Work /
Teaching jobs for Americans in Wroclaw? [54]
(heck, I'll be recruiting another native for a permanent, long term job here in January/February - someone with a degree from a private university simply won't get a look-in)
I have given up hiring natives as they are too much hassle. I much prefer poles with high standards of English who are willing to work and always turn up for work when they say they will.
However, if I meet a native who has a track record in turning up when they are supposed to and know English...........then I would employ them.
Au contraire. Certificates from these private schools are just about worthless on the job market, for "real" jobs, at least. As delphiandomine said, "real" employers won't even look at them, and demand real diplomas from real universities.
Depends what you are studying, I would suggest.
I now know several people who have attended WSF and are in 'real' jobs earning 'real' money and all with their degree from a private university.
We must remember that whilst many of us have certain experiences here in Poland, others still have other experiences which will seem to contradict the other persons view. Is it wrong? no just different and also interesting.
Remember that only 25% of a job is based upon intelligence and the academic and the other 75% is based upon your ability to positively adapt to the world ( to paraphrase slightly HBR ). We never know, Jeremy could end up being more successful than we have been. He could be employing us in years to come - who knows?