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Posts by bledi_nowysacz  

Joined: 8 Feb 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Jun 2013
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 52 / In This Archive: 48
From: Krakow
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Sport, Geography, History

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28 Mar 2013
Study / National Louis University Nowy Sacz [18]

I don't know about you guys, but a friend of mine who is currently studying there says that WSB-NLU is going through some economical issues, they've had problems with paying the scholarship ( she didn't get it since November) and during winter during some late lessons ( around 17-18:00 ) the central heating wasn't working so guess how does that feel during January in Poland :D :D. Except for that I can't think but of positive things ;)

I had there my very first polish language course and the teacher was just brilliant.
9 May 2013
Life / Polish culture do's and dont's? [106]

after 2 years here I just have to agree with everything you said :D :D. The queue part is so amazingly true.
If you kiss a girl in the cheek( even a good colleague who works with you for 2 years ) don't EVER attempt with your arm to kind of hug her, just keep your body like 1-2 feet away and reach with your head to her cheek.

15 May 2013
Work / Salary 'under the table' in Poland? [15]

Hi everyone,
does everybody in PL get 1182 PLN transfered on the bank account and the rest "under the table" ? I was the other day at the bank to ask if I can have a credit card ( ebay,amazon and $hit like this ) and the lady there made a couple of phone calls and even after trying to get the lowest transaction limit allowed for me she was told that I can't have a credit card because of low income!!

Any advices on what to say to my boss about this?
P.S I really need that card, even a ryanair ticket ( the cheapest ones to Italy ) requires a credit card.
Thnx in advance
16 May 2013
Work / Salary 'under the table' in Poland? [15]

Go to Nordea and get a Visa electron.

thnx, I'll give it a try. I guess I can find it here in Krakow ( when I was living in Nowy Sacz I think I saw it somewhere ).

Even then it isn't common. It is however illegal to avoid tax and all your income, no matter how you receive it, is taxable

Jesus, if I'd be trying to avoid taxes would I be asking for advices on PM ?? I don't know where you live, but in Krakow a LOT of people( to not say the majority) get paid this way ;) and they just seem to be ok with it.I'm worried that I might lose my job if I stand up and tell him/her that I know what is going on here and I would like to have everything on paper and I REALLY can't afford that now.
16 May 2013
Work / Salary 'under the table' in Poland? [15]

Please don't say ELT!

I really don't know what does ELT mean :D Anyway I'm a freight forwarder, so I guess just a below average job. I have the contract till the end of my residence card, after that I guess, I'll have to renew it again. As about skarbowy and all that, I don't think somebody who has an income of 7-8 million € / year is worried about those things, corruption wasn't born in PL, but is making a good living here :D :D.

Any idea about my credit card please? P.S I definitely need a credit card, not a debit one, last year I was coming back from holidays and my euros have finished, I had only 500 PLN and some change but in SK I couldn't use it for petrol, so I had to wait for some polish truck to pass that way, to beg the driver to change 50 euro for 300 PLN ( which by the way is astronomically high ) and to finally get 20 l of petrol to get home, that's what I want to avoid in the future.
16 May 2013
Work / Salary 'under the table' in Poland? [15]

Of course you can pay with Debit Card for petrol abroad

I showed them my maestro cards and I got a big NO. Master Card and Visa rocks :D :D. Anyway, I'll have to hide permanently like 200 € somewhere in the car and leave it there.
16 May 2013
Work / Salary 'under the table' in Poland? [15]

Maestro is not very popular.

Ok, thnx. I don't really know what is popular and what isn't. I guess poor people don't know these things :D, can you tell me what is more popular than Maestro and could be accepted ?
21 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

Hi everyone,
a few days ago I was talking with a good polish friend of mine and suddenly we started talking about history.And I was shocked from his opinion regarding Alexander the Great. I was saying about the greek Alexander, while he ( and everybody else ) just jumped out of their chairs saying: Aleksander Macedonski nie Grecki :O . I wanted to ask: what do you learn in school about Alexander ? He was greek or "macedonian" (basically is the same thing because Macedonia was and is a greek name ) ? I mean what do polish history books say regarding Alexander?
21 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

Really?? I wrote that, didn't I? :D. I'm curious to know if there is written anywhere in the history books that it's not about the modern country named Macedonia, but the greek kingdom of Macedonia.
21 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

not many children in Poland

Ok, so I'll tell you something else: the guys who started "rioting" about Alexander being Macedonian and not Greek have all at least a bachelor degree ( 2 of them in european studies ) :D :D that's why I'm wondering.
21 May 2013
Travel / A four days vacation, where to go in Poland? [39]

Ok,you're going to get some staring from some people mostly the ones that have never been abroad. Try to avoid ( skinheads,football hooligans ) as they might not be friendly. Anyway, the majority of polish are friendly, but as in every country, here too are both kind of people.
21 May 2013
Travel / A four days vacation, where to go in Poland? [39]

For most Poles, Muslims = terrorists

Unfortunately that's also true but I wouldn't say for most poles. There are of course some poles who think this way but the majority I think doesn't share the same opinion.
21 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

He was Macedonian, people who are living in FYROM today are: Serbs,Albanian,Bosnian,Turkish,Bulgarian. The language is a bulgarian dialect. So I guess you get the picture now.
21 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

The Greek attitude towards Macedonia has been nothing short of pathetic

Now think for a moment if there was a country called Republic of Malopolska,bordering Poland, pretending to have nothing to do with polish region in south of Poland. Take also some polish hero/king/prince and name the airport of this "country's" main airport,name also a few roads,put him on some banknotes, fill the children's history books with nothing close to the truth,invent a language ( which is basically just a dialect of another language ) and I guess you have it.

Now tell me if that sounds familiar, and if any state/country/nation in the world would agree with an identity theft?
P.S I'm not greek ;)
21 May 2013
Travel / A four days vacation, where to go in Poland? [39]

Poles are against all that are not white, not catholic and not straight.

Yes, I live in Poland. 2 and half years now(Krakow) and of course I happen to see some cases of staring,or some old ladies trying to whisper ( they were quite loud but they thought they're whispering ) about an african young mother and her little baby, and my mother in law not understanding why I don't remember all catholic holidays. But I don't consider it a big deal. From what I read, you've been living here for 15 years, so I just have to step back because I'm nowhere your life experience in Poland.
22 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

Macedonian isn't a dialect of Bulgarian

Ok, so how can you explain me that when I was in Macedonia with a bulgarian friend of mine he was communicating with them like 2 poles communicate with each-other ( one from Gdansk and the other from Silesia ) and even he was shocked from the similarities?

the real reason for the Greek problem with Macedonia has everything to do with Greece and her support of Serbia

I don't think it has anything to do with it. Greece supported Serbia during the Bosnian war, and after the Kosovo war, and that was mostly because of the famous "Othodox brothers", but in Macedonia?? Macedonians are orthodox too ( at least that part that is called macedonian ).

Entirely normal

Ok, so if you consider that normal, I have nothing to add.
22 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

Poland between the wars wasn't much different

Dude, Poland didn't call itself Magdeburg,Morava or anything else. And didn't name any airports after some German/Czech/Russian/Ukrainian king :D :D.

Then again, pathetic childishness is nothing new in the Balkans

Here I have to agree with you. Seriously.
22 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

The origin of a language is does not make it a dialect of that language

Yes, you're right, it's not about the origin. It's about what this language really is, and some experts say it's a bulgarian dialect.You were saying something about similiarities between languages and I agree there are similarities especially between slavic countries. But here we're talking about more than 90 % of the language, even Czech with Slovak I think have more differences. Anyway I think I will just drop it, this thread got way more interesting with : Harry,Flagless and Ironside, so it'd be a shame to spoil it. In less words: I agree with whatever you have to say, Alexander was Macedonian, born and raised in Skopja, right next to his statue somewhere and macedonian culture got spread till far east.
23 May 2013
Law / I got a job in Poland, but there's no work permission [3]

Is it gonna work that way

Rather yes, even if the procedure will last longer ( which for sure will :D :D) and you're visa will expire,they usually give you some sort of a stamp on your passport. That proves that you're in the middle of the process of getting a residence permit. I don't know though if you are eligible to work during the first 3 months( before getting the residence permit ).

Good luck
25 May 2013
History / A map of the 2nd Republic - help? [5]

For the borders of Wielkopolska I guess you need a topographic map(considering you want to go and search those traces you mentioned). Bestmap.pl might help you with that. Once I got a VERY good map of Piwniczna Zdroj -Krynica Zdroj area from them.