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Joined: 5 May 2007 / Male ♂
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From: England
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Interests: Manipulation

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5 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

So, if I wanted to go to a disco in Poland, where would you recommend?

This was in the disco.This guy here has a distinct advantage because he is the boss.
Another girlfrined told me that her friend had three boyfriends simoultaneously,one with who she was pregnant,one like lover and her boss.So I believe the boss is in advantageous position.

I suppose it is some kind of an instinct for protection. Several men all with an interest in keeping you going. Probably useful for hard times.
5 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

So, I suppose you have to meet them abroad...

suppose it is some kind of an instinct for protection. Several men all with an interest in keeping you going. Probably useful for hard times.

I think it is the same in Russia, etc.

Either that or just a very libertarian attitude as a consequence of a revolt against the Church.

I don't mean it is a bad thing, I am just analizing as usual...
14 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Ken, there is what is on your inside and there is what you show to a woman, especially if you are trying to woo her. These are very different things. You need to show confidence and a bit of interest but not too much. Even for a while after you start going out with her you need to contain your emotions a bit and not be too heavy with your feelings.

None of this is easy but it comes with practice. I found that the best way to behave this way is to go after more than one girl at a time. That way, you show less emotion, you are busier and thus less inpatient with any particular outcome and you are lighter with your feelings. Sometimes this strategy is so successful you end up getting all the girls. Anyway, as I explained to you in the past, it is all a sales game. You have to start with a certain number of prospects, make your move, whittle them down, and so on. Thus you need to be involved in some activity where you get the traffic. Otherwise it will take you ages before you get the confidence which that other bloke possessed when he chatted up your Polish girl... get the practice and next it is your prey.

It is possible to say that me or southern are pratts and lots of other names. Unfortunately, life does not follow the laws of holywood. Getting yourself a girls, is nothing more than a practical subject that requires some experience. Believe me when we all started we were as bad or worse than you. Practice makes perfect. And for her, your next girlfriend, when you fillany woo her, it will all happen so naturally she will think you are a natural!

Book yourself into same dance classes, that is my recommendation.

their so called results may possibly get you sex, but I doubt they would lead to a lasting relationship with a woman of any intelligence..

Getting a lasting relationship is a subset of getting any relationship. In other words, if you end up with 2 or 3 relationships then perhaps one of these could be a lasting relationship, perhaps even true love for both of you. So again go after people you really fancy and then you have a chance, after a while, to get there. On the way there will be a bit of a trail of wreckage, but hey, not possible to make omelette with out breaking some eggs.
15 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Good attitude Ken. Don’t however blame yourself. Your previous notion of how the world works is not uncommon at all. It is sadly widely spread through the media. Soap opera writers however do sometimes notice that the “bad guys” tend to attract the girls. It is never very well explained. Well, the truth is that they get the girl regardless of being good or bad. What they have is experience. That experience is easier to be obtained if you are a rogue, I suppose because you get more interaction with the opposite sex as a rogue. The other think Ken to be careful of is opinions of well intentioned people who haven’t actually done what they are advising on…
16 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

never listen to women when they tell what women want.Only listen to some men with experience.

Well this is not strictly true. Some women can detach themselves to be able to see things from the other side. They provide excellent advice. The truth is that men and women are not that different. A man too, would be a little under whelmed if a woman fell for him too quickly and would loose interest. A man too likes a chase. Jealousy works wonders for both, etc. etc. I suppose women of this younger generation are very similar to man in their attitudes to the other sex. They are just a little more interested in personality and other character traits that show strength and protection… so it is ok for the man to be a little older, etc. Man for obvious biological evolutionary reasons go for youth, beauty, etc. And of course women go for confidence which is another strength and protection character trait.
16 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Yes, nothing like a very tough competitive situation to push you up the learning curve. I am getting quite curious about your life Southern.
Southern, your sweeping statements about the different people of this world always surprise! They are so politically incorrect that it can be very refreshing. Like a loose canon on deck you are making a lot of people very nervous in this very politically correct world. Please keep rocking the boat, it makes it all so much more amusing!

The english have this tea culture when you have to avoid talking about serious things and you just do small talk.Contrary to germans who always discuss seriously.(not very popular).

Absolutely right!
16 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

The english have this tea culture when you have to avoid talking about serious things and you just do small talk.Contrary to germans who always discuss seriously.(not very popular).

But I suspect that in a forum like this people come out of their shells... and even the English will speak their minds!
16 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Lobo most of what I quote is common knowledge.I would not have said sth about english gays percentage if I had not read researches.Of course it will never appear on TV because there is public opinion,and most people think public opinion,common sense is everything.But if you read scientific researches,there is a gap from public opinion,because the researches are neutral.From my experience what I read in reseacrh is the same that I meet in reality,what I see in TV is not what I meet in reality.

Southern, and this is why I have not yet criticized you as have many others. I understood at once I was talking to a technical person whose views are somewhat guided by evidence not public opinion. Because this is unusual, it is refreshing.

Currently our society is full of taboos. These include but are not limited to: Different races, their IQs and the societies that result; Dislike of other races going on with one’s females; Discussion of what religion is better; etc. It is a minefield!
16 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Getting the whole picture better now, for that Southern I apologise. I was too quick to judge.

Ken, don't be so quick with your apologies either. You have no evidence to show that Southern is not a racist or a xenophobe.

That however is irrelevant. People are creatures of their environment. Because you were raised in Britain you are extremely sensitive to issues of race and have become quite politically correct. This is not something that really defines you as it is purely caused by your environment (of time and place). Southern who is probably from the south of the ex Soviet Union was raised in a completely different environment. This too is not innate to his personality, just his surroundings.

When dealing with people of such different backgrounds to yourself, it is best to be less emotionally involved and stick to the facts.
I have learned a great deal and had a great time with people who were quite extreme in their views of the world and that if I did not know how to behave could have put my life in danger. It is better to separate the different aspects of people's personalities.

Remember, even great icons of evil like... Hitler... could come up with some great ideas like the Motorway system, Television Broadcasting or Rocket science leading to the man on the moon. Just keep a certain detachment and keep your political correctness in check as well.

Topic reminder for all :) Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her

And sticking to the point, Southern has got the knoledge to make you to be able to find your next girl friend...
and that is the golden nugget you are after...
17 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

No point giving your phone number to a girl. I never got a call from a girl I gave my phone number too. It is just a cop out to make you feel better but the outcome is assured.

You need to use the trident method that I explained before. Talk to her, find her interests, spot the opening in the conversation and invite her to go with you to do something that she likes. Then ask for the phone number so that if something goes wrong you have a contact... that is the drill.
17 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

They probably never called you because they didn't like you. I don't know. All women are different. I've gone up and given my number to a man and he called me.

Shewolf, you stood up and gave your number to a man. That is totally different from a man standing up and giving you his number!

you standing up and giving a number to a man is equivalent to grabing a man by the balls. I don't know many who would not have called you. (no offence in fact I wish more women did it).
17 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Giving a woman your number is just like junk mail and ends up in the same place. To be able to close a "sale" like that you need the personal interaction, a good reason and some action (an arranged meeting to go to later for an agreed purpose). Otherwise it is not impossible that the woman will call you but the odds are not favorable and you are wasting your time. There are however exceptions to this rule.

For example if you are in a night club and the woman you fancy is looking at you protected from a bunch of male friends. Then if you walk to her and give her the number she will think you have balls and it is all a bit illicit (make sure you do it when nobody else is watching).

You're a big playboy, Lobo. :)

Well, I suppose I slowly got better with age, it is the mileage I guess. I am quite particular with the girls I go for and thus have to increase my hit rate otherwise I would still be a virgin…

Also I like to observe how things work, girls being just a more complex "machine".
18 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Well playboys & girls I got her number, but on friendly basis cause she says she is seeing someone. I know she likes me cause she was blushing.
Now What is next
1 should i wait a day or two for a call

Well done.
Well if you had used my method you would alrady have the reason... anyway now you have to take her out somewhere / do something nice. Go sailing in lake? You know the geography of your place and the opportunities.

The fact that she has someone is neither here nor there. I haven't yet met a gorgeous girl who does not have "someone". I believe the proper name for the other poor bloke, if you are good enough is ROAD KILL.
18 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Some say that it apparently a sport amongst good lookers in their twenties to go from one man to the next. The hope is that the next one is "better" than the previous and thus takes you on an ever rising escalator...

I suppose one of the main functions of the short "trial period", when they can keep the duality secret, is to find out if the new man is indeed better... and then decide to take of ditch... some say...
18 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

k so whats a best way to avoid conflict and handle a situation nicely when i confront the bloke who just found out that i been seeing her girl.

Well, don’t get ahead of yourself my friend.
In fact there is the distinct possibility that you are the one that will get hurt. Suppose she goes out with you, and even gets involved with you but then decides that she would rather stick to her boyfriend / husband… how will that make you feel… Instead of feeling like the gigolo you feel now you will feel like an idiot.

I have for example just found out my ex polish girlfriend has got back together with her ex lover (a married man that she is in love with). The poor bastard (husband) fell for it so bad, it looks like he is ditching his wife to go out with her. The reason being the “affair” she had with me. So unknowingly when I separated them, a bit by force, to go out with the girl, what I actually did was to make her former married lover hit the roof and re-arrange his life so that he could get his young lover back… is this good or what? Better than an Italian comedy! How do you think I felt?

So the moral lesson is “it ain’t over until…” reality is much more complicated than fiction.
19 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

So, what do you think the guy (husband) will do after he divorces his wife and splits his happy family to be together with the lover and then she dumps him in a couple of years time...

I think this will be a pistol to the head moment...

So as an old Russian old saying goes: who is the lucky guy, the one that got jilted at the altar or the new husband?

(they think it is the first anyway...)
20 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

The statistically fail proof way of the true predator, yes, I am impressed Southern!
I did not want to say anything but that is actually the main reason you need the "traffic" I mentioned before.
I concur there is a small percentage that will say yes, or just go with you saying nothing, this is completely correct.
20 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

I probably have quite antiquated values which many wouldn't understand in todays climate of (wham bam thank you ma'am) relationships.

Ken, I understand this as well.
Having a flexible attitude and passing no judgement will however get you further towards your goal of finding the right woman... No need, however, to use the more extreme methods. These are just curiosities...
21 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Lobo, you're like the father I never had, lol. Full of wisdom and advice, a sort of been there, bought the t-shirt thing.

Thanks Ken, but remember that just because I got the T-shirt doen't mean I don't get myself back to square one now and then (you heard my previous story). Now I go back to to the sea and try to push some more fish to my nets. If you are not a bad operator and with a bit of traffic, the right attitude and a bit of practive you should be able to get at least one great woman a year... and I am very very particular (I am a sucker for long legs!)

Good luck with your fishing!