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Joined: 14 Apr 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 20 Jul 2011
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14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

just a quick question i though i ask here on forum as it seems like lots of englsh people posting. so-why english people doesn't like polish - especially polish emigrants in uk. kinda weird as i didn't observe this with reference to other immigrants in uk, i'd rather prefer to avoid word hate but maybe it should be used here;

I'm british and I don't hate or dislike the polish, infact there isn't any nationality that I dislike.
It's not about the nationality it's the person regardless of where they may be from.
I think you are generalising. There may be and probably are some people that dislike polish folk but there are always going to be haters out there, whether it is hating polish people, germans, russians, asians, africans, west indians, aussies, kiwis, irish. There will always be more people out there that are not haters and you must remember this.

Sometimes people lack education or are ignorant and possibly scared, some are just thick. Forgive them and enjoy life with the majority of the welcoming.
14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

If you are, why do you all keep coming to Britain instead of making your own country better?

I read more polish women are having babies in UK than their own country, isn't that sad...

Just because people go to other countries does not mean they are not proud of their roots.

Do you go on holiday abroad?
If so, why? Why not stay in Britain and invest in our economy?

Seeing and experiencing the world is enjoyable and educating, maybe you should do it more.
14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

for saying things a lot of brits believe are true.

Most brits? have you asked most of the brits then? I don't recall this happening, so please don't speak for us or me.

I think your an idiot....I could say most brits believe this to be true (you can pretend it is then).... I havent asked them but it is more likely to be more accurate then your statement.
16 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]

I can't imagine why a black person would subject themselves to Poland.

Sounds like Poland needs more variety so that they can get use to see a number of different shades of brown then.

It makes me more determined to visit now, thanks....lets start educating!
18 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poland and Britain? What has caused the downtur in the UK? [28]

ukpolska: Polish children are still installed with the notion that it is essential to get good exam results to succeed in life

Isn't this more through decent parenting than the country itself?

Yes alot of brits dont value education like they do in other countries BUT children that have been raised knowing the importance of education still keep that value and try hard at school.

Saying that though, having a good education does not always mean you will succeed in life, it helps but with the amount of kids today that are taking degrees and not finding a job afterwards is increasing.

Sometimes its who you know not what you know.

Personally I think education is very important, not so much the grades but just being educated and using this to get through life.
21 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

I think the majority of us are great.
I think we are quite lucky to live where we do, we don't really suffer from any natural disasters.
We are not suffering from mass poverty.

The teeth thing I really don't get, yes some people have nasty teeth but then this is the same for all countries.

The main downside is crime amongst the young in some parts of the country isn't good and heavier penalties need to be looked into to stop gun/knife crime.

Obviously the country isn't perfect, but what country is?
3 May 2011
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Polish men should marry Polish women, and Polish women should marry Polish men. Every other country does it, why don't we?

Do they? and your evidence is where? this is such bull.

People have been mixing for a long time. Not everyone but some people and why shouldn't they.
It's about meeting someone you connect with, who you find attractive, who you want to be with. This can be anyone and if they happen to be a different ethinicity or from a different country so be it.

Stop being so old fashioned and judgemental and recognise there are fantastic people all over the world and its about time we recognised and enjoyed this.

Maybe the reason you meet bad women is because that is all you deserve and any decent woman would not come anywhere near you.
9 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Poland has arrived in TV soap opera "Eastenders" [15]

I couldn't take looking at and listening to low class, mealy mouthed Cockney ******* and their women any more.

Nothing wrong with low class accents, I quite like mine.

I think Hackney people differ though from the Eastenders tv characters. Hackney folk can travel on the underground (tubes/trains) and on buses. The majority own their own washing machine and they don't all work within 20 seconds from their front door.
31 May 2011
Love / My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together [113]

or had any respect for herself ... she would not be with a man who is in a relationship of sleeping with her ... its a very disturbing form of relationship in my view.

So do you think people have no respect for themselves if they sleep with someone before marriage? If so does this apply to men and women or just women?
31 May 2011
Love / My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together [113]

But can you not have respect and values being together without being married.
Can you not still have high standards and morals.
Why the need of this clarification that you are together just to be valued? I think you can be committed and not married. Thousands if not millions do it everyday.
31 May 2011
Love / My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together [113]

Answer me this.... why do you think that some people who have lived happily together for 20/30 years but have not wed, but then decide you know what lets do this, then get married and

after a few months or couple of years they separate and divorce.

But can you not have respect and values being together without being married.


I disagree. I think if you have morals and values then however you live life they will remain with you, married or not.
31 May 2011
Love / My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together [113]

People's lives would be good had they chose their partners not on the basis of the exterior, and not just for their immediate need. But they would choose someone educated, caring, responsible.

Why can't it be successful without marriage?
Why do you believe people do not care about education/ability to care and responsibility when choosing ones partner regardless of marriage.

If someone is going to date someone short term or long term obviously these are important issues to some degree....people want caring responsible individuals.

If i was going to date someone....I have values and morals and I would expect the person that I see to have the same otherwise they would not be with me.

I think marriage suits you and thats all well and good.
I have high expectations but I don't need to be married to that person to expect them to be met. I expect them to be met regardless.
31 May 2011
Love / Do Polish men like to sleep with other men? [79]

Men love to sleep with men the world over...who really cares...(there is nowhere in the world where a gay man or woman does not exist)

It's 2011 get over it!
2 Jun 2011
Love / Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ? [162]

relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

If they are both happy, why not.

Brad pitt is about 47 and so is johnny depp although saying that they are unique and film stars and not many 40-50 year olds look like them. More bald patches and big ole beer bellies. Well some, not all have beer bellies and bald patches and hair sprouting out of nostrils and ears but let me stop there.

Happiness is key and these are both adults, so go for it!

Nick nolte and Robert mitcham another two that looked good past the age of 50. Not that relationships are based on looks (realising i'm sounding rather shallow, i'm not shallow honest!)
12 Jul 2011
Love / Polish men are their own special breed ... [96]

think they are unique,not like the english men,even tho polish men may seem rude and a little bit arrogant and a lot of them openly admit they hate the english,i do find them so sexy.i dont know why i just do...

Hate the english? those ones obviously have no class.
12 Jul 2011
Love / Polish men are their own special breed ... [96]

Say girls worth me remembering, how's that?

Well i doubt you wanna remember the ones that don't say it...or say sank negative,

Selective hearing perhaps...i ain't doubting you, i don't know ya.

But you're gonna remmber the nice stuff aye...just how many girls 1 or 2? which is nowt really or 10 plus which is impressive.....and with those kinda comments you need numbers to justify it...mainly the funny part cos thats a nice comment.. and 1-3 giggly girls shouldnt warrant it.

Rugby player? okay does nowt for me so take your word for it