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How do I make a Polish girl cry? [107]
If you only knew.......
I thought you showed more promise than this. Resorting to this tired old yet typical type of female put-down is unfortunately so typical of women who have lived in their small fishbowl. Sometimes there are so many women around me that I fear I might catch estrogen poisoning.
I'm not here for you to validate my intelligence. It wasn't a put down. My little fish bowl is 15 countries and counting...of which I have lived for extensive periods of time (for me, anyway) in three. Estrogen poisoning....infantile attempt at humor. Besides which, it doesn't even have a factual base. Do you think only women produce estrogen?
In other words, you don't agree with my logic based on extensive empirical experience and research and just plain living with women.
You make this claim, yet I see no proof of 'extensive empirical research'. I see no p values showing statistical significance. I see no experimental design, no null hypothesis. There will always be ******* and ********, but this is usually a result of poor coping mechanisms based off insecurities or just plain bad Cosmo for women and PUA forums for men.
Women who enjoy my company know 'where I'm coming from' and they seem to enjoy the alpha in me.
I cannot attest to the veracity or lack thereof of the first claim made in that sentence, but your inflammatory statements alone disqualify you from being an alpha male. A true alpha is above many of the 'extensive contributions' you have made to this forum (this is a put-down, just so you can tell the difference). I'm not a feminist, but neither am I of the school of thought that 'Women have it great'. I am cognizant of the hypocrisy that permeates our cultures in regards to both men and women.
I am also a patron of the arts and am quite proud of my ballroom dancing skills.
Donating money doesn't make you 'cultured'. Many of my parent's friends are 'patrons of the arts' only so they can get a tax break and prime seats to the NY philharmonic and the ballet in order to appear 'refined' and 'important'. I have only personally known one true patron of the arts, and he is magnificent (which doesn't mean that he doesn't have his own shortcomings). The reason I have stated this is that he is nothing like you show yourself to be. As for the ballroom dancing you really think that alone is enough to sustain the interest of any woman worth her salt? I think in part that is why some men have trouble with women ... they tend to view their abilities as discrete (ability to make a woman laugh, physique, socioeconomic status, ...) when women are more concerned with the whole as well as their compatibility with that whole. Not every women wants a ripped man, or a very rich man (I'm sure this will draw incredulity from you, but they tend to have their own particular baggage). Women who chase after discrete qualities are mere girls or just looking for a flig, at least that's the way I view it. I'm beginning to think that this is going to be an exercise in futility...I'll just stop here.