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Posts by EdWilczynski  

Joined: 6 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 98 / In This Archive: 88
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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7 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

My Wife HATES being late for an appointment. I mean seriously HATES it.

She blows a gasket ....Myself, I am a little mellower about such things and tend to accept that if the circumstances are out of our control then c'est la vie.

Many years ago, when my Wife and I were in the early thro's of our relationship I was flying in to Etiuda terminal in Warsaw. Now this terminal isn't like anything you will have experienced before...... (T2 was still being completed). Etiuda is a cattle shed.

The snow was appalling and they closed all but one runway. I was sat on some god awful cheap and chearful flight and we had to circle and wait for our turn to land. No means of contact as I was airborne. Of course I thought.....OK, she has the screens, she will be able to see I'm delayed and how long for, she is of course aware of the weather conditions, she will go back to the office, or find a cafe or such like in T1.

Eventually, 2 1/2 hours late we land, I grab my bag and I spring out of Etiuda as excited as newborn lamb.

Oh man, did i get it.....BOTH BARRELS.

My fault that Warsaw was experiencing horrendous Snow, my fault that they closed all but one runway......you get the idea.....

10 minutes later, I was turning around and trying to find to the ticket desk to buy a return flight.

I'm NEVER late.

A Polish gentleman needs to be present in advance, and the lady is allowed to be late up to 15 minutes because Polish women rule, and Polish gentlemen accept that.

An English gentleman needs to be present in advance, and the lady is allowed to be late up to 15 minutes because Polish women rule, and English gentlemen accept that too.
7 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

they cheer up and are the loveliest creatures in the World, right Ed?

I concur.

It may be a cliche but.......

Happy marriage and 2 son's later and I swear I love her like the first day I laid eyes on her. I consider myself genuinely lucky I found the right one.

I begged her to go for coffee with me in Coffee Heaven on Nowy Swiat.

She agreed.....only if she could bring Tatko along....At the time I thought Tatko was her pet dog or something.
7 Jun 2011
History / Teaching our kids about Poland's History [57]

spent 2 years learning about aboriginal history which is one of the most boring cultures in the world yet we must suck up to them here in australia

Suck up to them??

What an ignorant little oik. Lets be clear about something buddy......you are the intruder. Not them.

They were on that Island a long time before the British and certainly a long time before the Polish.

You should pay them a little more respect because they damn well deserve it.

alot of poles no nothing of the kat'lyn massiare

Oh ......and its Katyn Massacre or Zbrodnia katyńska not to be confused with Khatyn.
7 Jun 2011
Love / Cultural misscommunication, or is he trying to send me a message? Working with Polish dude. [34]

Ok Paul, I am really sorry but I had to google the metro thing............

So you don't play the pink oboe then but you could well look like the guy below.......

New territory for me fella....So I am of no use to you.

But if you ever fancy a beer and football match in a purely hetro kind of way then I'm your man.

All that remains to say is....Good Luck

13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Another common self-deception is that the whole world envies those who live in the US.

- Agreed, and envy them I do not. In fact, I can't even bring myself to holiday there.

I, for one chose to come to live in Poland. I didn't have to.

Agree and pretty much echo's my sentiments.
15 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / How to recruit a Polish female for work in the UK? [11]

For those interested and wanting to see what we do you can visit our website:

Not a criticism .... bit of advice...... but you need to sort that website out mate.

A bad website is as bad as having no website.

Doesn't have to be expensive these days.
16 Jun 2011
Life / Is Eletronic Music in Poland popular? [5]


I thought you meant Jean-Michel Jarre .............

I mean i've done the whole Ibiza thing a few times (without the drugs) and it was enjoyable but nothing better than laying down with the speakers of the stereo either side of your head and pumping some classic jarre out.
22 Jun 2011
Life / Moving to Krakow and in need of advice and pointers. [18]

Better bone up on English full stop before he starts his CELTA. Sorry, harsh and possibly a little rude. I'm just being honest.

I'm no English teacher nor do I have any desire to be, but judging by the initial post, English is not a strong point.
22 Jun 2011
Real Estate / How to find a reliable real estate administration office in Poland [5]


I am currently working in Switzerland at the moment.

My Polish Wife and I currently own a couple of small studio apartments (In Warsaw) that we rent out and are in the process of opening a Property Management Company. We have a lawyer etc.

We would very much like to add you to our Portfolio.

If you wish to discuss this further drop me a message here and Ill get my contact details to you.
23 Jun 2011
Work / Moving to Wroclaw: entry level salary at Google / how much money to survive? [18]

I didn't respond to the original poster nor did I make reference to the original poster.

I responded to the poster going by the name of akelwho stated SAP people in Poland can ask for salaries of between 12-15k per month and had you read my post properly you would have seen that I quoted the aforemetioned poster. He was responding to the poster above him by the name of nightmaar. Both posts read in their entirety make perfect sense and the correlation is evident.
23 Jun 2011
Law / The Zlotych v the Swiss Franc [16]

I currently work around Europe and paid in the local currency. Normally the EURO, but lately the Swiss Franc.

Now, I am sure i've seen people on here who have some knowledge of currencies and their projected rise/fall.


Can anyone tell me whether its worth moving my money across to the Zlotych now or whether it is safe to leave it where it is for the time being and move it across later. I'm not in it to make a vast amount of money, but i'd like to ensure I don't miss out on the chance to get what is a fairly good return for my money.

30 Jun 2011
Work / The Goal: 3000pln a month, Lets make it happen! [13]

Just so you know here in Europe we have an negatively attitude towards individuality and success

You speak for the whole of Europe do you?

The guy is obviously a halfwit.

Just what Poland needs....Some dope growing dope who doesn't want to contribute to the good and betterment of Poland.
6 Jul 2011
Polonia / Relocation to Poland from Romania [11]

probably has something to do with Romania part of the EU perhaps at a guess and thinking the grass is greener in Poland for them.

Romania is under the control of the IMF right now.....The grass IS greener!!
6 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Foreign investor, properties in Poland, walk away from mortgages? [209]

First things first

You cant go Bankrupt in Poland....Your COMI (Centre of Main Interest) is the UK and so you would have to declare Bankruptcy in the UK.

Bankruptcy covers you EU wide....

Trust me fella.....If you really have to go Bankrupt then the UK is where you want to go Bankrupt.

Of all the countries to go Bankrupt in the UK is the best. Bankruptcy in the UK is seen as a chance at offering someone a chance at a normal life. Elsewhere in the world you are viewed as vermin.

As a result of "Bankruptcy Tourism" there were certain regulations put in place.

Example: There were record numbers of Germans going to the UK and going Bankrupt, then going home to Germany with all their debts wiped out.

I do have some sympathy......I don't think anyone expected the Swiss Franc to rise like it has.....I'm on the other end and am actually enjoying the fact the CFH is rising.