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Joined: 4 Mar 2013 / Male ♂
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From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: Medium/Conversational
Interests: Poland :)

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4 Mar 2013
Study / Study Polish in Poland at Non University [3]

If you study in a public institution yes you can get the polish residence card without any problem. So you should contact a university and start a Polish language course at it. Probably in Warsaw University or Warsaw University of Technology there are such courses. They are called like 1 year language preparatory courses. If you study you can get easily the document you just have to do some paperwork and also demonstrate that you have enough money to live 1 year in Poland (around 250 $ per month) and for 1 way place ticket back to your country. So you should have in your account like 4000 $ more or less when you sign in for the paperwork. So after if you have a job, because with that probably you also have work permit you will can renew it whenever you want.

You can ask your girlfriend to call to the immigration deparments that are in the Urząnd Wojewódzki's from every region and ask about it. Also you can just be renewing your visa instead of the residence card but it has less validity and you will probably have to wait a lot in lines. The Polish residence card has a validity of ab 2 years each time you renew it. If you get married they give you automatically the residence card, I think, and after 4 years you can ask for nationality.

I am a permanent student here in Poland and I have some friends from outside the EU and their stories are similar :). I hope that all what I said is correct and helpful.
9 Mar 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

Well of course french is a latin-based language, but i hate its germanic and awkward (strange) accent.
I have also germanic origins being mostly romanian, and german it seems to me such an difficult and ugly language, and listening french seems to me is nothing latin in it, despite the fact it is.
Franks (germanic people) have influenced the language and this is the reason of this awkward accent.
The conclusion: i hate french. :-)))

Every language is a treasure, it is a mentality, it is a chance to understanding all the information related to that language and can bring you lots of life or work benefits. If you do not like it is just better to shut up and keep it for yourself as come people can get offended.

And by the way, Inna sucks, she keeps repeating the same text over and over again. Also she sings in English and she cannot have a decent conversation with nobody in it. I am a Romanian citizen, so no xenophobism here.
9 Mar 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

who seem to really like it since it is impossible to stop them

As a citizen I know the problem. In Romania there is the same problem just that some entrepeneurs discovered that the "business" is more lucrative in western european countries. I really hate them and because of those people, many like me, people who study or work honstly and try to integrate in society, suffer from the discrimination derivating from their behaviour.
9 Mar 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

My comments were in no way to excuse either Hitler's, Horthy's, Szillasi's or Ceascescu's excess,

You mentioned it alone. I was just trying to say that I understood (and everibody understood I think) that you do not want any "excess" which in this context means ethnical depuration, so killing, separating or deporting. Please to no tag my logic as convulted, it is quite rude. That was the tricky U-turn, and I was not blaming you at all.

Education is the solution to the gypsi problem, as there is no other solution that might fit the problem in my opinion. Or I understood you bad or you me but I did not insulted you.