly in my mind when I read the book, so I did not notice if they were mentioned. Don"t give up. Pete
8 Oct 2013
Genealogy / Stanislaw (Jan) Czternastek & Bronislaw Wydrowski - searching info on Polish War Pilots [45]

Evening Bernie, Still not getting much feedback on your pilots. Have you been able to locate any other info from other sorces than PF?? I had to wonder how much of this kind of info i.e. the Polish Airforce role in the Battle of Britain is ever taught or mentioned in British schools?? I know here in the US I never heard anything about it. It wasn't until I came upon the "Forgotten Few" book that I was exposed to this info.. Hope some more info turns up for you. Pete
9 Oct 2013
Food / Using Polish cooking books in an English version? [16]

One Polish Cookbook that I enjoy, might not fit into the catagory you are referring to, in that it is not a translation from a Polish version but originally printed in English is the " Culinary Arts Institute - Polish Cookbook ". Very workable recipes that turn out some very tasty dishes. I wonder what you native Poles think of this books versions of your recipes??

I would also have to agree to some of the other comments on the Strybel book, it is not an easy read or presented in an attractive manner. If experienced in the kitchen though you should be able to follow it.
19 Oct 2013
Food / Golabki - Oven or Stove top [11]

Still cleaning up the last of the fall garden here in Ohio, and I have a couple of heads of cabbage to turn into Golabki. I was wondering how most of you PF folks make your Golabki??On the Stove top or in the oven? Do you use raw rice or cook it first?? Since Mama always cooked hers on the stove top, I do the same. But I have also used a slow cooker a couple of times and they turned out pretty good and did not have to worry about scorching them on the stove. So lets here from some of you good Polish cooks out there. What is your secret to the best Golabki??
1 Nov 2013
USA, Canada / Polish Americans on TV [14]

Correct me if i am wrong but I always heard that Loretta Switt from the M.A.S.H. series was a Polish American
4 Dec 2013
Food / Are eggs in Poland refrigerated/not refrigerated? [33]

The unrefrigerated egg issue in Poland really puzzled me last year when I was visiting. Here in the U.S. a store would not be able to sell eggs set out in this way. The health department would be on their door step in a heartbeat. Even when I sell eggs at a local farmers market we are required to have them in a cooler. I was always told that when you wash eggs you remove a protective coating on their shells and causes them to spoil faster. Unwashed eggs will keep a long time at room temperature.
11 Apr 2014
Life / Do incidents such as the recent stabbings ever happen in Poland? [7]

Well once again a High School student went crazy and for no apparent reason attacked his fellow students. This time in Pennsylvania USA., fortunately he did not have a gun, but was carrying two knives and managed to stab or cut twenty-two people. So far no one has died but a few of them are still listed as being in critical condition. My question is, Do things like this ever happen in Poland?? Or have we managed to collect all of the psychotic teenagers over here?
14 Apr 2014
Life / Do incidents such as the recent stabbings ever happen in Poland? [7]

I lol when people call America "civilized".

That's a pretty broad paint brush if you want to paint all of us over here with the label of "uncivilized". In spite of this recent tragedy, I would like to believe that the vast majority of us function at reasonable level of civility. It is just to sad when this kind of ugliness raises it's head and innocent people are caught in the path and are hurt or killed
19 May 2014
Food / Hi! Looking for some help with my grandmothers recipes! [12]

Sorry you do not seem to be getting any replies to your search. I was curious as to what dishes PF readers would come up with. Surely your ingredient list will ring a bell with someone.
30 May 2014
Life / Polish Film World and Poland Movie Reviews [30]

Merged: New Movie " The Immigrant " Dealing with Polish immigrants in early 1900's, any one see it yet?

So did any one have a chance to see "The Immigrant" yet? It is suppose to be dealing with two Polish sisters and their immigration to the U.S.. If you did see it what did you think of it? In particular their portrayal of Polish People at that point in history? I have not had a chance to see it yet, just heard about it today. Here is a review link for it rottentomatoes.com/m/nightingale_2013/

I just read another news clip saying "The Immigrant" was rated 18th in movies released in the U.S. and Canada this past week. It was a limited release and not in many theaters. Unfortunately it is not playing in my area, so I still have not had a chance to see it. Any of you guys had a chance to see it yet??
19 Jan 2015
Food / Nothing better than skwarki! [19]

Merged: Could someone define "Skwarki" for me

I was just reviewing some Polish recipes that called for "Pork Scratchings (Skwarki)" as a garnish. What exactly is Skwarki? Thanks
24 Mar 2015
History / Your favourite Polish Patriotic films [49]

I am reading the English version of "Aushwitz Volunteer" the story of Witold Pilecki. Do you know if the movie " The Death of Witold Pilecki" is available with English subtitles??
5 Nov 2015
Food / Best Polish Potato Variety for Mashing [67]

sprayed with blight killers, bug killers, pesticides not to mention the chemical fertilizer's they are grown with.

Needed to hop in here with all the pesticides, did you know they have a new one here in the states that you sprinkle on your seed potatoes before you plant them and then as the plants grow any bugs that feed on them promptly die. Supposedly by the time the plant matures the chemical is all out of the potato. Yeah right, this stuff is to spooky. I think I will just keep raising my own.