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Posts by urbanlegend  

Joined: 3 May 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Feb 2013
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30 May 2012
News / Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story? [711]

GDP increasing as opposed to shrinking. A "success story" compared to the most of Europe. It's all relative - hardly booming for fukksake.

People still leaving for a better life.
21 Dec 2012
Life / Why do people think that Poles are culturally isolated? [126]

...lots of Polish people act very superior to the "natives" once they go abroad.

The way some Poles go down on anything not Polish might support such views.

This is precisely the problem.
2 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / What does English sound like to the Poles? [30]

Yet another pointless and ill considered PF thread.

How mellifluous ANY language sounds depend COMPLETELY on the speaker.

Musical sounding Italian or French is just a cliché. I've heard plenty of rough sounding French speakers.

I'd wager the average Pole speaks a better version of their language than the average Brit does anyway.
21 Feb 2013
Food / "Poland - it's the new Provence of food" [56]

Although I must admit that having American cuisine ranked #10 does cast a doubt on the credibility of the study!!

Why? The US has some of the best food in the world, top class restaurants everywhere. Truly excellent diners, cafés, ethnic food etc. Dozens of michelin starred restaurants.

It's not all McDonalds and donuts.
21 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK? [143]

Britain is now more or less a classless society.


and Poles now more or less don't eat cabbage.

I've heard the pope isn't a catholic either : )
21 Feb 2013
Food / "Poland - it's the new Provence of food" [56]

OK, but is that not the same more or less everywhere?

Plenty of cities renowned for their quality of restaurants - doesn't mean the average inhabitant doesn't eat garbage a lot of the time.

Plenty of Parisians I've encountered seem to live off fast & processed food for example.
28 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / What does English sound like to the Poles? [30]

I can imagine English sounding "flat" to non-native speakers.

Polish sentences have a funny "curve" to me though - very often sentences seem to slowly rise in tone, peak on the second last syllable and then fall abruptly back down to below the starting tone on the last syllable.

Funny that a pole above mentioned the whining aspect of English as the Polish version I describe sounds very like a whining child pleading with its mother!

: )
27 Mar 2013
Language / Slavic accent correction [110]

I basically speak without an accent.

Ha ha - really? Sorry, but to make a comment like that you are either very naive or very arrogant or deaf.

Also, if I focus I can fake more or less the British and American accents.

As if to prove my point...

What is a"British accent" ?? There are dozens of distinct accents in Britain.