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Joined: 23 Dec 2012 / Male ♂
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From: Romania,Arad
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Interests: Istoria, lingvistica (History, linguistic)

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23 Dec 2012
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

Sin1973 i have to remember you that we lived with the slavs from 6th century when you came in our ancient lands, of dacian/thracians, and slavians assimilated the indigenous population of daco-romans/thracians, thats why we have genetic similarities, but referring to our language we NEVER had , and never will have an slavian language.The slavians words from romanian language are borrowed from old slavon language, and some of them are not slavian but dacian/thracian. About the good relationships between our people the truth it is just in one way: romanians the indigenous people of South-East and Central Europe before slavians conquest, considered serbians good neighbours because we never ask from serbians for our ancient lands, despite the fact serbians are DISCRIMINATING VLACHS/ROMANIANS FROM TIMOC (vlachs=obsolete/old name for romanians). The first letter in ROMANIAN LANGUAGE (not slavian) was written with SLAVONIC LETTERS/CHARACTERS, but is was romanian. You are trying to prove vlachs from Serbia are not romanians but serbs, but why do you think they suffer because they dont have the right to learn/use romanian language in schools, mass-media, churches, and they dont have the right to choose romanian names , but only serbians. Serbians are trying with romanians what they've made with albanians, but albanians were stronger than romanians, because they preserved their albanian names, and language. So: Romanians/Romania is friend with serbians not recognising Kosovo independence, but serbians are assimilating the romanians from TIMOC. Thank you serbian "Friends"
25 Jan 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

No, it is not your imagination. Both the Poles and Romanians (and some other people, for that matter) are the offsprings of the Thraco-Geto-Dacians. Some of the Dacians moved north of present-day Romania following the Roman invasion that succeeded in 105-106 AD to capture about 14% of the territory inhabited by Dacians (today's Romania, little bit of south Ukraine, Republic of Moldavia).

ROMNĂ/ROMANIAN: Ce spui? Că polonezii sunt geto-daci/traci ca și românii? Pe ce te bazezi? Faptul că genetic ar fi ipotetic să zicem așa, nu înseamnă că ei sunt sau se consideră geto-daci/traci. Ei vorbesc o limbă de origine slavă, și se consideră slavi,și asta e tot ce contează.Punct.

ENGLISH/ENGLEZĂ: What are you saying? That polish people have geto-dacian/thracian descendence? Which is your support for saying that? Let's say hipothetically that polish would have geto-dacian/thracian descendence. They are speaking a slavian language, and they consider themselves slavs, and this is what really matters.Period.
26 Jan 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

Your main idea is correct, but let me correct your spelling mistakes. We have "muzeul" which came from latin "museum", first proto-romanian (latin which transformed in romanian) was "museu" than "s" became "z" like in hungarian (muzeum), than literary language added the article "l" and became "muzeu+l". Colocvial (non-litterary) romanian is used by many romanian which says : muzeu (long "u") without adding the "l" article, and the long "u" is the substitute for the article "l"

Other exemple how romanian "corrupted" latin forms when our language became from daco-latin -->romanian : "caelum" (sky) in latin first became "celu" the "l" became "r" and the form is "ceru" and litterary (official) language added the "l" article becaming "cerul" =the sky.

"Solem" (sun)----> "Soare" in romanian..l--> r
'D'from latin became "z" in romanian : "Deus"--> "Deu" (old romanian) ---> "Dzeu"and from '20 in the new romanian language was "Zeu".

"Decem" (10=ten) --> "Dece" (ex: decembrie) ---> Dzece--> "Zece" (new romanian) ,polish is "dziesięć" (this example reveals our indo-european connection despite the fact polish is slavian, and romanian latin, we had one language in Europe thousand of years ago)

Also romanian language is the ONLY LATIN language which preserve the form "Dominus et deus" for "God" (Lord and God)----> "Dumnezeu" (Dumn e zeu), and the word "LUMINA' (Light) which has its derrivates like "ILUMINAT' (Enlighted).
26 Jan 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

Well i am intrrigued (wondering) why latin from our territory (romanian language in present) corrupted partially latin words/senses. I think maybe because of avar, hun,slavian conquest, then hungarian maybe.

Example: Inima (heart) ----> Anima (latin: soul), so romanian changed the sense from "soul" (anima) spiritual sense, to "heart (inima) a material sense.

Latin: "martyr" ( mucenic) , romanian became "martor" (witness), then in XIX century romanian "borrowed" the latin word "martir" with the same meaning from latin, replacing the slavian (maybe dacian) word "mucenic". So we have 2 words from same latin word "martyr" but with 2 senses.

Also word' trup" (slavian origin, or maybe dacian= slavian related) was replaced with "corp" (body) from latin "corporem", but albanian language wich belongs also to the thracian/dacian branch has the word "trup".

Talking about similarities between scandinavian/nodic language i must tell you something very intresting. We have the personal name "Sorin" similar with nordic "Soren", and this shows an ancient connection with those peoples. Also swedish peoples consider themselves the descedents of the thracian (which are also the parrents of the romanian people). idrisi.narod.ru/swedes.htm

My name "Calin" is considered a dacian name, but also in celtic /welsh language it appears in same form "Calin".
Greeks called dacian (north thracians) Hiperboreans (Boreas was a thracian not greek God----became Boris in russian and nordic languages).Greeks admited some of their gods were borrowed from thracians: Ares (God of the war) in Romania we have a river called: Arieș and a valley: Valea Arieșului, andthis is not coincidence.


Thracian were Troyans (ancient Troy, today Turkey) and romans came from today Turkey (see the legend of Aeneas/ Eneas first latin) , so both of our ancestor came from south to the north giving birth to all european peoples, and this is not fiction. We all are brotehers (frati in romanian). You see also in the word "brother" a connection with the romanian/latin " frate". "Brother"---"Frate".

The only non-european peoples and languages are estonians, finnish and hungarians (which came only for 1000 years).
I like very much polish and western slavian people, excepting the eastern/southern: bulgarians, serbians which discriminate the indigenous people : romanians , from their territory ,conquered from our ancestors. We dont ask for territory like albanians, despite the fact we would have this right like albanians, we want the right for the romanians living there , to learn romanian language, in schools, church, tv, radio,etc.

I have so many to talk about regarding this subject, but maybe other time i will develope my ideas.
I hope i didnt bored you.
Un salut de la Călin. (Greeting from Călin).Powitanie !
30 Jan 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

We say :La revedere, italian : Arriverderci, french: Au revoir (p.s: i hate french, sounds like ****).
Only true latin accent have the following languages: romanian, italian, spanish, and strange one portuguese.
Similarities between romanian and italian are 75 %, the rest we have slavian and dacian words.
9 Mar 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

Add to the list "Buna ziua!", "Buna soara!"

I need to correct you a little: "Bună seara" , italian: Bona sera, french (bleahh) : Bon soir.
Soare = Sun in romanian. Do you know we have the persoanal name :Sorin very similar with scaninavian Soren?
It it considered to be a derivate from Soare (Sun in romanian).Eg.: Un soare (singular: one sun), Doi sori (two suns).Sori+n= Sorin.

Also you know romanians are the genuine descendents from thracians/dacian (traci/daci in romanian) and i found on internet that swedish people also consider themselves descends of thracians.

Unfortunatelly i am sad that until now , no one has found (or maybe it is hided from politically reasons) inscriptions in dacian/thracian language.
Romanians were a big people came from thracins but unfortunatelly we are majority only in Romania (Dacia) and Basarabia (Republica Moldova) also a part of Dacia.

South Europe became slavian and greek, and only a few islands (insule, ostroave) of romanians remained, but over 1 million isolated romanians which dont have any cultural and linguistic rights.

I personally consider that thracian language is the descendat of first (indo)european language :hittite, and was similar partial with latin,slavian, greek, and germanic languages, thats why romanian language has all those simultan origins: latin, slavian, few germanic and greek.

For example slavian word "liubliu" =liebe (in german), iubire (in romanian), love (in english) is an indoeuropean common word in many languages.
Also > Trei (in romanian, also popular speach: tri) ,three (in english), tri (in slavian languages), drei (in german),etc.
Tata/patir (proto-celtic)= Tata (in romanian), pater (latin), father (english)--->Romanian preserved cletic origianl form (maybe dacians were related with celts)
Proto-celtic :Busu =Buza (in romanian) , Buze (albanian), means lips in english.


I am disturbed by hungarians extremists and their fake history invented against our history. They say we are not dacians, but romans and slavs. So a new-come people in Europe "teach" us that we are not whom we believe and know we are, for a nationalistic extremist ego, and political interest of Hungary.

To be continued.....

Proto-celtic: luta= lut (romanian)
laxto =lapte (romanian) ,lacte (latina)= milk(english)
mlig-e/= lapte (romanian), mleka (slavian). So proto-celtic has 2 or 3 words for the same meaning.(e.g.: laxto=mleg, tata=patir) page 78.
dant = dinte (romanian), dente (latin), tooth (english) or we have "dantura" (all teeth)= dentition (in english) .
Nok, noxto = noapte (romanian) , Nocte (latin), Noc (slavian), nacht (german), night (english).
Romanian language replaced "c" with "p" :NoCtem--->NoaPte
PeCtum--->PiePt (Chest), FaCtum--->FaPt, Octo=Opt,etc.
d--->z e.g. latin: "Decem"--->"Zece" Română (romanian) (old romanian: dece, middle:"dzece" similar with polish, new romanian :zece)

"Dia"----> Ziua(old romanian "diua", middle time "dziua", new romanian: ziua)

9 Mar 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

Here i am trying to reveal the celtic-dacian/thracian-romanian conection, not only the thracian/dacian-romanian-scandinavian connection. :-)
P.S.: Warszawette i dont like french language, so i dont give a....beep about it ! Lol :-)))
French it is not a latin based language anymore (despite vocabulary) , and i am referring to his s h i t t y accent. :-))
9 Mar 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

On the other hand, Romania too is rife with revisionism of its own, namely, whitewashing the entire Ceauscescu Era, in particular it's anti-semitism, the Iron Guard (Valerian Trifa) and all that stuff....

Well i have to say you are not totally right. Talking about anti-semitism lets not forget about Horthy regime in North Transylvania (ro:Ardealul/Transilvania de Nord) when Hungary received from Vienna Diktat this territory, and hungarian (military) autorithies killed/masacrated thousands of romanians and tens of thousand of jewish.

Look at this video:

Here I need to correct you a little! French is indeed a Latin-based language, same as Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese or Sardinian:-) A language doesn't suddenly become something it never was, nor morph from something which it wasn't.

Well of course french is a latin-based language, but i hate its germanic and awkward (strange) accent.
I have also germanic origins being mostly romanian, and german it seems to me such an difficult and ugly language, and listening french seems to me is nothing latin in it, despite the fact it is.

Franks (germanic people) have influenced the language and this is the reason of this awkward accent.
The conclusion: i hate french. :-)))

To make your weekend brighter i give you some romanian songs ,performed by Inna:
10 Mar 2013
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

As to your hatred, unfortunately it is not shared by all the bums and crooks from Rumania who steal and beg in France and who seem to really like it since it is impossible to stop them.

Now i take it as a personal ofense! Dear Warszawette not romanians are stealing and beging in France, but gipsyes. And my disgust about french language is also connected (not only) with this french attitude vis-a-vis to romanians of making us all beggers or thieves, when is all about gipsyes, who also live in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia,Bulgaria, and we all know how primitive and savage they are.

My disgust is about their accent.
So anyone can force me to like it? No.
My favorite latin-based languages are : Romanian, italian,spanish.
So dont mess up the gipsyes with the romanians !!
And stop talking about this subject: french language. The thread is about romanian and polish !