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Posts by Amanda91  

Joined: 27 May 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 15 Mar 2010
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3 Aug 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

It is unlikely that Americans want to come to Poland and work illegaly. Maybe a few English teachers. Statistics say Poles are.

very true

and if you have a job or family to return to guarantees you will come back

yeah or you can provide a proof of being a house or business owner (I know some cases)

F*ck them.

and then some Poles call us arrogant when we have to face your stupid comments and reply to it the way you don't like it, f*ck u ignorant!!!
5 Aug 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Well, nobody get's what one deserves:)

well, that's your opinion and I bet many people don't share it with you.

I love you ! You are so naive and full of trust:)

this is what you want to believe. Imagination is all you got :-)
It's not very smart to make statements like that without knowing a person, don't you think?
When I said think I didn't mean to insult you :-)
One more advice for you ironside, don't play a game that you can't win.
5 Aug 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

We're blind because our government won't let you in whenever you want, let you stay however long you want? Let you skip whatever rules that apply to everyone else?

excellent answer

We're hated no matter we do. It's funny to most of us now. It doesn't really matter.

It's a same when they're calling us arrogant. What the hell they expect, us being nice after having to hear the same ole crap about our country and people? Just look how they react on this forum when you just disagree with them. It tells you everything.

I'm British and am sick and tired of listening to the rubbish talked about the US and other 'powerful' world nations, a lot of the time its jealousy or just ignorance

How true, thank you :-)

I'm not a fan of everything US, in fact far from it

hey, nothing against healthy criticism, we do it too.
5 Aug 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

now you're trying to be a typical Polish smarta**. I've met plenty of your kind in Poland.
I told you not to play a game that you can't win. Making this statement you showed everyone here your real face. How does it feel to be a born underachiever and the civilized World's most favorite jester? Do us a favor and make more stupid statements like the last one and you'll beat decisively the well known commercial for Polish vodka.


I tell you in secrecy that I'm don't believe in democracy and I don't care:)

I told you before to learn some more English.
7 Aug 2009
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

Great Britain & France declared war on Germany, September 3, 1939, because Germany invaded Poland September 1.
Great Britain & France had a treaty with Poland that stated if a nation invaded any of the three treaty nations, it was the same as invading all three nations. So when Germany invaded Poland, it was as if Germany had invaded Great Britain & France also but despite the treaty when the WWII started, no one was really technically realistically able to help Poland. Germany created a huge military power and it was a very serious threat to anyone at that time. As long as the western hoped, Hitler was going to be satisfied with getting Austria and the entire east (or parts of it) no one wanted and was able to take the risk of being in war with Germany. I'm sure if Hitler went westwards instead to go east, Poland also wouldn't be able to help anyone.
7 Aug 2009
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

What do you mean? They didn't have what? Just in case you mean the treaty, yes they did but it doesn't change my opinion about the reality of the situation in that time. I repeat, no one was able to help Poland.
7 Aug 2009
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

There was not a single treaty and the treaties which there were did not say "if a nation invaded any of the three treaty nations, it was the same as invading all three nations".

read the line : This British commitment to Poland became a formal treaty on 25 August 1939.


8 Aug 2009
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

OK and what will you say to this time means, it's very interesting


I saw arguments on this forum about territories whether it was Polish or German and some of you were strictly claiming it to be from the beginning on 100% Polish and if it's so then whatever is written above shows us that Poles volunteered by the German Army. My question is, which one is true, were they Poles within Poland or Germans living on ex German territory and that's why they joined the Wehrmacht?

The article above says they are to be seen Polish.
22 Aug 2009


Why you guys still argue over this subject? There's enough evidence for both versions online and to be honest it's just a matter of where you're from and of what you want to believe. The best bet to find out is to build a time machine and talk to Copernicus himself. How about that? :-) Since we don't have this possibility, why not just forget all that and move on?

have a good 1
27 Feb 2010
News / German legal discrimination against Polish speakers [209]

has forbidden their father to speak Polish to his daughters during
their controlled meetings.

well that was an official meeting and I bet that the German guy didn't speak any word of Polish so it's more than understandable that he didn't want them to speak Polish because he wouldn't understand what they're saying.

When I was in Poland, I was told so many times that I have to speak Polish while I'm in Poland and I was only a tourist and this is really ridiculous.
4 Mar 2010
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

The main reason for this is the uncontrolled immigration from the third world to Norway

Where are you going to move when the same will happen one day in Poland too?
4 Mar 2010
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Poland does not have the wealth or resources to feed hundreds of thousands of africans and asians on welfare

Well, it's true but don't forget that Poland appears to be a rich country comparing to your eastern neighbors and quite a few other countries around the world too so I wouldn't bet on it that they won't try to enter Poland soon too.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Hahaha....yeah as if Poland was built on the backs of only hard working and honest people?

well, nowadays Poland is is built on EU cash, nothing else. It's a known fact. If anyone had to work hard, it's the people from the western Europe, especially Germans, French and British.

someone else did it for you. How comfortable...

exactly how comfortable is that, enkidu? lol
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

It must be embarrassing to be you. Google some basic data.

did you look in the mirror when you said it?

Are you trying to deny the fact the Poland received (still does) billions of Euros from the EU?
9 Mar 2010
Love / How to convince English boyfriend to learn Polish? [39]

If i could make an effort to learn your language fluently then why can't you?

Don't get me wrong but Polish is not exactly a world language. Obviously it's good to learn any language you can if you have a chance but it's a personal matter. I agree with you when it comes to someone who lives in Poland. It's definately smart to learn the language of a country you live in.
9 Mar 2010
Love / How to convince English boyfriend to learn Polish? [39]

If i could make an effort to learn your language fluently then why can't you?

...why can't you?... was your question

where did i say that i expect that sort of thing?

see above

Maybe I misunderstood your intentions but your first comment above made me answer
like I did
"Don't get me wrong but Polish is not exactly a world language."
9 Mar 2010
Love / How to convince English boyfriend to learn Polish? [39]

I know that in the past he was dating Spanish girl and learnt Spanish so I cannot understand why he could not learn just few basic words in Polish.

It's good to learn as many languages as you can however you have to admit that Spanish is a world language and is pretty useful all over the world while Polish is not.

Your boyfriend however, should learn at least a little bit of Polish, just enough to show you some respect and feelings.
9 Mar 2010
USA, Canada / Where can I buy Polish Beer in SC? [26]

What polish beer I can get in SC close to NC border? Like Rockhill or even further.

most likely in Charlotte