27 Jan 2013
Australia / Australian citizen wanting to go to Poland for as long as possible - needs Polish Visa [49]
Merged: Australian citizen looking at coming to Poland - Visa help
Gday im looking at coming to poland but needa find work first im an australian citizen and would greaty like to come to poland as ive spent tome ther before but only for a short time if i was to apply for a travell visa for poland would it be possible on travells if work was made availabe i could apply for a work visa? Any information would help:)
Merged: Australian citizen looking at coming to Poland - Visa help
Gday im looking at coming to poland but needa find work first im an australian citizen and would greaty like to come to poland as ive spent tome ther before but only for a short time if i was to apply for a travell visa for poland would it be possible on travells if work was made availabe i could apply for a work visa? Any information would help:)