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Joined: 28 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
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From: Deal Kent UK
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28 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Cheap calls to the UK from Poland [30]

Hi there
My name ia Ad Jansson and we have started a company called Iring24.
We will be starting soon with a calling card to make cheap calls from Poland to UK or anywhere in the world
I am looking for some people or companies who can take over the delivering in Poland. I do not speak Polish myself
but I have a couple of friends who do. So if you know someone who wants to do this kind of work then please contact me

We will have 50 access points in Poland that means that there will always by a local call involved and then the person
dial the card number and destination and speaks to uk landline for 5 pence and mobile 10 pence

However we do have another service.

If you are livinging in the UK you can have your own Polish number and you can give that out to your family members and friend


You buy the local number £ 2.95 and rent it each month for £ 2.95. Your famil can now phone a local number and that terminates
either to you home phone (7 pence or mobile 10 pence) and this is what you pay.