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Posts by margerytka  

Joined: 23 Oct 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Oct 2011
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Posts: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 7
From: Cheltenham, UK
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: books, psychology, Italian language and culture

Displayed posts: 7
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23 Oct 2011
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

there maybe all of you guys are losing sight of the big picture: many, many of Polish women, so easily labeled "moody" by you, they have grown in families suffering from abuse of alcohol and violence. There is the whole generation of DDA and DDD women and men in Poland. Myself coming from a family like those. Still trying to fix my wounds and become a completed, confident and satisfied person. Am I unstable and act irrational way on many occasions? Yes, even though things changed for better along the way. But inside of me I keep a great sadness and have to fight my own demons. Women like me are supposed to be fighters in order to survive and adapt to life. I survived so far ... and I love my Slavic moodiness: every holy day I question my existence and therefore I need to learn how to live again. It is the amazing circle of sadness and joy, hopelessness and belief. So next time you'll meet a nice but a bit temperamental Polish woman, maybe she's not a spoiled rotten *****?
23 Oct 2011
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o Polakami noszą koszulki z logami w języku Polskim? [26]

Fajne hasla na koszulkach to standard tez w UK. W Krakowie mozna kupic zabawne i prowokacyjne koszulki z tekstami i rusunkami A. Mleczki.
Mysle, ze dobrze jak Polacy zdobeda sie na zart i odwage bycia prowokacyjnym bez potrzeby bycia wulgarnym. Ile jest wulgaryzmow na pamiatkowych kubkach. Tandetny zart, chamski i uderzajacy w kobiety. Fajne logo na koszulce, takie " z przymruzeniem oka" jest absolutnie w porzadku. Tylko tlumaczcie sobie kazdy napis, bo mozecie znalezc sie w sytuacji osmieszenia a nie rozsmieszania.

Przepraszam wlasnie zajarzylam, ze piszesz o noszeniu koszulek z polskimi napisami przez Polakow w Irlandii. Ta, w zalaczej fotce, jest zabawna i nawet rozczulajaca. Mysle, ze to chec podkreslenia swojego pochodzenia i jednoczesnie bycia oryginalnym, bo koszulek z napisami polskimi napewno jest mniej niz w angielskim i tym samym bardziej sie wyrozniaja ich wlasciciele. Wazne aby byly czyste i pasowaly osobie. ciezko wyopbrazic sobie jakiegos ochlejusa w koszulce z logo: Jestem swietnym kochankiem":)
23 Oct 2011
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

Good for you. However, 3 months is not enough time to get know well somebody or be able to work out some communication problems. During my stay in Palermo I had to revise the opinion we Poles have about ourselves. Italy with its sheer joy of living learnt me to smile more often, approach people easily and in general it softened me up. We Poles tend to be so depressed and boring to others. We expect others to hurt or disapoint us. Okay, we can blame our history or lack of vitamin D:) I learnt that being open-minded, appreciating the simplest of things, and smiling, being kind and respectful towards people is the very powerful tool to feel good and keep going on. I am sorry PennBoy for your failed story with Polish lady, but I am sure you would be better with a girl of yours.
23 Oct 2011
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o Polakami noszą koszulki z logami w języku Polskim? [26]

No tak, każda szanujaca się uczelnia ma swoich promotorów:)
Ja, z moich wakacyjnych pobytow w ojczyźnie, przywozilam moim włoskim przyjaciołom koszulki z herbami Krakowa, Warszawy, z herbami uczelni także. Bardzo sobie cenili te prezenty.
23 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Migration to the UK - A moderate speaks! [41]

I've been living in UK since December 2009. Cheltenham is a posh and bit expensive place but still it has a big Polish community. Near Gloucester has got even more Polish people.

When I went to Italy, at the beginning I didn't feel like to stay there permanently. I missed Poland so much and threatened my Italian friends to leave their country despite their efforts to make me appreciate the value of life in Italy. I wasn't a child but I acted like a little spoiled brat. I was so selfish. But I had grown to love what I was offered. It was a long and hard process but I came through. I met people whom I owe my life. They show me love and hope and give me the strenght.

It hurts me the way Polish people think of their place and future in English community. Out there is a whole and strong group of Poles, who feel UK their second home. There are others who dislike UK and stay here temporary.

Anyway, in my opinion some people never change wherever they go and those are simply hopeless cause. Many others should first experienced sth hard and no economical or working friendly as a UK and then might learn better about being respectful towards their host and open-minded. However, other minorities should be told to apply the same rule.

Of course we all know that life in Poland is not easy for many reasons. And because of this so many Polish people keep coming into UK. Okay, myself went abroad in part for earning some money. Well, my past bad economical situation was my fault, triggered by depression due to death of my brother. Friends of mine pushed me in trying to make a fresh start and overcome depression. It was so hard experience to me and now I don't feel to provide excuses for other Polish people, for their lack of kindness or their ignorance. We're free to move wherever we want to but this should imply willingness to learn and comprehend. I am reading Jonathan Sacks " To Heal a Fractured World. The Ethics of Responsibility" and all I can say so far : this book is must-to read.
23 Oct 2011
Language / Rozpoczynać - Zaczynać [12]

Firma rozpoczęła proces rekrutacyjny.

Zacząłem czytać powieść.

Mógłbyś zacząć od nowa?- can mean repeat sth or make a fresh start

zaczynac, zaczynać raz jeszcze, zaczynać od nowa, rozpoczynać nowy rozdział( np. w życiu)- metaphor