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Joined: 2 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 1
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From: Athlone/Ireland
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2 Jun 2007
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]


I am originally german/currently working in Ireland and I am considering moving to Poland. Giving that my mum is originally from Slupsk I always had Poland in mind even if it was for just a year or so. I've been to Poznan last week and finally made up my mind about the move but hope to be able to stay longer than just a year.

Last week I have been talking to a recruitment agency but unfortunately she couldnt give me much information about the cost of living and average salaries in Poland. Before I flew back last saturday I spoke to this girl working in a bar at Poznan Airport. She said that she was taking home about about 1000 PLN a month which was a little less than I expected the average in Poland would be.

My questions are. Could anyone please tell me what the average salaries and costs of living are? Also while we're at it :). Does anyone know of good job websites in english? I have had a job in Krakow in mind but would like to look around to see whats out there. Been thinking about Warsaw, Krakow, Wrozlaw or Poznan.

Thanks a lot in advance :)
20 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

Welsh are great. Been to both euro qualifier games of germany in cardiff and frankfurt. We had such a laugh and the singing competition about who hates the english more topped it all. Cant wait for the world cup qualifiers. same group again :) .....
9 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Over 10 Scottish students pay less than theri English counterparts

Well one should assume that having an English University on your CV should be more valuable than for expample James Watt College in Greenock

It said so in the Daily Mail

That must be true then

Maybe it's down to the corporate culture that puts the squeeze on sole traders these days?

I couldnt disagree more. While more people went out to get a trade 15 years ago than now surely any trade couldnt have suffered from "corporate culture". Infact when you look at Ireland for example 20 years ago local businesses struggled to survive simply because folk werent able to afford that fancy kitchen, the extension of their house or whatever else it was that needed someone with trade skills. After the boom and cooperations opening their headquarters over here local businesses, construction companies or others picked up as well creating more local jobs.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

open door to immigrants damages british tradesmen

How would you feel about those foreign cooperations that enable a good portion of british their lifestyles completely staying away from britan? after all theyre immigrants too arent they?
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Im just curious to know who they are - and are they here out of the kindness of their own heart to help us poor Brits out or are they making a tidy profit? (these large foreign coporations)

Obviously not because they're charities but you can't deny the benefits of them being there
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Obviously there are benefits, but companies dont open up offices in a country because it will benefit the population of that country, it's soley for economic reasons. I mean all of Europe didn't send their call centres to India because they thought "lets help India's economy"....that would be plain silly to think that.

I never said that they were going to Britan or Ireland for any other reason than their own economic reason however it didnt do any damage to the population of those countries either
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Poland isn't Eastern Europe, it's Central Europe and you cannot speak for millions of other people. You can only speak for youself and your friends (if you have any) and we already know what you immature, racist thoughts are.

Personally I think this is something most people will agree to disagree when they argue about that subject.

For me it belongs to Eastern Europe not just because where it is situated geographically but also due to history
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Show me the Act of Capitulation of Poland. That was ALL what I was talking about. Don't you understand plain English ?
BTW. Where did both the Polish Army in the West and in the East get from ? Magic lamps ? And Polish Government in Exile ?

Well one would think that complete occupation with no polish governing body left should do. No need to make it official in my opinion
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

I agree. Although sometimes under the impression british or irish are too lazy to learn another language it probably has to do with the fact that they dont necessarily have to.

A lot of my mates whether british or irish speak other languages. Some speak german, some french, some spanish. Almost every irish person here at work has min. 2 languages most of them are fluent in their second too.