11 May 2013
Genealogy / Monte Cassino + Russian labour camp [23]
Merged: Monte Cassino, Italy 1944 - My father was in second squad, second attempt.
My father was in second squad, second attempt. He died extremely ill and unable to document life history, from Białystok, Poland through Russian concentration camp. Was an Ułan, Polish Cavalary before WWII. In II Polish Corp Carpathatian Brigade, also was assigned to be part of guard for Gen. Anders. Is there anyone with similar history?
Merged: Monte Cassino, Italy 1944 - My father was in second squad, second attempt.
My father was in second squad, second attempt. He died extremely ill and unable to document life history, from Białystok, Poland through Russian concentration camp. Was an Ułan, Polish Cavalary before WWII. In II Polish Corp Carpathatian Brigade, also was assigned to be part of guard for Gen. Anders. Is there anyone with similar history?