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Posts by ryoh  

Joined: 19 Sep 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Sep 2012
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Posts: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 18
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Yes (also English, Japanese, Russian)

Displayed posts: 18
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20 Sep 2012
Language / Which is harder: Pole learning Russian or Russian learning Polish language? [57]

Anyone trying to learn a second language or a third or fourth will have an easier time learning a "sister language".

This might be true for many languages, except Polish ;) Polish was my 4th language and it was the hardest to learn even after I knew some Russian.

Russian is more musical than Polish

Yes, it's more musical and more emotional, so I think it's the reflection of the culture. Polish are usually calmer than Russians.
Therefore, it's often difficult for a Russian to speak Polish because they cannot express their emotions to much.
21 Sep 2012
Work / Job in Poland Bydgoszcz - Is there an Indian community here? [26]

so ur husband still works there?

No, my husband got a job offer but still in the process of being interviewed, I'm hoping he gets the job :)
I live in Warsaw but haven't lived in Bydgoszcz(yet).

do u know tax details in poland?

Income tax here is 30% of the salary, so for example, if you earn 5000 zloty, 1500 is reducted. I haven't heard about any tax exemptions.
21 Sep 2012
Language / Which is harder: Pole learning Russian or Russian learning Polish language? [57]

Poles usually can understand spoken Russian (though not at easily as Ukrainians!), but NOT vice-versa:-)

One reason that Russians cannot catch much of Poles' speaking is because of the pronunciation. Polish language has some sounds which is difficult for them to catch. Polish is pronounced without the mouth opened much, whereas Russian requires to use lots of mouth muscle and pronunciation is much clearer(for foreigners' ears).

i would be interested in knowing what the other two languages are that you speak

Well, English, and Japanese as my native tongue. Ah, so I should say Polish is my 3rd foreign language.
22 Sep 2012
Language / Which is harder: Pole learning Russian or Russian learning Polish language? [57]

so did you learn russian or polish first?

I learned Russian first, but not fully, then had to learn Polish, but I had difficulties in learning Polish as this language is harder to pronounce and the grammar has much more "exceptions" than Russian does. I'm still in the process of learning both languages, and I think it will never end ;)

If you can make yourself understood in Polish that's already very good, I think :)
22 Sep 2012
Language / Which is harder: Pole learning Russian or Russian learning Polish language? [57]

Oh you know a lot about Japanese language! Have you tried to learn it?
If you're able to speak Japanese, it's easier to write down a sentense and put Kanji where it's needed, and the rest of the sentense is in Hiragana. So it's just the matter of how much Kanji you know. Even if you don't know any Kanji you can still write the whole sentense in Hiragana and people can read and understand it. But it's true it takes years to learn Kanji...I had to write each Kanji at least 100 times to learn it, so it's a long process to learn all the 2000 Kanji in the school...

And yes, counting and all are also not easy for foreigners to learn, however, there's some ways to get away from this complication by just using the word for counting "pieces(1 piece, 2 pieces, 3 pieces...)" for everything, at least for the start ;)

Anyway Polish grammar and pronunciation have been a big complication for me :)
There are some sounds in Polish which is so hard to catch or pronounce for a Japanese. Of course after some years of hearing Polish I finally started to catch.

22 Sep 2012
Language / Which is harder: Pole learning Russian or Russian learning Polish language? [57]

As a result, my Polish is more or less fluent

Oh, you're not from Poland. If you go to Japan your Japanese will surely improve, just like your Polish.
I see you went through checking different Asian languages like I did with European languages :) That's true Chinese kanji are simplified and deformed after going through language modifications. Many of them I cannot read(so don't worry that you too don't know them), but Chinese people can read Japanese kanji because they still know how their characters originally look like.

Motivation and interest alone, don't do it.

Motivation doesn't necessarily come from positive inspiration, it could also come from negative impact and in such case the motivation can be stronger and let you learn the language really fast.

I learned Polish much faster when I had a trouble than when I had no worries and had lots of time to learn... ;)
23 Sep 2012
Language / Which is harder: Pole learning Russian or Russian learning Polish language? [57]

after telling my Czech hostess to her face that her house smelled and her beer was stale, I quickly, and smartly, decided to return to Vienna:-)

Czech is a more closer language to Polish than to Russian, but it's interesting there are so many such small differences which confuses everyone easily. There are also lots of similarities between Polish and Russian vocabulary but I think such differences are smaller, it's either means exactly the same or means completely different(that at least it doesn't sound funny like your experience in Prague :)

Chinese and Japanese are wholly and completely mutually UNintelligible

Yes, that's true, when I visited China I was able to order a dish from the menu at a restaurants just because I could read the Kanji and I could guess what kind of food I should expect it to be, but when it comes to a long sentence I just don't understand it. Chinese belongs to a different language family from Japanese.
25 Sep 2012
Language / Which is harder: Pole learning Russian or Russian learning Polish language? [57]

Didn't Japan borrow it's alphabet from China? Why doesn't Japan use the latin alphabet? Wouldn't 26 letters be easier than 2000?

Isn't Russian harder than Polish due to Cyrillic alphabet?

Well, China was our nearest and the only neighbour which already had developed the writing system in the eastern Asia as early as around 2nd century, so it was natural that we borrowed their system and we still didn't know there were other writing systems in other parts of the world ;)

Larning Cyrillic alphabet is is just like learning Latin alphabet, there are only 33 letters.

would you like to dvelop on this?

past tense of "go" in ru.
shol, shla, shlo, shli

past tense of "go" in pl.
szedłem, szłam, szedłeś, szłaś, szedł, szła, szło, szliśmy, szłyśmy, szliście, szłyście, szli, szły

Here is a wonderful and useful online dictionary of Polish, "Słownik odmiany wyrazów(dictionary of expression types)" which helps you find all the possible verb changes and noun reflections, plus the words derived from the verbs and nouns.

For example, you can type "chodzić" and search. You will find many word options derived from this one word. It's really fun!! ;)

25 Oct 2012
Love / Polish husband threatens divorce and wants to send me back to Asia [15]

I think you should contact a lawyer. That's sad your husband is a lawyer himself...

Anyway, you're officially married to your him so if he's messing up the marriage then you can sue him somehow. Here's a forum site regarding different laws, but it's in Polish so you can get someone who writes in Polish and ask questions there.


good luck
29 Oct 2012
Law / Foreigners Getting Married in Poland - a Guide to Formal Preparation [54]

They do require the birth certificate but it's not needed to be the original, it could be the official copy of the birth certificate, according to what your country's embassy in Poland suggests.

You should convince your wife to go to the municipal office to find out if you can get it back, and then turn in an official copy instead, with a translation.
23 Nov 2012
Law / How can i get Poland residence card? Moroccan married to a Polish citizen. [16]

Speaking of Polish Anthem singing, Are you serious about it?

I don't think you need to sing the national anthem to get the residence card. I have a residence card but never had to sing it.

Here's the link in English about the residence card. You can click to download the files from "Text Attachments" at the lower part of the page.

Firstly you have to get a "Residence permit for a defined period of time", and when this card expires(in 3 years I believe) you're eligible to obtain "Permission to settle".

26 Nov 2012
Love / Awaiting too long court date for divorce in Poland [8]

It is just frustrating i want to get it done and over with.

It must be frustrating but it will take 2 to 4 months until the whole process is done. And even when the case is settled at the court, the divorce still isn't official, you have to wait 2 or 3 weeks until the court authrizes the issue as settled. Then you are finally able to get the copy of you divorce case.
26 Nov 2012
Law / Foreigners Getting Married in Poland - a Guide to Formal Preparation [54]

the birth certificate was translated when we got married already

Actually the translation of the original one doesn't work, because you need the translation of the official copy of birth certificate which states "this copy of birth certificate is true to the original".

So you need to have someone translate it again.
26 Nov 2012
Love / Awaiting too long court date for divorce in Poland [8]

I am hoping to get it done sooner the better

I have no idea if there's any way to make the process faster. Prior to the court decision almost all the procedure is done by correspondence by post(letters) so it's slow.

Make sure you ask the court to appoint an interpreter, because if there's no interpreter person the decision is postponed for another 2 or 3 months!
12 Oct 2013
Work / Average IT salary in Poland [60]

salary on the IT market in bydgoszcz poland


It's something around 8000 zloty before tax, but after tax(30%) it's around 6000 zloty. But it can be higher depending on the type of the job and the level of your qualification.
21 Sep 2014
Work / Average IT salary in Poland [60]

Ah, sorry the info I had, 6000 after tax, is for the foreigner workers with special contracts, but I imagine for local employees it's like what you wrote, 4000-5000.

why there is an invasion of Indian IT people into Bydgoszcz, and this for salaries well above Polish ones?

It's because all the Indian IT people working here have much higher qualification which those IT companies need, and in order to hire them within Poland the companies have to pay them about 150% average salary of Poland as special/skilled workers.