Genealogy /
Duplaga, Data surnames [67]
Mr. Duplaga,
You bring up some interesting thoughts in response to the Posts of Polonius3-it would be nice if we could all put our heads together to figure it out!
I did not mention in my Post #11 that My grandfather and my Great Uncle Walter settled in Cleveleand, Ohio. GUncle Walter had about 8 children. Is there any chance you are associated with the Du Plaga's in Ohio? Other than this line of Duplaga's-I have not come across anyone else, or seen the name spelled as "Du Plaga."
I'm happy to hear you will be visiting your Uncle this year--may I kindly request that you possibly video tape or voice record your questions and answers with him. I think you will appreciate having such a documented item in the future-if not just to be able to hear his voice someday later! And I hope you will at the very least make photocopies for yourself of any notes, names & addresses that he may have written down over the years! Also, old letters, envelopes or post cards and photos would be wonderful to have at least copies of , if not the originals. This is a real Plus for genealogical research. May I also suggest that you visit the Domaradz Cemetery and take photos of all the Duplaga graves and any others, that you learn from your Uncle that are related to your Duplaga Line?? You are very lucky to be able to travel to visit this year and you can turn this trip into a real Genealogical Experience. It is costly and very time consuming to obtain this info from other sources, so since you will be there yourself, you may find it to be a rich and rewarding experience. You have not mentioned how much research if any you have done?? Perhaps you are just starting to get into this and happened to find this forum?
You had mentioned that he currently lives in Krakow--Do you know exactly where he was born? My research has taken me mainly to Brzozow, but also to Stara Wies-2miles away and Golcowa-6miles away, I do know that there are some Duplaga's in Domaradz-which is more like 10 miles from Brzozow and I am attempting to make some inquiries there.
It is interesting that your Uncle was curious enough to make inquiries in Domaradz, yet he did not formally put together a Family Tree-perhaps when you visit, you will find a LIST of the various family members he thought or knew about over the years?
From what I can figure-besides learning the names of all our "Great" Grandparents and above--the second important thing is to be able to find the names of each of their Siblings, and this proves a bit more difficult. It is these siblings that lead off into the other Family Lines that we need identified so that we can make Connections to learn how and at what point on the family tree we are related.
I listed my email address for you and I do hope you will keep in touch, or contact me for further information that may be helpful to you! I do have a Spam Blocker, so it would be helpful to know what your email address is so that I can Authorize it to come through the system!
Thanks for another informative Post,
To: nangel
My reply to you is long overdue, since you wrote in July 2011. Thank you for writing and I apologize, I had illness in the family and I hadn't checked the Forum for quite awhile, until someone alerted me to the recent new Post! Actually, one of the people that I have been working with is your Cousin "George K." and he had told me about being in touch with you some time ago! Your Duplaga Line is from Golcowa and mine is from Brzozow, so I already knew this. At the present time, George & I have not found a connection but we continue to work on it, and when we do, I would think it should include your Duplaga line.
How is your research going? Do you have actual Documents from your Duplaga Line? Do you have any OLD family photos that may be from Poland---Another Duplaga researcher and I have made a connection through a photo that we are working on trying to figure out-but it tells us that our families MUST have been related.
I look forward to your reply and you are welcome to write to my email as listed in one of the above posts and forward any OLD polish photos you may have.
My Best to you,