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Posts by Vieslava  

Joined: 11 Mar 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 13 Mar 2012
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From: USA
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11 Mar 2012

Perhaps there would be less need to "march" for the misguided "feminists" IF there were fewer misguided male chauvinists :-)

I am not here to defend feminists - most of them are FOOLISH and do NOT represent majority of WOMEN.
However, some men have a VERY ignorant and arrogant view of women. Feminist are only exploiting this social/religious/political/chauvinist idiotism.

Men need to reform themselves as this is the best defense against "modern" feminism - men need start RESPECT women as their equals, as goddesses that women are. :-)
11 Mar 2012

Evidently those women feel they aren't free. Since they're doing something about out, all power to them.

No, it does not mean women do not feel free, at all.
You can always find a few EXTREMISTS who will "march" just for the sake of "marching" to get attention and make Poland look bad, even if the truth is quite to the opposite. Some foreign country can pay a few feminist extremists to march and make noise, etc.
11 Mar 2012
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

How long Poland has been a unified cohesive state?

At least 1,500 years - longer than USA and nearly as long as Western European countries. After all, England was conquered by the Romans in the First Century AD and this is the main source of its perceived "civilization". Poland, on the other hand, never allowed to be conquered by the Romans or the Roman Empire (ancient Rome should NOT be confused with the Holy Roman Empire) and only joined the western civilization for POLITICAL reasons by accepting the Christianity. Polish princesses married German, Czech, Scandinavian princes long before they accepted Christianity and the ease with which Poland joined the Holy Roman Empire is a testimony of its political maturity during that time.

Your comment is very arrogant and self-serving.
11 Mar 2012
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

You could call it......... terrible politics, ladykangaroo along with a few million others wouldnt have left Poland if the future held more hope.

You meant to say that millions of Poles would NOT have left Poland after World War II ..... IF American Franklin Delano Roosevelt and UK Winston Churchill did NOT sell out POLAND to STALINIST RUSSIA in Yalta in 1945 and then millions more as Poland fought off the communism in the 1980s .... again fighting off the communism brought upon Poland by USA and England .... even though Polish soldiers fought so bravely and many died during the WWII on the Allied side.
11 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

pam: and living in inferior accommodation compared to what she is used to in nyc(if she is as successful as she claims to be).

What is that mean "inferior accommodations"? Are you suggesting apartments/flats in Warsaw are dungeons? I live in New York City, but I don't live in a glass house with gold door knobs, and I don't drive a Porsche to work.

What is this obsession with presumed *inferior accommodations* in Poland???

1) I am a real estate agent here in the USA in the Washington, D.C. area. I can tell you from my personal professional experience that some rental homes are shockingly low quality and severely over-priced for what they offer in our current short sale/foreclosure market.

2) I would swap homes anytime with some of my relatives in Poland because they are simply gorgeous quality homes.

Nanna asked for an advice and opinion. Instead, some commentators here changed her thread into personal EGO trip. Every country and every state has its share of beautiful well designed homes and its share of ugly inferior homes.

Nanna, Poland is beautiful and Polish people are very generous and friendly (with a few exceptions, but exceptions can be found everywhere). Even if you decide to come back, it will be a great experience. What is one year in a lifetime?

Good luck to you :-)

A key difference here is that I've actually paid taxes in Poland, held a job, paid for overhead, dealt with Polish business people.....what adults do. You were taken care of by mom and dad, went to school, goofed off, maybe played a sport or two.....what kids do. Your view of Poland has expired. You know what it's like to be a kid in communist Poland. I know today's Poland and that's the topic at hand.

I could provide goods and bads about staying in NYC and going to Poland. But, when I read your OP, I made logical deductions and formulated opinions. If that's not what you want, if you just want more and more people on here to tell you "good luck" and "just give it a try!" then you're not here for advice, you're just looking for a pep rally. Feel free to PM me, you just might be surprised.


What is wrong with wanting to go back and live for one year in Poland???
Since when one must own a business to visit a country of his/her ancestors? She may meet a successful Polish businessman and get married in Poland - her single years are over :-).

My daughter was born here in USA - currently a computer engineering student at Virginia Tech - and she wants to do internship in Poland ..... mostly because she loved her vacations in Poland and has only good memories of Poland.

Traveling is good, especially traveling for ancestral patriotic reasons.
11 Mar 2012
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

Snake pit???

It's not playing "cards" - it's simply reminding the history. It is very hard to silence the History.
Interesting that you brought the European Union up. EU is just a scheme and a political fraud for the benefit of the Germans and a few other crooks. Many Poles would prefer NOT to be a part of the EU. Of course, you are a Wroclaw Boy, you should know that. Unless you are paid to pretend to be a Wroclaw Boy.
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

None at all due to their failure to carry out the order to abort the mission and not jump?

You must be kidding, right?
Are you trying to convince everyone here the Poles were told in no uncertain terms they were jumping into their own graves because they were outnumbered by the Germans and they jumped anyway??? The Poles jumped because they were not warned properly. You don't know a thing about the Polish people.

Do you know what the color GREEN symbolizes?
In the USA it stands for the color of money. It also means JEALOUSY.

"without Poland's knowledge" but Poland was told of Stalin's plans, repeatedly told.

I have to admit I did not read anything that EVIL for a long time, and I like to read a lot.

The point is you BRITS are the most THANKLESS ilk ever!
WHO do you think you are to decide the fate of the entire NATION - yet this is what you did in Yalta in 1945!

Yet, you have the nerve to act surprised the Poles refused to join you in your little victory parade ..... do you have any SHAME???
The truth is you are TRAITORS that should NEVER be TRUSTED by anyone - you sold Poland out because you did NOT want to share the political scene in Europe. With Germany and Italy defeated, and everyone else recovering from the war, little Britain could celebrate the post war victory solo!!!

Only in the western culture such WAR CRIMINALS like FD Roosevelt and W Churchill could be celebrated as *national* heroes.

Do you even care to know, you TRAITORS, how much innocent BLOOD was poured and how many lives lost because of YOUR SATANIC WAYS???
The ANGLO SAXON DARWINIAN ways are simply hellish.

P.S. A very disproportionate proportion of Brits are LESBIAN and GAY. In wonder what might be causing it.
Another thread on this topic???
12 Mar 2012
Love / E-marriage - how successful among Poles? [21]

Why are you asking?

Both sets of my Grandparents - think very early XXs century - did most of "the dating" after the wedding. They produced plenty of healthy babies together so it must have been a happy after the vows dating.

Are you concerned about e-marriages?
12 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

all i was trying to point out(obviously badly) is that you may not be able to afford the same standard of accommodation in poland that you are used to in nyc.

Here you go again.

Did you see a typical $2,500-$3,000 per month apartment in Manhattan???
There is NOTHING to it. Simple rooms, no crown moldings or marble hallways and no elegant master baths, either. Yes, most likely you'll find a grand public lobby on the ground level to show off the building but not much to write home about in the private apartments.

You basically pay for the privilege of living in Manhattan, which granted has a few things to write home about, and the big city view from your window.

But your personal oasis??? Not so much.

man, no more NYC pizza? ouch.

Only if you consider *pizza*as food.
In my home pizza is NOT permitted any food status. Period. Shop ordered pizza is not very hygienically prepared, either. Pizza is a *food* served by LAZY mothers.

Stay on topic. It's not a food section.
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Nazis lost the war ...... WHY would Poland be annihilated by the Germans AFTER the WWII, again???

Clearly, logical thinking is NOT your thing. Or is the EVIL in you that demonstrates itself and cannot be easily camouflaged any more.
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Roosevelt and Churchill aren't deities, and they did the best they could for the people that voted for them. Churchill warned anybody that would listen about Stalin, but everybody was pretty much tired of the war thing, and were ready to call it a day.

This is why the West may have the POWER, but NOT the RESPECT.
It is all about the RESPECT!

Poles have learned their lesson: Do NOT ever die for London because London will NOT die for Warszawa.
And IF the say they will .... Do NOT TRUST them because they LIE.
Lying is their first nature.
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Do feel very free to explain the way (or ways) in which Britain failed to live up to her treaty obligations with regard to Poland.

You asked for proof that you are TRAITORS, here it is. Britain signed a military pact with Poland in August 1939 that in event Germany should attack Britain or Poland, both countries would aid each other militarily. Well, Germany attacked Poland September 1, 1939, but Britain (or France, for that matter) NEVER lived up to the pact and never sent any military help: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish-British_Common_Defence_Pact
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Everybody eventually gets the government they deserve, right?

YES, this is a sweet revenge worth living for :-)

so why the fecuk should a single british person have died fighting your countries wars for you...............

Just to let you know I reported your comment.
Keep your vulgar language at home if your family allows it.
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

The question is how did Hitler know the West was not going to attack?

Had they done that the Soviet invasion on September 17, 1939 most likely would not have happened, which would have changed the dynamics of the war and it is entirely possible the War would NOT have dragged on for six bloody years.
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

30 airmen???

By March 1944, the Polish armed forces in the west fighting under British command numbered 195,000, 165,000 at the end of that year, including about 20,000 personnel in the Polish Air Force and 3,000 in the Polish Navy. At the end of World War II, they were 195,000 strong, and by July 1945 had increased to 228,000, most of the newcomers being released prisoners-of-war and ex-labor-camp inmates.

12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Here is why the Brits murdered general Sikorski:

" By the spring of 1943, Sikorski had been raising the issue of POSTWAR BORDERS with the Soviet Union and had travelled to the USA to lobby support from President Roosevelt.

In April, he had lunched with Churchill in Downing Street, where he brought up the alleged massacre by the Russians of 10,000 Polish officers in the forests of Katyn, near Smolensk in the USSR. Churchill urged caution since the alliance between Stalin and the West was fragile.

Undeterred, Sikorski, without consulting the British Government, called publicly for the International Red Cross to investigate the massacres. A furious Stalin promptly broke off diplomatic relations with the Polish government in exile. His anger was conveyed to Churchill at Chartwell in Kent [in fact at Chequers] by an agitated Maisky -- the man whose plane touched down a few weeks later alongside Sikorski's in Gibraltar."

12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Always a good laugh to see people offering holocaust denial websites as proof of anything!

Are you sane?

Here is more for ya: telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/poland/2225955/Did-British-double-agent-Kim-Philby-murder-Polish-war-hero-General-Sikorski.html
13 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

good show to watch is brotherhood of darkness, that puts ww2 in different prospective and the world events.

Excellent show, but must be watched in its entirety to understand it fully.
Stan Monteith makes many excellent points, although there are some areas that I'm sure not everyone will agree with.
This video should be watched by every student of history.
13 Mar 2012
Love / What do I need to know as an American about a Polish man? [15]

His mother was Polish and his father was American .... so I'm assuming he was born in the US.
If he was born in US ..... why do write of him as if he was from another planet??? Is he that much different???

Woman to woman advice: do not marry anyone unless your HEART dances in your chest and your heart is connected to your BRAIN and dances for the right reasons.
13 Mar 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

I am astonished that you would even post a thread like that.
If there are Poles somewhere who are "ashamed" of being Polish they have only themselves to blame. You get out what you put in.

The Poles I know are PROUD to be Polish.
13 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Basicaly love, do some reading,switch on your brain and people will stop laughing at your pathetic moaning jingoism.

I hope you are attacked by the Chinese, Muslims, Africans .... or UFOs, for all I care.
We'll all stand around and cheer you on.