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From: New York City
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31 Mar 2011
Life / As a black gay man (US) visiting Warsaw this summer, will I get beat up for nothing? [65]

Greetings All,

I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I've been online trying to find answers to some of my questions and hopefully here, someone can help me out.

This summer '11, I'm planning another holiday and after visiting London/Rome/Paris etc... so many times, I thought I'd switch it up a bit a visit a country that I've always been very interested in and that's Poland. I'm going to several places: Istanbul and Berlin however in each of those cities, I'll have friends there who're locals and can show me around. For the Poland leg of my trip, I will be alone but every time I mention to someone that I want to visit Poland, I'm flooded with every reason not to and it all goes back to either racism or homophobia or both. A little about me: I'm 36 years old from Harlem NY. I'm 6'2, 235lb ex collegiate football player. I'm a big guy but I'm not intimidating (I don't think (lol) and when people meet me for the first time, after the first two minutes the first thing they say is "you're nothing but a big ole teddy bear." I'm educated, successful and have worked hard to carve out a very nice life for myself. I'm always looking to do different things and have ALWAYS had this "thing" with Poland...even my last two boyfriends here in NYC were Polish. I have no idea how that happened, it just did. I'm giving you all of this information for you to have a frame of reference of where I'm coming from.

Ok, let's get to it.

If I'm walking around Warsaw and I don't know the language and I don't know where I'm going, am I going to be harassed/robbed? If I walk in or out of a gay bar, will I be harassed/robbed? Moreover, will I get the feeling that i'm not wanted in the country for whatever reason? That's actually my biggest fear. I can take care of myself psychically but I don't want to feel like some freak or alien by simply walking around trying to enjoy my holiday in a different country. I can go anywhere in the world and I want to go to Poland. I've been blessed to have lived and have traveled all over the world and I can honestly say, I've never experienced any negativity like that. I firmly believe the energy you put out is the energy you get in return so I'm not holding this country to a different standard of any other place, I simply just don't know. My buddies who're all over: Germany, Norway, UK, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Australia, Brazil and all of my Euro friends and co-workers here tell me: "don't go there, they beat blacks and gays and they'll take your ipad and rob you and **** blah blah blah" and they're all European so I would think they would know more than me. Now listen, i'm not naive and I know there are rotten apples wherever you go and I know there are places where being black or gay may not be the best place to be (In the South of my own Country) but overall I just want to know, will I be safe in Poland/Warsaw?
31 Mar 2011
Life / As a black gay man (US) visiting Warsaw this summer, will I get beat up for nothing? [65]

Sport scholarship then.......simple,you seem to think you will be some big man in Poland just because you are 6.2 and a bit fat......trust me fella,you wont be.

Who said I "seem to think" anything? I never mentioned/spoke of or made any reference that I am or will be some big bad ass coming to Poland. I simply gave my stats for you, the reader to get a complete picture of me because let's face it, being a big guy, you stick out more. If a guy was 5'9 and 145lbs, his experience would be completely different than mine. READ what I'm saying instead of READING INTO what you think I'm saying. Oh and your comment about being a "bit fat"....there's nothing on my that's fat. Oh, well maybe there's one thing but I'll let you figure that one out since apparently you think you know everything, fella.
31 Mar 2011
Life / As a black gay man (US) visiting Warsaw this summer, will I get beat up for nothing? [65]

LOL! Thanks Midas. I don't fit any of the stereotypes of what people think a gay person is supposed to be. I'm a man first and foremost and carry myself as one. I guess I only brought up the gay thing is if I'm going to a gay bar or trying to find a gay bar, would that illicit harassment.

A couple of years ago I was in Aruba for my best friends wedding and all of the guys (straight) went out to the trendy/hot bar on the strip. It was packed and everyone was having a good time but I had heard that there was also a gay bar somewhere in the area. So I asked one of the hot girl bartenders if she knew where such and such bar was. She looked at me and with a straight face said, "oh no, you don't want to go there, that's a gay bar". I said I know, is it around here someplace? She calls over another girl and they both are telling me 'oh no, you don't want to go there, that's a gay bar". I'm like "I KNOW IT IS, I'M GAY AND I WANT TO GO...WHERE IS IT?" The look on their faces was priceless. LOL!! All of us died with laughter. They couldn't wrap their heads around it as apparently their perception of what a gay man is supposed to be, wasn't me. (I still laugh at that one) Not only did they give me the address but all of the girls came to the bar after their shift and we partied until the sun came up.
31 Mar 2011
Life / As a black gay man (US) visiting Warsaw this summer, will I get beat up for nothing? [65]

I may serve you with some advice, but I am a kind of survival-canoeing-forest guy. I don't know much about a gay places, but You've never said that this kind of entertainment is your main reason to visit Poland. How do you feel about fishing, exploring old bunkers, good food (like Deer roast) and mushroom picking?

the gay thing is NOT my main reason for visiting Poland. If that was the case, I'd just go across the bridge to Brooklyn. lol I want to experience the country, the people the food and all that comes with it. Deer Roast? never had it, but will try it in a heartbeat. Will only have 4 days there so can't do everything but I'm down for what'evs!

Lodi Dodi is indeed a good one but since it is kind of small I mostly go with my friends there. Termed to be a place for oldies but it DOES vary! :-) However, on your first trip stick to the bigger wilder places :-), if you so like.

And don't forget Fantom! Still the filthiest and best place in town, and a must see on every visitor's itinerary.

Guys, I'm sorry, but a number of Eastern European states have a reputation as not particularly friendly for dark skinned people. IMO that's very 1990's, but the reputation is still there, people will ask questions.

Zman, JonnyM and Midas, you all seem RAD! private email me, when I get there at the end of June, let's hang and have a few beers or vodka or whatever is flowing from the tap.

Ignorants like your buddies really **** me off, if you venture outside downtown at night and you want you and your ipod to be 100% safe don't use a bus,use a cab instead.

try not to be upset buddy, it was not my intention. I didn't think it was *all* true and that's why I wanted to find this forum, speak to some locals and now, I'm educated. I'm very excited for my first trip to Poland this summer.

1 Apr 2011
Life / As a black gay man (US) visiting Warsaw this summer, will I get beat up for nothing? [65]

The title of the post makes just as much sense as e.g. me writing (paraphrassed): As a caucasian straight man visiting Firesun: Harlem NY this summer, will I get beat up for nothing?

Point Taken.

Harlem is totally gentrified now. Full of lawyers and doctors.

and don't forget us Sound Engineers. I mean, who else is gonna make Rhianna and Katy Perry sound radio-able