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Posts by groovyg  

Joined: 18 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Feb 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 70 / In This Archive: 41

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18 Jun 2007
Law / Setting up small business in Poland? [191]

guys i would greatly appreciate your help on confirming this and helping with the details.

if i come from a non-european country and i want to open a single person business in poland. for example, i want to offer my freelance services as a web programmer here, or something similar.

after looking at the paiz.gov.pl, i understand that the most feasible option i have is to open a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

in which case, mainly i should prove i have 50K PLN at my disposal (deposit them at a polish bank etc.), and be able to pay certain fees/taxes every month.

- are there any other initial or ongoing requirements that i am not aware of?
- do you guys know how much fixed fees i have to pay every month (meaning, suppose i have no income from the business, how much do i still have to pay every month)?

i would greatly appreciate the help, feel free to PM also.

all the best
19 Nov 2007
Life / Reliable Weather Service In Poland? [25]

don't use yahoo, it's very inaccurate, msn weather is much better and has more features

also try:

6 Mar 2008
Life / Internet / Telephone provider in Krakow [28]

ghnet, aster, upc, netia, tele2, noeostrada and there are many more regional ones

depends on your location, most companies only do certain areas

neostrada is everywhere and so is netia with its wimax
31 Mar 2008
Life / Internet / Telephone provider in Krakow [28]

it's not true that most companies work with tp, actually there are very few of them, e.g. netia and tele2, but netia offers wimax by now

@zoogle - you don't need to buy equipment to use ghnet
30 Nov 2008
Travel / Best clubs in Krakow? No tourist traps. [64]

cien, prozak mentioned above are relatively 'wannabe posh' and music is technoish. if you like it then cool, otherwise look for other clubs that offer a completely different atmosphere.
15 Sep 2009
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

there are new fast trains from krakow to warsaw (and vice versa) for a fraction of the price of IC. forgot the company name but it's very famous now, ask around.
22 Jan 2010
Life / Internet / Telephone provider in Krakow [28]

The reason is because they are leasing the infrastructure and cable from TP SA who is the owner of all cables

i have encountered this before - in general, companies that work via tp might give you a bad technical service, i would guess that maybe tp is giving THEM a bad service so to hurt their business. just a guess.
9 May 2010
Travel / Clubs, bars and general night life in Poland [13]

summer is not so good for nightlife, as mentioned above many cities are dead in summer months

holidays resorts (sopot etc) are active

krakow is always active but much much much better in october when the student year starts.

if all you want is 2 weeks non stop party your best choice would be october-november in krakow.

there will also be less tourists. weather may be cold but you are from sweden so nothing new.
9 May 2010
Travel / Poland to Romania (and back!) [18]

there used to be some really cheap buses (less than 100zl) but i don't know if they still have this deal. also you'll have to spend 3 days or more on the bus.
21 Aug 2010
Travel / Wroclaw to Cologne [13]

germanwings has a hub in colonge, if they have flights to wroclaw then it would not be expensive
10 Dec 2010
Study / The reputation of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. [52]

Opinion about Jagiellonian University 2 weeks intensive Polish course (Krakow)?


Anyone has an informed opinion about this course at UJ?


(it says 2007 in the URL but the courses are for 2011)

I've been studying Polish so far from books and online courses ('Polish in 4 weeks', Rosetta Stone etc.). My level is very basic since it's hard for me to muster the discipline to learn in an orderly fashion.

I was thinking about taking this 2 weeks course, and if it does me well, perhaps move on to a longer course, e.g. their summer courses


Opinions, sharing your experience appreciated.

11 Dec 2010
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]


Anyone has an informed opinion about the '2 weeks intensive Polish course' format?

I've been studying Polish so far from books and online courses ('Polish in 4 weeks' book, Rosetta Stone etc.). My level is very basic since it's hard for me to muster the discipline to learn in an orderly fashion. I currently have very minimal vocabulary and almost zero grammar.

I saw a 2 weeks course offered by UJ Krakow, as well as some other schools (e.g. Prolog, etc). I figured it's a good place to get a better foundation, I might move on to longer courses if I see it does me well.

Opinions, sharing your experience appreciated.

15 Dec 2010
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

Thanks for all the replies.

Obviously I don't except to learn the language in 2 weeks, just get a more organized foundation so I can expand it by myself later. I guess I would give it a try, will write my impression once done.. :)
23 Jun 2011
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

Just to update, I took the 2 weeks course and it was worth it in my opinion. It gave me some basics and a lot of orientation for self study which is exactly what I wanted. They covered a lot of material in condensed way ('intensive' is definitely a good description). The teacher was dedicated and quite enthusiastic.

To recap, if the above is what you're looking for, then it does deliver.
14 Aug 2011
Travel / What do you know about Torun, Poland? [30]

OP - been to torun a few times, I second the opinions here, beautiful little town and a lot of students. Don't know about the artist scene though.
14 Aug 2011
Life / Internet access, speeds and companies in Poland. [8]

Aster - they operate in Krakow and Warsaw, they're ok, but do not always offer the magnificent speeds that are written on their website, it depends on their infrastructure at the particular block where you live.
9 Oct 2011

Was thinking of coming to Krakow but after reading posts on this site and other Krakow expat sites I'm of the opinion that is a gathering point for every smart arse cynical bastard in the expat world

Regardless of this particular site and Krakow in particular.

I highly caution anyone not to form negative opinions about places or people without ever visiting those places or seeing these people face to face.

The internet distorts things, radically, and almost always for the negative.

Call it 'the dark side' of this wonderful tool.

I am glad I was born in a generation when people trusted each other until given a reason not too

So once again, the reason this was so is because they weren't relying on the internet to judge others or to communicate with them.

Why not do things the way your generation always did? Pay a visit to Krakow, stay a couple of weeks, meet some people face to face, then decide.
10 Oct 2011
Life / American moving to Poland. How do I get/What is the cost of a cell phone, cable, etc...? [16]

I'll be staying with my gran instead of on campus

Internet highly depends on your area within the city (i.e. which street you are on), you have to check which companies provide service to your street and also which kind of service (companies may not have infrastructure to support fast advertised speeds on your particular street). If stuck, you can always order internet from TP (the national telephone company) but make sure you do so early because these guys may take their sweet time to install.
19 Jan 2012
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

I took the course (see above posts), the course organized the material in a way that I could study more effectively later by myself. Also we made quite a bit of progress within these 2 weeks, and you can once again expand on the topics that were touched by yourself later. Overall I do recommend this format if you can't afford a longer term course.

>> you can't be so intense if everyone is being chilled and having a laugh

No, it's not a holiday course, actually some students were Erasmus and the exam at the end counted towards their grade so they weren't 'chilled'. Others were foreigners who work now in Poland and want to get a grasp of Polish (they didn't care about the exam but it doesn't mean they were slowing down the course). This wasn't a 'party all night and learn a few polish words during the day' course. It is what it says - '2 weeks intensive Polish course'.

Overall this format was useful for me and I want to take higher level intensive course sometime this year again.
2 Nov 2014
Law / Where to register a .PL domain name? [33]

You don't have to use a Polish registrar, many big name international registrars offer .PL domains and often for a much lower price. Anyone can register without restriction. Try gandi.net for example, a known registrar that specializes in international domain names.