23 Dec 2012
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]
Sin1973 i have to remember you that we lived with the slavs from 6th century when you came in our ancient lands, of dacian/thracians, and slavians assimilated the indigenous population of daco-romans/thracians, thats why we have genetic similarities, but referring to our language we NEVER had , and never will have an slavian language.The slavians words from romanian language are borrowed from old slavon language, and some of them are not slavian but dacian/thracian. About the good relationships between our people the truth it is just in one way: romanians the indigenous people of South-East and Central Europe before slavians conquest, considered serbians good neighbours because we never ask from serbians for our ancient lands, despite the fact serbians are DISCRIMINATING VLACHS/ROMANIANS FROM TIMOC (vlachs=obsolete/old name for romanians). The first letter in ROMANIAN LANGUAGE (not slavian) was written with SLAVONIC LETTERS/CHARACTERS, but is was romanian. You are trying to prove vlachs from Serbia are not romanians but serbs, but why do you think they suffer because they dont have the right to learn/use romanian language in schools, mass-media, churches, and they dont have the right to choose romanian names , but only serbians. Serbians are trying with romanians what they've made with albanians, but albanians were stronger than romanians, because they preserved their albanian names, and language. So: Romanians/Romania is friend with serbians not recognising Kosovo independence, but serbians are assimilating the romanians from TIMOC. Thank you serbian "Friends"
Sin1973 i have to remember you that we lived with the slavs from 6th century when you came in our ancient lands, of dacian/thracians, and slavians assimilated the indigenous population of daco-romans/thracians, thats why we have genetic similarities, but referring to our language we NEVER had , and never will have an slavian language.The slavians words from romanian language are borrowed from old slavon language, and some of them are not slavian but dacian/thracian. About the good relationships between our people the truth it is just in one way: romanians the indigenous people of South-East and Central Europe before slavians conquest, considered serbians good neighbours because we never ask from serbians for our ancient lands, despite the fact serbians are DISCRIMINATING VLACHS/ROMANIANS FROM TIMOC (vlachs=obsolete/old name for romanians). The first letter in ROMANIAN LANGUAGE (not slavian) was written with SLAVONIC LETTERS/CHARACTERS, but is was romanian. You are trying to prove vlachs from Serbia are not romanians but serbs, but why do you think they suffer because they dont have the right to learn/use romanian language in schools, mass-media, churches, and they dont have the right to choose romanian names , but only serbians. Serbians are trying with romanians what they've made with albanians, but albanians were stronger than romanians, because they preserved their albanian names, and language. So: Romanians/Romania is friend with serbians not recognising Kosovo independence, but serbians are assimilating the romanians from TIMOC. Thank you serbian "Friends"