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Posts by lef  

Joined: 27 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 477 / In This Archive: 38
From: Australia
Interests: travel

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27 Jun 2006
Food / Paczki - Receipe for polish donuts [19]

Has someone got a good receipe for making polish donuts, I bought some donuts at zakopana some years age.. they were just perfect
4 Aug 2006
Food / Bread Baking in Poland [65]

I have just taken up home breadbaking. Has anyone got some receipes please, also is home bread making common in Poland.

15 Aug 2006
Australia / Any Polish people living in Australia [32]

If you live in Australia and are polish I would especially like to hear from you.

I am was born in the land of the oz, both parents born in poland, both did not return to poland after the war.

Been to Poland 10 times, usa once, holy land once, know Australia inside out, ask any question and you will get no lie...

I'm thinking about migration to Australia in next 5 years ..

Tomek, I am living in Australia, (have Polish parents) feel free to ask any questions or advice.. I'm thinking about returning to Poland!
18 Aug 2006
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

I know that all this Russian shit has opened huge doors to scammers from yoshkar-ola,they infest dating sites like worm's sucking on wallet's of men from all over the world except Russia.

You may have a point, but please your language and the manner of expression...is new to me..
4 Oct 2006
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

The definition of a thief is a person who would steal if he had the opportunity.. Most people no matter what country they come from would steal if they had an opportunity, more so from a employer who was not paying the correct wages etc..Hmmmmmmmm or an employer who was a a#hole!
15 Nov 2006
Work / I want to move to Poland (but of course we need to find a good job) [117]

I agree with arrgghh!!,

Some people still think that poland is cheap and you can buy anything for peanuts, well things have changed.. sometimes you are better off staying where you are, and enjoy what you have..(you may loose what ever you had in transactions and wrong investments)

To get returning back to poland out of your system you may need to put a polish flag outside your house, put plenty of polish photo's in your house (inlcuding that of the pope,President and Prime Minister) have bigos on the boil (enjoy the smell) tune into Radio 1 (Warsaw) on the internet and then open a bottle of vodka... you can then enjoy poland at home and start dreaming about something else!!!!!
16 Nov 2006
Work / I want to move to Poland (but of course we need to find a good job) [117]


I have a horrible feeling that you are dobre wujek, using the name of Matyjasz?..If you read my threads, I took back what I said about the third world country, I meant it in a different way, I can assure you in my 10 times in poland I have seen a wide variety of poland..

:)I don't want to offend any person on this forum, but the issue of changing countries is really difficult and needs to be weighed out....sometimes it can be a big mistake..

The practice of keeping a person in a private home prior to burial is still common!
16 Nov 2006
Life / Child Adoption in Poland? [138]

I think people adopted were treated as being inferior,, things have changed over the years
16 Nov 2006
Work / I want to move to Poland (but of course we need to find a good job) [117]

You see... Even now you are not giving me any chance to get calm again.
I ask you, where! Maybe in Chujowa Górka they still keep their dead in their homes untill the burial, but certainly not here in Wielkopolska.

I repeat Matyjasz... It is still common practice to leave the deceased body in a private house prior to burial....usually in the country, not in the city area or high rise flats..(there is nothing wrong with this practice except it is not accepted in the west for health reasons I suppose)
25 Dec 2006
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

How many people do not pay for train and tram travel (especially in poland)
How many people underestimate there tax and put in false deductions.hmmm
25 Dec 2006
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

What about paying somebody money to have something done (pretty common in poland) ie paying a doctor to receive better treatment/building inspector/police officer all forms of dishonesty.What about a price of a home suddenly increase in price because the owner knowns the buyer is from overseas... dishonest, well I think so.
25 Dec 2006
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

absolutely. There are lots of good and honest people in poland like in any other country, in defence of the underhandness in poland, I think the communist system forced people to do dishonest things, and like always it is hard to break the habit.

without being accused of being a troll, some practices of paying doctors for a better service is totally unacceptable and is a form of blackmail and theft.
8 Jan 2007
Food / POLISH RECIPES! [287]

The type of breakfasts i eat in poland a pretty much as described by kasper in the post you linked to... the only hot dish i have had have been eggs... scrambled, fried or boiled...

I bet you miss the bacon and eggs (grilled crispy bacon) sausages, grilled tomartos and baked beans and toasts? :) and real coffee
11 Jan 2007
Life / What I miss and don't miss about Poland [64]

Even in the papers you can see pictures of prince Harry or William pissed.....

So what,

So- even if some young people don't really enjoy big drinking they do it to be accepted.

You must be living with lots of strange people, life without a drink would be very dull.
Remember a man is not a camel!

i've been to Krakow a few times now and it is terrible to see all the english guys pissed and making fools of themselves

Yeah, its a shame the pole don't have zero tolerance regarding drunken behavior, this happens though in all countries where you have cheap alcohol.
26 Feb 2007
Australia / Any Polish people living in Australia [32]

Its a easy question to answer, but very hard to explain if you get the drift, Like all other things, there are two things certain in life, death and taxes.

The method is similar to that in the US, for a wage and salary earner, tax is taken out at the required rate by the employer, which is,

Taxable income
tax on this income

$0 – $6,000

$6,001 – $25,000
15c for each $1 over $6,000

$25,001 – $75,000
$2,850 plus 30c for each $1 over $25,000

$75,001 – $150,000
$17,850 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000

Over $150,000
$47,850 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000


When you live in the family home, you only pay the relevant council rates, (this includes garbage, parks and garden maintenance etc.. (approx $1000 on a average size property)

Capital gains. there is a sliding scale, you pay tax on the gain minus allowable deductions.

Buying stores well a bit complicated, we have a 10% GST on goods that meet the umbrella of the GST.

When you buy a property in Victoria ( a state of oz) you have to pay a tax ie, a average property worth approx 350,000A$ a tax of 26,000A$. (each state has different rules)

In short there are Federal government taxes, States taxes and local Goverment fees, I can only predict that the same type of fees and charges will hit Poland especially regarding profit from investments and local government charges.

I quess Krysia, if we had no money we wouldn't be complaining?
19 May 2007
Australia / Polish Culture in Melbourne, Australia [87]

Its seems that polish people have assimilated into the aussie way of life and get involved in aussie rules football and cricket, lol, seriously though, there is a polish club in Sunshine (west of melbourne) and Rowville (east of melbourne) both offer hearty polish meals and polish beer. (polish artist sometimes perform at these venues) otherwise you have to go to Dan Murphy's Liquor Store where they have a large variety of polish vodka's and beer, go home put on some polish music and enjoy.
24 May 2007
Australia / Polish community in Sydney, Australia [93]

Please dont come we dont want any aussies here , rather stay there nad play with the dingos.

We need a break with playing with the dingo's, what have you got against the aussies?
31 May 2007
Australia / Polish Culture in Melbourne, Australia [87]

The Preston market has a few good shops, The Glenroy shop is the main manufacturer, and that stuff goes to the Victoria and Preston market.

The best way is making your own sausages...
20 Aug 2007
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

Deise 07 your comments make a lot of sense and a lot of points you have made have been made by my Irish business friends, I suspect the same awaits Poland, where it will be impossible for locals to own there own house and most companies will be foreign owned, (The Soviets bleed the Polish people and what is going on now is no different except it is done by respected people)

The bubble will burst as it did in Japan in the 90's, the same sort of stuff is going on in Poland today ie Foreign investors sell there properties to other foreign investors making a profit and they in turn do likewise, at the end of the day the last person carrying the bundle will become loose out.

We will see our foreign speculators pack there bags and return to there own country empty handed. too bad too sad!
22 Aug 2007
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

People on this forum need to understand that some forum members have a vested interest and try to promote there own agenda, of course if I'm a real estate agent in Poland of course I will tell you every things hunky dory and you will make a fortune.

The fact remains that the smooth talking business entrepreneur will do ok but the average investor will not.
Its interesting that the Japanese are not involved in property investments because they are still licking there wounds from the property collapse in the 90's.

People on this forum have woken up to these likes and will not do any business with these people let alone being sucked into spending exorbitant money in cheap style bed and breakfast accommodation.
22 Aug 2007
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

yeah. keep the abuse going, you may have met a few forum members, but they are people like yourself, they do not represent the average Polish person.

What is your interest in Poland BubbaWoo, let me quess, oh yes make some money, you have no interest in the Polish culture or the plight of the Polish people, just your own selfish interest! Poland does not need people like you.
22 Aug 2007
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

Hope the day improves for you Lef, so you don't need to post on here for a bit.

lol... speak for yourself, you should be ashamed of yourself, what have I done wrong to you.. what do you want from me, the vast majority of Polish people would shout me a vodka or two for being so patriotic.

The Japanese own half of Australia

provide the facts, not in real estate at any rate.