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Posts by Wedle  

Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 490 / In This Archive: 380

Speaks Polish?: yes

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27 Sep 2011
Love / Foreigners: would you have moved to Poland if it was full of fat/ugly women? [42]

There are some beautiful Polish ladies here who are complete and total b*tches with no personality- are there some people that are so shallow that would marry somebody only based on looks?

There is also a lot of expats here with no personality, who are just here for the money and are not prepared to contribute and give something back. Once you get outside the big cities, there are some not so nice examples of the Polish female. Enough to make your mouth go , hmmmm !

I want a new word.

What about Bobfoc it is quite popular now in England.
28 Sep 2011
Real Estate / How to get my property back in Poland? I left 36 years ago. [59]

I have some and I have a witnesses also but isn't it enough that she took me off from people's evidence in Poland. I wanna be back on the Deed

When did you get divorced and when did she delist you?
28 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Culture shock (my neighbours in the UK are Polish and Slovak) [88]

Thanks it was my slovak neighbours who charged for help. Things are not tense at the moment they all smile, but seem abrupt in the way they talk. Is this usual?

Yes you have to be careful of the Slovaks, have you found them looking at your wife strange? If there a lot of men going in and out of a house, it could well be a " house of the rising sun" the Slovaks are very active in this area. Just be careful of your children, especially if they are Slovak gypsies...
28 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Buying a restaurant in Poland? [13]

Wait until the end of 2012, there will be restaurants falling by the wayside come 2013.
28 Sep 2011
Real Estate / How to get my property back in Poland? I left 36 years ago. [59]

Not really, if he "left Szczecin 36 years ago" and during that period his wife was in possession of the flat without any breaks she has already obtained ownership regardless whether she ****** him out of it by the book or not --> art. 172 par. 2, Polish Civil Code, as mentioned before.

I am with Midas on this fact.

Depends on when they got divorced then.

As far as I understand she reported him as a missing person at some stage, she informed the authorities, no knowledge of his whereabouts, if this happened after they divorced, it would prove in fact she knew of his whereabouts and had recently been in contact with him.

The property was acquired during the time I was married.

I really think yurek is drinking in the last chance saloon on this one.
29 Sep 2011
Law / Setting up SPZOO and SPK in Poland [16]

What is the difference between a spolka cywilna and a spolka jawna (which is a legal entity) as far as running the business is concerned?

You should go with a Spółka komandytowa .
29 Sep 2011
Love / Your feedback on office sex (situation from Poland) [37]

What would you do in this situation?


A future work colleague of mine is in the process of relocating to Warsaw. He was here in July 2011, for a 3 month trial. It was decided after the trial period he was the right person for the job and he was offered a contract for two years to start begin October 2011. I was recently informed that he started a relationship with one of the girls in our office ( although we have a strict unwritten rule of NOT shitting on ones own doorstep), it was all kept under wraps until this week. It transpires our new contractor has decided to shack up with one of our employees full time/long term in her opinion, on his arrival in Warsaw ( even though he is married). Although I am further informed by him, his wife and young child will be turing up in January 2012. My secretary was approached by the friend of his future concubine, who decided to trickle the information to the powers that be, both of the girls are from Katowice living in Warsaw and have been with us for over 4 years, I believe the informer is covering her backside as she recommended her friend for the job originally.

Now here is the dilemma.

The information is now company gossip.

What to do?

1. Terminate contract of contractor.
2. Inform employee her lover has a wife and child.
3. Find a reason to let both of them go.
4. Ignore.
29 Sep 2011
Love / Your feedback on office sex (situation from Poland) [37]

Either 2 (more probably) or perhaps 4

If we go with 2 the girl becomes the victim, if we go with 4 we lose face on company rules. I was thinking of informing him we are only prepared to pay 50% of his apartment costs as he is sub letting it. Then waiting for the feedback.
29 Sep 2011
Love / Your feedback on office sex (situation from Poland) [37]

u are ready to terminate a contract without having spoken to any of those involved. not very smart, is it ?

We now have enough facts to make an accurate conclusion of the whole situation, the problem was caused by our future contractor, we laid down the rules and he accepted. the fact that he went behind our backs and abused, concludes he is not a team player, in the future we have to trust him with contracts that are valuable to the company, if he is ready to cheat on small things, he will playable by our companies.
29 Sep 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Maybe at least someone can point me to some articles

The British did more for Poland than the ruling government in 2004, the British almost signal handle reduced Polish national unemployment figures and increased the external remits. Now do your own research as it is all now factual history.
29 Sep 2011
Law / What's the best way to transfer £20,000 into PLN [31]

the best way to transfer £20,000 into PLN

Unless you have something to avoid, why don't you just go to Poland and open a multi currency bank account and transfer your money in.
30 Sep 2011
Love / Your feedback on office sex (situation from Poland) [37]

How these people have behaved gives great insight into how honest and honorable they are or are not in other facets of life.

it's important to hold you and your people to a higher standard than simply doing your collective job

paying his rent towards his lover makes you party to the divorce and an enabler.

Option 5 for the win!

He was informed this morning at 11 am (CET) we are not prepared to reimburse costs for relocation or rent in his package, as we consider him a self employed consultant.
1 Oct 2011
Love / Your feedback on office sex (situation from Poland) [37]

Lets everyone know where they stand and lets the gossipers know that their gossip has consequences and they will need to be accountable for what they are sayin.

Our intention is not to stop people gossiping, employees are free to discuss openly.If you create a culture in which openness is not tolerated, at that point the company lose's it's creativity flow.

Tell his wife? Maybe, that is a good idea, if he betrays his wife and child, who else will he betray?

By hitting his pocket, he will automatically have to discuss financial matters with his wife.

Nah, he will rightly sue the arse of you.

He would be very foolish to sue us, the place of the contract is Warsaw and we have deeper pockets than him.

I am certain, I know what the outcome of this saga will be, it would not be wise for me to post my opinion of the outcome, on a open forum until the matter is concluded.

Any opinions out there?
1 Oct 2011
Travel / My trip to Krakow and its ups and downs. [70]

We would go back to Poland but only to remember the millions who died in Poland in WW2.

I am assuming you also include Poles in your act of "remembrance"

In fact a British student doing an internship in Kracow was murdered after an argument with a bus driver just this summer

Shall we discuss all the Polish nationals, murdered in the " Isles" in recent years.

We found the Poles have not really learnt from the horrible events of WW2-there is still plenty of anti-semitism and racist graffitti-many of them still have a peasant mentality when it comes to foreigners and yet they want to be taken seriously as an EU country with all that implies.

Obviously you are Jewish, there are seminars during the summer near Krakow, especially for people like yourself who lack understanding of other faiths and cultures. I can send you a link if you provide an email, as you are not a full member of Polishforum.
1 Oct 2011
Genealogy / One parent Polish, the other one German - their children? [16]

Is there a trait or intrinsic mannerism that is found in children of Polish & German parents?
I'm referring to demeanor, courtesy, patience, congeniality, etc.

Yes, they are very good at football.
2 Oct 2011
Life / Expats/Immigrants in Poland: Needy, Greedy or contributor. Which one are you? [118]

I find the majority of expats/immigrants I meet here in Poland fall into three types:

Contributor - building a sustainable business, creating jobs, working for a NGO/ Charity or providing a service that gives back to society.
Greedy - Only in it for the money, when the money dry's up they will be on the next Plane out of town. You normally find them sucking on the belly, of most tiger economies around the world.

Needy - they are only in PL because the better half is Polish. They always have tales of grandeur,looking for a mug to buy them a pint in the expat hangouts and listen to their lost soul tales of woe.

Which one are you, or maybe you are a combination of two or three?
3 Oct 2011
Life / Expats/Immigrants in Poland: Needy, Greedy or contributor. Which one are you? [118]

You're the one who wrote up some half assed classifcation for immigrants that places them outside society. We live and work here - we are society. There's no point us justfying whether we contribute or not.

There is always one.

There are people who have responded to this thread who are very much in society, they contribute, create jobs, pay taxes and work towards a more efficient Poland. You mentioned in post 36 " bring up your children in Poland " do you bring up your children to be child ambassador's of Poland?
4 Oct 2011
Life / Expats/Immigrants in Poland: Needy, Greedy or contributor. Which one are you? [118]

"aahhhhh, pojde do lekarza i powiem mu ze mam goraczke, dostane kilka tygodni wolnych....."

I have seen this type of attitude many times in Poland, it is also very prevalent in other socialistic countries.

I was once given an explanation by a Russian about this type of mentality, which is the best I have heard. He explained to me " having spent time in the west I see the difference, in the west society controls society you respect the rules, if you do something wrong, you face the consequences. You are on your own, you don't work you don't survive, the country is not your mother, society provides your feed. Here in the East the country is our mother, she is there to provide, she controls society, rules are guidelines we all learn how to make them work for us from an early age"

The problem now facing western Europe, they moved to a socialist path over the last 25 years. Now the current generation are more eastern than western in mentality, they have not severed the umbilical cord and are still sucking on the nations (motherland) breast.
6 Oct 2011
Life / Expats/Immigrants in Poland: Needy, Greedy or contributor. Which one are you? [118]

Immigrants are failures.

Lets start off with Australia, Canada and the USA the lands of the immigrant. Most people want to get into these countries, so why failure?

I mean the silly excuses that come with having children and the silly wives tales like "you will catch cold if you drink something cold" or the reason that Polish children always have hats covering their ears so they don't catch cold that way either. Or just the basic fear of "the cold."
Besides, isn't it the mother in law that usually takes care of the kids?

Its a bitter pill with the Polish mother in law, the over protection is well intentioned, they grew up in lesser times which made them the solid people they are. My Polish mother in law is a real stalwart on family values.