30 Nov 2011
Language / Negation in Polish sentences [12]
Hello I am teaching myself Polish from a textbook. I've come across sentences in the negation lesson that I just can't figure out.
Could someone help me with these sentences?
1. Nic nie wiem, on o tym nigdy nic nie mowi. (this sentence is very confusing to me!)
2. On nigdy na nic nie ma czasu. (He never has time for anything. Is this correct?)
3. Komu Staszek o tym mówił? (Who did Staszek speak to about it. correct?)
4. Temu dziecku nikt nigdy niczym nie pomoga. (No one ever helps that child with anything. Correct?)
5. O czym dziadek dzieciom opowiadał? (Did the grandfather tell the child something? Is this correct?)
6. Ta nauczycielka nie uczy żadnego z naszych dzieci.
7. Ktoś mi coś mówił o tych dzieciach. (Someone told me something about those kids. correct?)
8. Może one wiedzą o kimś, kto wraca do Krakowa.
Any help appreciated.
Hello I am teaching myself Polish from a textbook. I've come across sentences in the negation lesson that I just can't figure out.
Could someone help me with these sentences?
1. Nic nie wiem, on o tym nigdy nic nie mowi. (this sentence is very confusing to me!)
2. On nigdy na nic nie ma czasu. (He never has time for anything. Is this correct?)
3. Komu Staszek o tym mówił? (Who did Staszek speak to about it. correct?)
4. Temu dziecku nikt nigdy niczym nie pomoga. (No one ever helps that child with anything. Correct?)
5. O czym dziadek dzieciom opowiadał? (Did the grandfather tell the child something? Is this correct?)
6. Ta nauczycielka nie uczy żadnego z naszych dzieci.
7. Ktoś mi coś mówił o tych dzieciach. (Someone told me something about those kids. correct?)
8. Może one wiedzą o kimś, kto wraca do Krakowa.
Any help appreciated.