History /
Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]
That map of Europe is based on the finger prints which means nothing.
I appreciate your joke, but it is not very well directed.
The map is based on 500.000 of different genetic markers inside of our genome.(genetic fingerprint is not a `` criminal`` fingerprint)
All slavic languages are similar to some degree cause there used to be one slavic language centuries age before it splitted and independantly developed in separate countries.
But not all of them are as similar as Russian and Polish.From my knowledge of Slavic languages I would tell that Polish is closest to Russian after Ukrainian. I created some textfile with similarities between Slavic languages.It seems that if you know three
languages Czech,Polish and Slovenian you could easily understand around 90-95 of basic and non-borrowed Russian words.
The most difficult part for mutual understanding between Poles and Russians is pronounciation.There seem to be some principal differences.And also stresses and tenses.Yet many words are easily intelligeble.It is estimated that around 60% of total vocabulary is similar (not even talk about basic vocabulary).
htt://how-to-learn-any-language.com/e/languages/similarities/russian/i ndex.html (add p in http)
And would you claim that famous expression of Gagarin ``Poekhali !`` is not intelligeble in Polish? The verb ``Ekhat``` is the same in both languages.
Sorry, the words in a text file mixed up a bit.
I tried to create a better version:
English - Polish - Russian
I - Ja - Ja
You - Ty - Ty
You (plural) - Vy - Vy
We - My - My
He - On - On
She - Ona - Ona
They - One - Oni
It - Ono - Ono
Them - Im, Ich - Im, Ich
Me - Mnje - Mnje
Who - Kto - Kto
What - Co - Chto
On - Na - Na
Under - Pod - Pod
Behind - Za - Za
From - Z - Iz, S
For - Dla - Dla
There - Tam - Tam
Here - Tutaj - Tut, Zdes
People - Ljude, narod - Ljudi, narod
God - Bog - Bog
Heart - Sertse - Sertse
Soul - Dusha - Dusha
Spirit - Dukh - Dukh
Head - Glova - Golova
Leg - Noga - Noga
Eye - Oko - Glaz, Oko (archaic)
Ear - Ukho - Ukho
Neck - Shija - Sheja
Nose - Nos - Nos
Cow - Krova - Korova
Horse - Kon` - Kon`
Dog - P`es - P`os
Tree - Drevo - Derevo
Sky - Nebo - Nebo
Heavens - Neb`osa - Nebesa
Paradise - Raj - Raj
Grass - Trava - Trava
Man - Chlovek - Chelovek
Male - Mezhchizna - Muzhchina
Little girl - Devchinka - Devochka
Lad - Khlopets - Khlopets
Eagle - Orzhel - Or`ol
Falkon - Sokol - Sokol
Flame - Plomen` - Plamja
Fire - Pozhar, Og`en` - Pozhar, Ogon`
Riot - Bunt - Bunt
Side - Strona - Storona
River - Reka - Reka
Sun - Slontse - Sontse
Earth - Zemja - Zemlja 50
Road - Droga - Doroga
Stone - Kamen` - Kamen`
Our - Nash - Nash
Beat - Bit` - Bit`
Leaf - Lisch - List
Friendship - Druzhba - Druzhba
Day - Den` - Den`
Night - Nots - Noch
Evening - Vechor - Vecher
Field - Pole - Pole
Snow - Sneg - Sneg
Finger - Palets - Palets
Green - Zel`ony - Zel`onyj
House - Dom - Dom
Castle - Zamek - Zamok
Forest - L`as - Les
Is - Jest - Jest`
Swim - Plyvat` - Plavat`
Fly - L`atach - Letat`
Light - Svjatlo - Svet
Broad - Sheroki - Shyrokij
High - Vysoki - Vysokij
Hail - Grad - Grad
Hair - Vlosy - Volosy
Freedom - Volnosch, Svoboda - Svoboda, Volnost`
Children - Deti - Deti
Language - Jezyk - Jazyk
Cherry - Vishnja - Vishnja
Apple - Jabko - Jabloko
Berry - Jagoda - Jagoda
Sweet - Slodki - Sladkij
Better - Lepshe - Luchshe
Corn - Kukuruza - Kukuruza
Wheat - Pshenitsa - Pshenitsa
Bread - Khleb - Khleb
Mouse - Mysh - Mysh
Sleap - Spat` - Spat`
Bitter - Gorzhki - Gor`kij
Fame - Slava - Slava
Rock - Skala - Skala
Wind - Vjatr - Veter
Yellow - Zhulty - Zholtyj
White - Bjaly - Belyj
Nail - Gvodz - Gvozd`
Ax - Topor - Topor
Sea - More - More
Window - Okno - Okno
Milk - Mleko - Moloko
Pigeon - Golob - Golub`
Fox - Lis - Lis
Volf - Vilk - Volk
Square - Kvadrat - Kvadrat
Honey - Mjod - Mjod
Wasp - Osa - Osa
Bee - Pschola - Pchela
Ring - Persten` - Persten`
Mountain - Gura - Gora
Plate - Plyta - Plita
Clothing - Odezh - Odezhda
Marry - Vesely - Vesjolyj
Image - Obraz - Obraz
Iron - Zheljazo - Zheljezo
Water - Voda - Voda
Droplet - Kroplja - Kaplja
Arrow - Strelka - Strelka, Strela
Clean - Chisty - Chistyj
Sinner - Greshnik - Greshnik
Cabbage - Kapusta - Kapusta
Carrot - Markhev - Morkov
See - Videt` - Videt`
Grandson - Vnuk - Vnuk
Brain - Muzg - Mozg
Meat - Mjeso - Mjaso
Butter - Maslo - Maslo
If - Esli - Esli
Poison - Jad - Jad
Mushrum - Grzhybek - Grib
Ore - Ruda - Ruda
Force - Sila - Sila
War - Vojna - Vojna
Battle - Boj, bitva - Boj, bitva
Eggs - Jajka - Jajtsa
Plum - Slivka - Sliva
Tooth - Zab - Zub
Pine - Sosna - Sosna
Linden - Lipa -Lipa
Sword - Mech - Mech
Wall - Stjana - Stena
Donkey - Osjol - Osjol
Goat - Koza,kozjol - Koza,kozjol
Pain - Bul` - Bol`
Bull - Byk - Byk
Teach - Uchit` - Uchit`
Fly (insect) - Mukha - Mukha
Beer - Pivo - Pivo
Raspberry - Malina - Malina
Where - Gde - Gde
Young - Mlody - Molodoj
Old - Stary - Staryj
Good - Dobro - Dobro
Evil - Zlo - Zlo
Right - Pravo - Pravo
Left - Levo - Levo
Truth - Pravda - Pravda
Plane - Samoljot - Samoljot
Drink - Pit` - Pit`
Write - Pisat` - Pisat`
Eat - Jest` - Jest`
Word - Slovo - Slovo
Justice - Spravedlivost` - Spravedlivost`
Unemployment - Bezrobotje - Bezrabotitsa
Clay - Glina - Glina
Glue - Klej - Klej
Know - Znat` - Znat`
Blood - Krev - Krov`
Poplar - Topolja - Topol`
Viburnum - Kalina - Kalina
Such - Taki - Takoj
Which - Ktury - Kotoryj
In - V - V
Grain - Zjarno - Zerno
Village - Sjalo - Selo
Garden - Ogorod - Ogorod
Fog - Mgla - Mgla
Beast - Zver` - Zver`
Tomato - Pomidor - Pomidor
Couple - Para - Para
Bow - Luk - Luk
Knife - Nuzh - Nozh
Spoon - Lyzhka - Lozhka
Urine - Moch - Mocha
Bitch - Suka - Suka
Shoot - Strel`at` - Strel`at`
Oak - Dab - Dub
Aspen - Osika - Osina
Saddle - S`odlo - Sedlo
Chestnut - Kashtan - Kashtan
Winter - Zima - Zima
Spring - V`osna - Vesna
Summer - L`ato - Leto
Automn - Jesen` - Osen`
Deer- Jelen` - Olen`
Lake - Jezero - Ozero
Juice - Sok - Sok
Ride - Jekhat` - Jekhat`
Crow - Vrona - Vorona
Kernel - Jadro - Jadro
Nut - Nakrentka,Orekh - Orekh
Pear - Grushka - Grusha
Wheel - Kolo - Koleso
Border - Granitsa - Granitsa
Rich - Bogaty - Bogatyj
Poor - Bedny - Bednyj
Hip - Bjodro - Bedro
Street - Ulitsa - Ulitsa
Late - Puzno - Pozno
Far - Daleko - Daleko
Near - Blizko - Blizko
Dust - Pyl - Pyl`
Choice - Vybor - Vybor
Health - Zdrovje - Zdorovje
Nest - Gn`azdo - Gnezdo
Cucumber - Ogurek - Ogurets
Feather - Pjuro - Pero
Thought - Mysl` - Mysl`
Hunger - Glod - Golod
Voice - Glos - Golos
Warmth - Teplo - Teplo
Wife - Zhona - Zhena
Husbend - Menzh - Muzh
Honor - Chesch - Chest`
Badger - Borsuk - Barsuk
And - I - I
Although - Khot`azh - Khot`a
Long - Dulgo, dulgi - Dolgo, dolgij
Few - Malo - Malo
Laugh - Smekh - Smekh
Bones - Kosti - Kosti
Desert - Pustynja - Pustynja
Needle - Igla - Igla
Create - Tvorit` - Tvorit`
Whom - Kogo - Kogo
Tribe - Plemja - Plemja
Widow - Vdova - Vdova
Read - Chytat` - Chitat`
Goods - Tovary - Tovary
Ready - Gotovy - Gotovyj
Fear - Strakh - Strakh
Elk - Los` - Los`
Important - Vazhny - Vazhnyj
Yours - Tvoj - Tvoj
Weak - Slaby -Slabyj
Guilt - Vina - Vina
Sheep - Ovtsa, Baran - Ovtsa, Baran
Quiet - Tihy - Tihij
Watermellon - Arbuz - Arbuz
Flax - Len - L`on
Soup (wash) - Mydlo - Mylo
Valley - Dolina - Dolina
Draw - Rysovach - Risovat`
Shoes - Obuve - Obuv`
Cancer - Rak - Rak
Half - Pol - Pol
Bottom - Dno - Dno
Shadow - Ten` - Ten`
Dark - T`emny - T`omnyj
Short - Krotki - Korotkij
Often - Cha(?)sto - Chasto
Price - Tsena - Tsena
Fish - Ryba - Ryba
Wound - Rana - Rana
Owl - Sova - Sova
My - Moj - Moj
Pig - Svin`a - Svinja
Game - Gra - Igra
Mare - Kobyla - Kobyla
Only - Tyl`ko - Tol`ko
Elbow - Loket` - Lokot`
Knee - Kol`ano - Koleno
Spade - Lopata - Lopata
Prayer - Modlitva - Molitva
Wild - Diki - Dikij
Descendant - Potomek - Potomok
End - Konets - Konets
Secret - Tajny - Tajnyj
Each - Kazhdy - Kazhdyj
Pay - Platit` - Platit`
Reward - Nagroda - Nagrada
Enemy - Vrug - Vrag
Perch - Okon` - Okun`
Hoof - Kopyto - Kopyto
Sew - Shit` - Shit`
Root - Korzhen` - Koren`
Paw - Lapa - Lapa
Without - Bez - Bez
Spark - Iskra - Iskra
Repeat - Povtorzhat` - Povtorjat`
Dough - Tjasto - Testo
Odor - Zapakh - Zapakh
Mole - Kret - Krot
Chin - Podbrudek - Podborodok
Horseshoe - Podkova - Podkova
Joy - Radoshch - Radost`
Cap - Chapka - Shapka
Weather - Pogoda - Pogoda
Senior - Starshy - Starshyj
Bridge - Most - Most
Meaning - Znachen`e - Znachenie
Otherwise - Inachej - Inache
Market - Rynek - Rynok
Threshold - Prog - Porog
Expression - Vyrazhen`e - Vyrazhenie
Eternity - Vechnoshch - Vechnost`
Garlic - Chosnek - Chesnok
Divide - Delit` - Delit`
English - Czech - Russian
Island - Ostrov - Ostrov
Tender - Nezhnij - Nezhnyj
Hand - Ruka - Ruka
Sound - Zvuk - Zvuk
Many - Mnogo - Mnogo
Door - Dvere - Dver`
Hope - Nadeje - Nadezhda
Forehead - Chelo - Chelo (archaic)
Jaw - Chelest - Chel`ust`
Cheese - Syr - Syr
Speech - Rech - Rech
Circle - Kruh - Krug
All - Vshe - Vse
Against - Proti - Protiv
Pipe - Trubka - Trubka, truba
Flour - Muka - Muka
Father - Otets - Ot`ets
Light - Svetlo - Svet
Do - Delat - Delat`
English - Slovenian - Russian
Mister - Gospod - Gospodin
Star - Zvezda - Zvezda
Glass - Steklo - Steklo
Skin - Kozha - Kozha
Speak - Govorimo - Govorit`
Speak - Govorimo - Govorit`
Propose - Predlagati - Predlagat`
Propose - Predlagati - Predlagat`
Search - Iskanje - Iskat`
Street - Ulitsa - Ulitsa