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Posts by Puzzie  

Joined: 16 Jul 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 53 / In This Archive: 41
From: Poland, Warszawa and Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: I do
Interests: I'm a freedom of speech fanatic - freedom of speech for the whole world

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16 Jul 2012

Hi Neil. Here's some info (if you don't know it yet) on the Meydan family who are the investors in the Opal Property Developments. The Meydan family AREN'T POLISH.


I feel very sorry for you, man.

May Heaven protect you and help you get back your money.
16 Jul 2012
USA, Canada / Living in Poland - prospects for Alabama guy ... need some advice! [146]

Gimme some advice, people. And if you're just gonna be a buttface, then don't be. Thanks.

I get the hunch you - is it Jason? - can do very well in Poland. You seem a nice - gentle and smart at the same time - and honest feller, and, most importantly, seem not to have an adverse attitude towards us but an open and amicable one. Am I right about it, or go over the top? That's the kind of folks we welcome in Poland; we don't welcome Polonophobes and crybabies who, for instance, whine all the time: "Racism! Antisemitism!" where there's none, and arrogantly demand special rights and priviledges for themselves.

You'll do okay in here the way you are, I think.

And don't worry about your not top-notch command of Polish - you can polish it in no time if you want to, I'm sure of it.

I'd say go for it with no fear.
19 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I see the independant and the scotsman on their as well. Barrack Obama says 'Polish death camps' and the Poles want blood. Polish thugs constantly kill British citizens and when the UK press print the stories you all see it as anti-polish! what a bunch of tossers

--- Prove that "Polish thugs constantly kill British citizens," and that when "UK press" print the stories all (here, on polishforums?) see it as anti-Polish. And what does Barrack Obama saying (lyingly): "Polish death camps" have to do with the whole subject? Are you saying Obamma was right using the said expression? Which Poles allegedly wanted or want blood for Obama's saying "Polish death camps"? Give their names, etc. Can you? Aren't you lying and making things up?
19 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I agree with one thing though, they aren't picked on.

--- Whether you agree or disagree that Poles "aren't picked on", it is a hard fact that Poles are often picked on by the media individuals in Britain.( I'm saying: "the media individuals in Britain", and I'm not saying: "the British." ) And what can your do about that? Not much, I'm afraid, however adamant your denial.

Obamma was correct in using the words he did, it was the poor Polish interpretation of those words that was the problem. Quite frankly it was the Poles making it up with their interpretation. Smacks of paranoia to me. Why so paranoid?

--- Do you mean Obbama was correct in stating there were "Polish death camps"? Prove he was. Do you mean that the Polish interpretation of his words was wrong? Prove it was. What do you mean when you say Poles were making it up with their interpretation? What smacks of paranoia to you?

That's good - there were NO Polish death camps, but this feller says Obbama was right in stating there were Polish death camps.

Who's paranoid here?

How about if somebody said slavery was African crime or Holocaust was Jewish crime? Would you also say he was correct?

the expectation should be zero.How Poles in the UK can feel singled out, I really don't understand.

-- Are you saying jon357 expects the British to be grateful to the Poles for not committing more crimes? Where does he expect that? Quote him. Maybe you don't understand how Poles in the UK can feel singled out because you have a personal definition of "singling out" that differes from the common one? Actually, aren't YOU singling out the Poles in the post I'm replying to? Do you mean the Poles in Britain have committed worse crimes than other nationalities? Which crimes would that be? Buddy, so you're saying it's right to regard all Poles as bad apples because a few of them have committed crimes? Does it follow it's okay to regard all English, including YOU (or whatever nationality or ethnicity you are) as bad apples because England (or another country of yours) has had, for example, some of the most heinous serial killers in the world? So you're saying all the Poles you've met in Britain have been criminals? Aren't you lying? So you're saying the English media are less venomous than the Polish media? You're hillarious - perhaps inadvertently so. And are you ignorant of the coverage in such media as the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, the Sun, the BBC Panorama? Or you're pretending being unfamiliar with it? And do you speak fluent Polish at all?Prove that in the Nikola case those alleged highly civilized Norwegians were only trying nobly to protect an abused child and those tribal Poles were unjustly protecting abusive parents. To begin with, prove that the parents were abusive. Can you? Where did you get the lowdown on the case from? From the Norwegian government, or Daily Mail? Well, prove that the Poles unconditionally protect their own - give specific examples, facts. So you're saying in the Nikola case the Poles were unconditionally protecting the parents because the parents are Polish? But the Poles were also protecting the alleged victim, and so the alleged adversary of the parents, i.e. the child. And the child is Polish too. If the Poles protected unconditionally only their own they wouldn't protect the adversary of their own, would they? How about if the truth in the Nikola case is as follows. The Norwegian social services people wrongly assumed, maybe on purpose, maybe not, that the Polish parents abused their child. So they snatched her out. The parents hired a private eye who managed to take the kid back, and then the parents and the kid fled back to Poland. The kid was happy to be back with her mom and dad. What would you say to this side of the story? One more thing. Buddy, if the Polish government protected its citizens they would react, for instance, to the numerous racist beatings and killings of Poles in your country, and to your media hate propaganda that instigated them. They haven't done it. Actually, buddy, we, Poles, are exceptionally unprotective towards each other. It can be also observed on this forum. Me and a few other folks are the mere exception confirming the rule. You, British (I assume you are one), are incomparably more protective towards each other. It can also be seen in this forum. Finally, are you English at all, or an ethnick living in England? I've met quite a few English but they sounded different than you.
19 Jul 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

When I've got enough time I'll start a thread entitled: "ISRAEL AND JEWISH POLONOPHOBIA FROM 1500's -PRES."

I'm sure it'll be great fun to exchange views on this.
19 Jul 2012
Genealogy / If your ancestors were in the "Wehrmacht"... [217]

My grandfather and his family had very Polish first and surnames but were very very German and identified as being ethnic Germans.

--- My late friend was an ethnic German from Poznan. His parents were Germans; at home, they talked with each other only in German, but brought my friend up as a Polish native. In fact, he was a great Polish patriot.

During WWII my friend's father was thrown by the German authorities into a German concentration camp for refusing to sign the Volklist.

It seems throughout Polish history many ethnic Germans were loyal Polish citizens. One of them was the great Copernicus (in Polish: Kopernik).

Later, when I have more time, I'll try to write more on the subject.

By the way, some Germans say Polish literature is full of negative German sterotypes (as if their literature were full of positive Polish stereotypes), but perhaps the most beautiful and poignant description of the German character, spirit and bravery is found in Henryk Sienkiewicz's great novel "Ogniem i mieczem" (By Fire and Sword). He describes a small unit of German mercenaries fighting for the Polish Commonwealth during the Cossack rebellion of 1648. I always get goose bumps when I read the magnificent passage showing the German mercenaries' cool demeanor during a battle with much more numerous Cossack hordes. I dare say the passage is one of the very best in the world war literature.

Henryk Sienkiewicz (1842-1916) wasn't too fond of Germany, or rather of Prussia, as he lived at the time of Partitions and witnessed plenty of abuse of the Polish people by the Bismarck regime.
19 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

PolkaTag, the historical facts seem to show that Polish individualism, or the sense of independence and personal uniqueness, had a powerful expression in the
First Polish Commonwealth, where the dominant social class was the nobility. When the First Commonwealth was partitioned by Muscovy, Prussia and Austria in the late 1700s, we had our personal freedom greatly limited. For this reason, we had our bloody national uprisings and zealously conspired against our oppressors, especially the Muscovites. Our partitioners tried to arrest brutally our political, economic and cultural develoment. When in 1918 we regained independence and it seemed our freedom was going to last, our national character again started coming to the surface. The country began to flourish economically and culturally. Some 20 years later, WWII began. Our elites were murdered by the Muscovites (who called themselves then "the Soviets"), the Germans and Ukrainians. The subsequent over four decades of the Muscovy occupation are called the communist era. During that period, the totalitarian oppression was especially destructive, because of the harsh censorship and brainwashing by the media. The latter were totally controlled by the communists. Again, we rebelled regularly. In 1980, we had Solidarity. When it was crushed by the communist authorities, we had almost a decade of intellectual rebellion preceding the fall of the communist ideology. In 1989, communism seemingly ended in Poland. I say "seemingly" because, paradoxically, those who benefitted the most from its fall seem to have been the communists. Many of them got very rich. In Poland people think that in 1989 the communists and the leftist part of the political opposition agreed to share political power and economic benefits at the expense of the rest of society. At present we still feel we are not free. So our sense of independence and personal uniqueness remains dormant. It will certainly come eventually to the surface, maybe soon. But first great political changes must happen in the world around us. Eventually, they will.

I don't think our sense of independence has anything wharsoever to do with the Jews. The Jews had no influence on our culture when we started developing as a nation some 1050 years back. Also, they had practically no cultural influence on us in later ages. We were two separate nations living in the same country. First of all, we were Catholics, and they were Talmudists who isolated themselves from our world. Even in the 1930s, the Jewish masses didn't speak Polish, only Yiddish. We have practically never mixed and I doubt if we ever will. "Polish" isn't at all the same as "Jewish." It's actually totally different. You shouldn't believe any one, including some Poles, telling you that the Poles and Jews have always been close to each other, Jews greatly influenced Polish culture, etc. It's all pure fantasy; it hasn't been corroborated by historical facts.

Can someone explain to me what this Polish saying means? Under Capitalism, man exploits man; under socialism, the reverse is true.

--- It means that in socialism people are exploited the same as in capitalism. It's a joke; actually a subtle one, or, as you in America say, dry one.

19 Jul 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

That's because Bolsheviks were Bolsheviks. Their ethnicity had little to nothing to do with it.

--- Not true. Ever read Babel's "Red Cavalry"? It clearly shows for many Bolsheviks their Jewish identity was extremely important. So you are, as usual lying.

Why cause the tsores?

Sorry, hon. I replied to you, but it's been deleted. It's very frustrating, as I am used to freedom of speech. So may I reply again: it's okay to cause the tsores; we need to discuss matters, even if it entails mutual discomfort and screaming at each other. We need to talk honestly, even with brutal honesty, in order to get to the truth. All the best to you. :)
19 Jul 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

--- Fair enough. But can't I ***** a bit about the fairness? ;)

Moddie, where I wrote you removed it because it was mine? Take it easy, brother.

By the way, I actually start liking polishforums the way it's now.

All the best to you.
19 Jul 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Point taken, and even to let the Anti Semites be Anti Semites (indeed to let the filthy be filthy, as John the Apostle writes down).

--- That's it, can't put it better. And also let Jewish Polonophobes be themselves. It's better to talk sincerely than to censor one another. It's because of censorship, of depriving others of freedom of speech, that we actually hate each other. Censoring means killing somebody. It's because of censorship, that is, preventing honest talk betwixt people, that we have wars, hatred, anti-Semitism, Polonophobia, and the like. When we speak with each other honestly, we can overcome them.

By the way, when I speak about censorship, I don't mean here our Moderator, I mean the bigger censorship.


Puzzie,knee jerk reaction to a knee jerk reaction,my bad lol

Right on.

19 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

if you want to be professional compare amount to crimes to amount of emigrants of different naionalities. I don't think that Polish will be so high.

Right on, Iwona. Guys like that NEVER make such comparisons because they are scared of making them - scared they could be taken to court for offending the "people of colour" and the like. Or they are Polonophobic racists who prefer to protect unconditionally their own and spread the lie the Poles are the worst criminals in their country.
19 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

It's pure Media embellishment nothing else. Someone already put stats on the forum that Poles commit just 5% of crimes in the UK. It's like in America they blame illegal Mexicans for murders and rapings.

--- I wonder if the stats haven't been pumped up. Because due to mad political correctness, or Marxian censorship, in the UK, their police, as far as I know, have been expected to provide less crime stats on folks from the Third World and more on others, preferrably those of "Eastern Europe" and so practically only the Poles. (The expression "Eastern Europe" is used in the UK in such a manipulative manner that it's become a synonym for the word "Poland.") All this may mean that the British cops arest more Poles for real or imagined offenses, and wink at other criminals, particularly those from Africa, Asia, and the like. It seems the police in the US and Canada have been carrying out similar manipulative practices for a long time now.

Interesting. Do you think that Poles only account for 5% of the UK population?

Hello Harry the Jewish Polonophobe (who sez Poland is his country too). Are you asking Penn Boy if he thinks Poles account for 5 % of the UK population for the following reason. If Penn Boy replies: "No, Poles account for much less than 5 % of the UK population, " you will pretend being outraged:"What? They account for much less than 5% of the UK population, and they commit 5 % of all crimes in UK? That's a lot. How bad people those Poles are. "

Harry, and how much crime commit the Jewish people in the UK, including drug dealers from Israel? Are there any publicly available police stats on that, or the stats are the government top secret?

19 Jul 2012
History / Polish patriotic songs with anticommunist message [21]

What do you mean by "addicted to martyrdom"? Do you, for instance, slam the Jews for being "addicted" to the Holocaust memory?

Do you have any days of the year that are sacred to you?

Buddy, seems you've got no empathy with the Poles, only aggression towards them, in spite of the fact that, as I understand, you sit in Warsaw most of the time.

Why don't you get the heaven out to a country whose inhabitants you like and respect, snubyeski?
20 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I can say some atrocities are worse than others because they simply are worse. For example, there is a difference between killing 10 people by shooting them, and killing a hundred thousand by torturing them, chopping them with axes, cutting their bellies open with knives and watching them die slowly, impaling them, and the like (RE: the Ukrainian atrocities against the Poles during WWII). Don't you think there is such a difference? Give examples of those Polish alleged atrocities against Jews. Are you saying the British give those benefits to the Poles for nothing, i.e. that the Poles don't work, don't pay taxes? By the way, the British benefits paid to Poles abroad are a joke. Lots of Polish people who went back to Poland were refused those benefits. I've checked out the issue. It's a propaganda BS you're paying benefits to Poles abroad. As for the hate, I can give you numerous examples of the mistreatment of the Polish people in your country, including beatings and killings. Lots of these cases go unreported by your media. The hate propaganda against Poles in Britain by the Daily Mail, which seems to be your fav, is systematic and exceptionally virulent. As for our alleged ill treatment by the Germans in the future, let it happen. But for now, I think, they invite us to come and work there. Haha, they opened their job market and expected that scores of us would come in, but we didn't. We didn't come because lots of Poles still believed they'd do better in UK, Holland. Now it's changing; much more go to Germany to work. Lots of them buy houses there, especially in East Germany. I've got a house there. I wouldn't buy one in Brtiain, at least not at present, where there is so much anti-Polish sentiment there. Buddy, so far there hasn't been any systematic, shameless, openly racist hate propaganda in the German media against us. There haven't been any racist beatings - including cowardly collective ones - and racist killings of Poles there. Not by the Germans at least. Of course, Poles meet with prejudice there, but I don't think it's been as bad as in UK. So far so good. If it changes - be it.

As I've said before what is the percentage of British expats in the Polish prison population compared to the other way round. Poland 'is' exporting is criminals!

I don't mind if your country closes the border and doesn't allow ANY Poles to come over at all. I don't mind the British doing criminal checks on any Poles coming in; I don't mind you government kicking out any Poles who committed crimes in your country, or any Poles at all. Actually, I don't like the fact lots of people leave my country and go to Brtiain or any other country where they are disliked, ripped off, beaten up, killed and reminded all the time what great favour the "host" is doing to them by letting them in and letting them do the shuttiest jobs. I don't like any of my people leaving my country, depopulating and weakening it. I want them to stay in and develop my country up. And I want them ALL, even those born in Britain, to pull out from Brtian and any other such country, and come back home. In fact, I've been persuading them all the time to do that. I don't want any Polish person to stay in Britain. At the same time, I reserve the right for us, Poles, to treat the Brtitish and Britain in exactly the same manner as they treat us, including their businesses in Poland, for example TESCO. Are you satisfied? And now show me the African, Arab, Asiatic (e.g. Indian, Pakistani, Chinese) and other such sites where YOU go and complain about their criminals in Britain.
21 Jul 2012
Law / Worked for a restaurant in Poland and the owner refused to pay me. [60]

So I got my carta pobytu then got a job

Acey, not to worry. Write me on the private, give me the name of the restaurant and the owner's name. I'll phone him, talk to him and try to make him pay you your alleged dough. I'm a newspaper hack by the way.


21 Jul 2012
Law / Worked for a restaurant in Poland and the owner refused to pay me. [60]

The guy is again trying to sell

Let;s see if the guy "Acey" really exists along with his restaurant and the alleged dishonest Polish owner.

Or maybe "Acey" is really Harry, or Depuladomphine, or "Snubieski"? Those individuals seem to be the first ones to respond to such obvious trollie BS.

Harry, is it perchance you who wrote, among others, "Acey's" post in order to scare away those young people from e.g. America or Israel who want to come to Poland and work there?

21 Jul 2012
Law / Worked for a restaurant in Poland and the owner refused to pay me. [60]

Even a written work contract is no guarantee in Poland (I've seen weird things

You mean that if you have a contract with a Polish employer he may not pay you your wages? - If so, yes, it is possible, but, contrary to what for example NorthMincPole alleges, THIS SELDOM HAPPENS HERE. If you've got a contract they'll pay you. If they try to rip you off, you go the the Sąd Pracy and they'll get hard on the creep's a$$.

By the way, being ripped off by an employer is possible everywhere, re: the massive fraud of this kind in UK and Holland involving Polish employees. I can - and will - write about numerous cases of this kind. I mean REAL cases, not Harry-like ones.

22 Jul 2012

Recently, Stephen Mull has replaced Lee Feinstein as the American ambassador to Poland. Some Polish journalists have wondered whether the change was caused by Mr Feinstein's too strong involvement in the issue of so-called compensation for the WWII Jewish property in Poland. The rumour is Mr Feinstein had a falling out with Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski over the issue.

Does it mean an American high offical whose duty is to further America's interests in Poland furthered instead the interests of a (fishy) group claiming to act on behalf of so-called Holocaust survivors?

Did Sikorski get pissed off because he wanted to deal with the US ambassador not the Holocaust Industry ambassador?

See a related article in Haaretz: haaretz.com/news/world/u-s-ambassador-to-poland-announces-sudden-end-to-service-1.450929
22 Jul 2012

Or maybe he just wasn't very good at the job?

You bet he wasn't if he supported frantically the HI wackos and pissed off even such a patient guy as Sikorski.
22 Jul 2012

A quick read of the newspapers from recent years will show terrible personal relations with Lithuania, even down to his famous quote about refusing to step foot in Lithuania. Not a patient man.

Oh, really? Are the newspaper reports gospel for you? Do they perchance come from the Economist or other intelectually phony and Polonophobic rag? But quote them anyway. Second, prove Sikorski has "terrible personal relations with Lithuania" - give pertinent facts. Third, are you saying Sikorski's statements about Lithuania are irrational and blown out of proportion and the Lithuanians don't deserve them? Actually, hasn't Sikorski and Poland's reaction to the barbaric agression against our minority in Lithuania been way too cautious and patient?

Buddy, Sikorski isn't my idol, but even I must admit that, as a politician, he is prudent and patient as Job, including his dealings with Lithuania.
23 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I'm not sure about that. Why would any Pole want to go around speaking English like Billy Connolly? It can't be good for future business or employment prospects unless you are a comedian.

No offense, but I think you exaggerate, brother.

It's good that Brits and Irish come to Poland and make it their home. The more of them the better.

Our relations may be verbally tempestuous at times but that's okay - that's how it should be.

Szacun to you, brother.
23 Jul 2012
History / Questions about Polish borders, Galicia and Cossacks. [50]

that Galicia is a Celtic name. From when the Celts occupied that territory thousands of years ago.

But are sure it was the Celts who occupied our "Galicja", not the Austrians?


I suggest you read

Slavi, wikipedia isn't any trustworthy source on the subject. The texts you've recommended seem to have been edited by Ukrainian nationalists. Because that's the nature of wikipedia: any one at all - well, almost any one - can write whatever they please there. Lots of the time they don't care about historical truth, that is accordance of their statements with historical facts, only carry out political propaganda.

Hahah, you also sound like a German nationalist. A German nationalist from outside of Germany. Pardon my blintness, but such folks tend to be way more nationalistic and xenophobic than those in the old country.

By the way, when I lived in US and Canada I noticed that the local Germans and Ukrainians respected and liked ech other a lot, and often intermarried.

By the way, there was NO Ukraine till, if I am correct, 1991.

Also Berlin wasn't once a German city, only a Slavic one.
23 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

I am stumped as to how I can find a guy who

It's hard to comprehend, darling, that a young lady as beautiful and smart as you are can have this kind of difficulty. Who the heck are the men where you live? Are they men at all?

Do you believe in comparing horoscopes? I'm asking seriously; it's been practiced for millenia in the East. The Asians say it's a very effective way of matching couples correctly.

All the very best to you, sweetie.

Ah, and I remember I owe you a reply in the thread on Polish individualism.
23 Jul 2012
History / Questions about Polish borders, Galicia and Cossacks. [50]

This may be right, but you can be sure you'll also find many Germans and Poles that respected each other and intermarried.

Hello, Funky.You've put it beautifully, and in lovely English. Szacun ( respect) from me, Puzzie.

By the way, I'm not a Germano-phobe, but more like a Germano-phile. I can see a difference between Germans in Germany and those abroad. On the average, the latter seem to be more nationalistic than the former. The same seems true for the Poles - the Polonia (Poles abroad) seems to be way more nationalistic than the Poles at home.
24 Jul 2012
History / Questions about Polish borders, Galicia and Cossacks. [50]

The Kresy (Eastern Borderlands) region IS also Polish, in spite of the fact that during WWII the Ukrainian UPA mass-murderers slaughtered barbarously circa 500000 Polish inhabitants who had lived there for centuries. It is Polish in spite of the fact that today the Ukrainian authorities are trying to wipe away any traces of Polish culture and ancient presence there. (By contrast, we, Poles, haven't wiped out, but preserved evidence of German culture and life in the teritories ceded to us after WWII.) We got rich archives; we have preserved evidence of our presence and pioneering role in OUR Eastern Borderlands. (As well as evidence of horrific in their crudity Ukrainian ethnic cleansings of our countrymen, including women, babies and old people - may their poor spirits find eternal peace. We remember; we will never forget.) In the times of the first Polish Commonwealth, there was no Belarus nor Ukraine. There were no such nations. The territories were Polish. They belonged to the Najjasniejsza Rzeczpospolita, and the population was part of the Commonwealth population. It was overwhelmingly rural. It was the Poles who brought civilization to those largely savage lands, built cities there. It was the Polish state that protected those lands along with their Polish and other inhabitants from the Tatar raids. Without the Polish army your "Ruthenians" would have been killed off and captured into slavery by the Tatars. Do you know what the word "jasyr" means? It is us, the Poles, the "Ruthenians" should be grateful to for the fact that they exist today. Moreover, a huge part of today Ukrainian population is derived from Polish runaway peasants and other fugitives. Are you saying the Russians allowed Ukrainians to develop their own culture, language? We know how the Ukrainian poet Shevchenko lamented over the Ukrainians' rebellions against the Polish Commonwealth and their foolish placing themselves in the Muscovite paws. The result was incomparably worse oppression than that in the hands of Ruthenian lords under the Polish Commonwealth. And the "Ukrainians" (actually then just the Cossacks) tried to rebel against the Russians as well. But the Russians weren't as gentle as the Poles and they crushed the rebels so hard there were no Cossack rebellions afterwards.These are the historical facts, not the fairy tales from wikipedia. Nor your Polonophobic family stories about the Poles allegedly being bad to the Poleszuks, and the Muscovites being better to them. So now you're saying your family is from the Polesie? Didn't did you say before they are ethnic Germans with Polish surnames? Are you not lying here?

So the statistics released by the Poles are very biased.

Which stats relased by the Poles are allegedly "very biased"? Give them and prove they're biased.
24 Jul 2012
History / Questions about Polish borders, Galicia and Cossacks. [50]

If you used your brain you would realize that everyone (including myself) has 4 grandparents, so obviously my grandparents all came from different countries.

Are you saying everyone's grandparents come from different countries?

yes Kresy lands had a Polish minority simply because it was not Poland. Ruthenian lands belong to Ruthenians (ukrainians and belarusians) hence the counties of Ukraine and Belarus

Not true; the Eastern Borderlands were Polish. They belonged to the Najjasniejsza Rzeczpospolita until the Partitions, that is the destruction of the Polish state in the late 1700s by the combined might of Muscovy, Prussia and Austria, and the division of the Polish territory between those nations.

Your minority theory is false. In reality, it's not the Poles, but the Cossacks, Ruthenian masses (today called Ukrainians) and the Belorussians, or rather White Rusins, who were a minority. Namely, they were a minority in the Polish state. The fact that in Florida the majority of inhabitants are Latin Americans doesn't make Florida Latin American; it remains part of the United States.

So the historical facts show that the Eastern Borderlands were part of Poland and then were grabbed from her by force. As such, many of us still think of them as part of Poland. And certainly we will never erase from our memory our powerful historical presence and rich culture there. During WWII Ukrainian chauvinists tried to slaughter all the Polish inhabitants in the Eastern Borderlands, and the present Ukrainian authorities have been trying to destroy any traces of our historical presence and culture there. History shows any such attempts are futile. Eventually, Ukrainians will have to accept the fact that we, Poles, also have the right to feel at home in the Eastern Borderlands.
24 Jul 2012
History / Questions about Polish borders, Galicia and Cossacks. [50]

East of the Bug has never been Polish but always Ruthenian

It's not true. The historical evidence shows the Easter Borderlands were Polish for long ages.

I am pure Polish from Poland

You're saying you're "pure Polish from Poland", but in your bio you write you're in Lviv, which is a city in the Ukraine. Besides, your saying that the lands east of the river Bug were never Polish is Polonophobic. So are you really "pure Polish from Poland," or rather a pure Ukrainian nationalist from the Ukraine?