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Joined: 10 Feb 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
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17 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK? [143]

It is true because in Spain everyone has to have lived there for seven years including nationals.

Not true.

There is no residency requirements in Spain, only the requirement to have paid enough insurance.

Of course, you must be legally resident. The UK would be well advised to follow the EU example of requiring people to register for residence certificates after 3 months.
18 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Hardly. Those countries have no history of democracy, no history of respecting human rights and very little in the way of a reliable economy.
18 Feb 2013
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

It happens for me to agree with what this poster says, thats why I posted it.

Any Polish patriot would never, ever, ever agree with Soviet propaganda under any circumstance.

Then again, in educated families, we were taught that everything the authorities say is a lie. Everything.
19 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Land dilemma - registering land and properties in Poland [8]

grandmother was uneducated and can't even write her name,how can she signed?

Quite common in Poland, especially among uneducated people. Normally random relatives turn up after the death when they realise that the property was actually worth something.

We don't know as aunty never and will not show the documents

How much contact have you had with the grandmother over the years?

is there somewhere in Poland where lands and properties are registered legally and can we find out as a third person?

It is possible, but the best advice is to get a good lawyer from the beginning.

However, you should think about this in moral terms. If your partner barely saw his grandmother and took little interest in her, then he really has no moral right to anything.
19 Feb 2013
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

exactly, they had the most advanced technology and the best equipped armed forces back then and that's why I said earlier " no one was able to face the Germans one on one back then and even if the Brits and'or French, tried to help Poland, they would be slaughtered just like anyone else".

A mooted attack by France and Poland in 35/36 would have had a real chance of succeeding. The only issue from a Polish perspective is that they would have been open to attack from the East as a result.

The end for Poland was the stupidity of invading Zaolzie in 38.
19 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Land dilemma - registering land and properties in Poland [8]

If she was genuine about it, why didn't she go see a lawyer and deal with it properly? It's not the first time and won't be the last time that an old person says one thing to your face and does something different in reality.

Is it possible to contact land registry and ask about the name of the legal owner of the land?

Of course it is - you can check it online here:

But you need to know the number. If you don't know the number of the property, then you need to write to the local council and ask them for it.
19 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Poland online property ownership checker (government website) [19]

I found this, and I think it might come in very useful for anyone looking to buy a property in Poland.


You need the so called "księga wieczysta" (property number) to access the data, but when you do, you can find out a wealth of information about the property. It contains details of previous owners, current owners, mortgage on the property, everything.
19 Feb 2013
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

not really. Just look how fast they were progressing through the entire continent. Honestly, they couldn't help you guys, even if they tried.

That was in 1939. Germany certainly wasn't ready for war by 1935/36, and if Poland/Czechoslovakia had formed an alliance, things could have been dramatically different.

However, I agree, they shouldn't have made any unrealistic promises, they were unable to fulfill to begin with.

Have you actually read the treaty in question? It doesn't make any unrealistic promises at all.
20 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / 1,701 people apply for 8 UK jobs to work in a coffee shop serving customers [11]

This is the reality over in much of the world today Those headlines about Spanish and Greek unemployment are just the leading edge. Un- and under- employment are spreading and becoming the norm. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

The difference in the UK is that a few years ago, middle class stay at home mothers would never dream of working in such a place with such people.

Now they don't have a choice.
20 Feb 2013
Life / DUI first time in Poland [13]

Being caught over the limit is an instant year's ban from driving and the licence revoked until you satisfy a psychologist that you aren't at danger of drinking and driving again. And a compulsory re-test.

Anyone seriously over the limit (such as 0.40) will be looking at jail time.
20 Feb 2013
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

Just to back up your point.


A comprehensive guide to driving law in California. Obtained easily.
20 Feb 2013
Life / DUI first time in Poland [13]

the guy just had a couple of glasses of wine ,, i really dont know how the test showed 0.45 ?

They all say that.
20 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Supply vs Demand - How long can contractors continue to push? Krakow [15]

I would imagine that prices will fall more in 2013 than 2012 due to the ending of the home owners grants.

Not necessarily, as Rodzina na Swoim came with many conditions and wasn't particularly favourable towards new builds anyway.
20 Feb 2013
Life / Men in Poland in the forest? Just men? [133]

Next time take some pics Dreadnought and post here.Shouldn't be hard since you say it's so common.

I would love to see these pictures too. In fact, I'd love to see pictures of many of his claims on here.
20 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Supply vs Demand - How long can contractors continue to push? Krakow [15]

Its Krakow it was a tiny amount, 5%

Which confirms my point.

Rodzina na Swoim was actually not that good at all, particularly as it usually came with higher deposit requirements and higher interest rates once the promotion ended.
21 Feb 2013
Food / "Poland - it's the new Provence of food" [56]

Poland has heavy greasy food

Rather obvious that you have never actually eaten good Polish food, despite your attempts to claim that you associate with high society.
22 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Astounded by the poor value of residential property here in Wroclaw [92]

For me subletting is for teenagers and students so they can spend the extra money on beer;however, in Poland the choice is leave the country or accept the sh1t as normal. Hard nut to chew for those who know better.


I'd love to see how you could afford a place of your own in London without subletting.
22 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Best and worst months of the year to find a flat to rent in Poland? [39]

I see, well all I can say is that there's some appallingly bad value out there at the moment, and some very stubborn landlords, bad contracts, hidden property defects too.

I think it's a reflection of the almost total lack of professionalism in the property market, to be honest.
22 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Poland online property ownership checker (government website) [19]

How does one get the KW number?

Good question. If you're buying a property, then they should give you the number without any problems, because a reluctance to do so suggests that they're up to no good.

It's worth bearing in mind that some properties don't have a KW number, but you can apply for one. As far as I know, you need the KW number to sell anyway.

For your own property, it might be on the akt notarialny, or you can get it from the Urzad Miasta for a small fee. For someone else's property, it might be possible to get if you have a valid reason to have it. I certainly obtained several in the past by merely paying the right fee and writing a letter.
23 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Best and worst months of the year to find a flat to rent in Poland? [39]

We have friends that invested in a 1 million zloty luxury 100sqm 2 bed apartment in a new Tower complex in Gdynia. Their morgage is 5000zl a month and they have been renting the apartment out for 2500zl a month and currently have no tenants. This is a ****** situation to find oneself in.

Doesn't surprise me. The price of it is just totally out of touch with reality. No-one with money would live in Gdynia, they would be in Sopot. Gdynia is an awful place to live, there's nothing happening there and it's absolutely boring. Good place to work, but terrible place to live.
23 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Best and worst months of the year to find a flat to rent in Poland? [39]

At least with Sopot, you'd be able to rent it out in summer easily enough. I know some people working for Sony there on really good money, but all of them live in Sopot because of how bad Gdynia is. It's the same with Gdansk, there are some nice enough areas, but most of it is just horrible.

Amazing how people buy property without doing their homework though, a ten minute drive around Gdynia would tell you that there's nothing happening there in terms of entertainment.
23 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK? [143]

Yes: BRITAIN was yesterday stripped of its AAA credit rating, an indicator that it is time for a reality check.

Absolutely. The country was relying on house prices rising to keep control of consumer debt, which was simply not going to work in the long run.

I think several monsters have just gone completely out of control - the NHS, the benefit system, etc.