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Joined: 11 Jun 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 13 Jan 2007
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 123 / In This Archive: 8
From: Poland
Interests: traveling, languages

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11 Jun 2006
Life / How Safe Are the Polish Cities? [179]

I don't see why you are fighting over statistics. It has little to do with street safety.

The quoted article must be old - it's been 17 years of democracy now, mafia has been handled (at least the 'civilian' divisions, I don't know about industrial/political influence). The police has increased in numbers, a new generation of officers has been recruited. If there are no wardens walking or driving around, they are likely to come quicly once alarmed by phone. There are some general rules to follow though.

My opinion? Stick to the west half of the country, preferably cities. Stick to the city centres where there are some foreigners, excluding railway stations, where homeless go. Stay away from outskirts and concrete jungle as well as places known for hostility towards foreigners (e.g. notorious Nowa Huta or Lodz). Say hello to your neighbours so that you're seen as one of them, not the 'stranger'.

About wrong times and wrong places? Avoid anyone who may have been drinking (in all humans alcohol increases agression, nevermind the nationality). Careful at weekend nights and stay away from football fans (no hair, scarves, singing loud) and army recruits (no hair, triangular painted 'coats', singing loud). Avoid those who spend their time hanging around doorways, parks ect. Move around quickly and proud, sneaking through places only makes you look like a potential victim. If in doubt, run towards people - with witnesses you are less likely to get mugged.

About thefts? Just be reasonable - don't show off with your mobile, don't carry too much cash or documents with you, watch pockets in lose clothing (e.g. jacket) and back trouser pockets. I have lived in Poland for years and haven't been mugged or robbed once.

Play it safe.
22 Sep 2006
Travel / Just back from Krakow [120]

All peoples get drunk sometimes. Some do it in a calm way, some are noisy ans cause trouble, and that goes for all nations. The next day the quiet ones are ashamed for the rest.

And about smiles in Krakow - you must know that it's a kind of a decadent city, famous for its attitude, different from e.g. Warsaw.
6 Jan 2007
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

He wrote more than Microcosm, the history of Wroclaw. He also wrote History of Poland in three parts (God's Playground), Europe at War (the contents is obvoius, WWII), , Europe: A History, The Isles: A History, Rising'44. Oxford graduate. Friend of opposition leaders in Poland and Czechoslovakia in the communist era.

My husband is a great fan. There are few historians who are objective and don't write 'for the glory of the nation'. He's one.
17 Feb 2007
Life / Poland's Environment, recycling [79]

Where my parents live there are four bins outdoors, one for paper, one for plastic (always full), one for glass and a big one for general rubbish. The council did what it could (cans get pcked up by local scrap collectors anyway) and the rest is up to people. You can recycle, or you can throw everything into the general rubbish container.

But, as you say, it takes time for people to get used to things. When I still lived with my paents, I had to fight for them to start sparating cans and plastics (newspapers and magaznes were stord separately anyway). Now they're pretty happy with it, every time they go out they take a small bag f rubbish, e.g. plastics, and don't have to worry about the general rubbish so much.

And a word about England. When I lived there, we had problems with the guys who used to pick up rubbish, they appeared to dislike the papers most. Everytime we left magazines and flattened cornflake boxes they left them in the green "ëco" box, then they got wet with rain, started smelling bad, and in the end we were forced to pack them away along with regular rubbish. Not very efficient, is it?

An automted system for glass is a grat idea. In Poland only some supermarkets accept beer bottles, local shops do it only with a rceipt and still unwillingly (after all if you don't return the bottles it's as if they sold them to you).

Milk and cream bottles are a distant memory from my childhood...
17 Feb 2007
Law / Tax in Poland? [57]

Be careful with employers deducting your taxes monthly. What happens is that the normally deduce 19% of income tax and all the rest but if your salary is high you may be obliged to pay more than 19%, up to 40% (!). It once happened to my mom, she had to pay extra tax at the end of the year. Nasty surprise.
18 Jul 2007
Work / Any TEFL teachers in Poland out there? [28]

I guess many people have the old notes, price tags on books, bus tickets ect. After the Italian currency (the lira) it was probably worth least...