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28 Feb 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Hi folks,

I found this thread by looking for google "acn meeting Poland". I work in ACN as thousand of people that are regularly payed month after month.Unfortunately MOST of the people speaks without getting into the matter because it's so easy to open the mouth than connect the brain. Here is explained why multilevel marketing IS NOT a pyramid scheme:


Also the pyramids are located in Egypt :-D

28 Feb 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Montana's Securities Commissioner is wrong since people who are recruited in ACN do NOT let the person that recruited them earn nothing unless they acquire customers. ACN enlarges some bonus EACH month that go far beyond the fee you pay to get into the activity. We earn from the bill of our customers month after month and we can do that in 21 countries (23 at the end of march). We do this by means of a license whose profits who can pass to the spouse or the parents in case of death of the ACN rep or can be sold like any activity.

Again, get acquainted into the matter, the head can be used into three ways:

1) to separate the ears
2) to have an hat on
3) to think

I chose the third, you all?

colossus73 proud to be an ACN independent representative
28 Feb 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

In ACN you can earn by acquiring customers since you don't loose them until they remain ACN customers because we are paid from their bills. Regarding recruiting people what do you find easier? Acquire 2000 customers or teaching to 100 person to find 20 customers? We don't get any of $500 for recruiting someone, talk to an ACN rep and see by yourself but please connect the brain instead of talking senseless.

Good luck selling it over here, although there are probably plenty of desperate people that you can scam out of the startup fees.

Do you remember the FAX machine? Why shall I buy a FAX machine if on the other part there is no FAX machine that receives my document? This was the question asked by many when sellers tried to sell the fax, but nowadays do you know a company that doesn't have it?

Who made money with the FAX? Those who introduced it in the market or those who are selling it now? Weak token product? Please wash your mouth before speaking.

As I said at the beginning I did come here to defend my L E G A L activity from the ignorants. Good luck to you my friend.

28 Feb 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Legal? You might want to have a word with the Federal Court of Australia about it

Yes L E G A L, ACN is still operating in Australia. That means N O T H I N G buddy. ACN operates in Australia until now. Anybody can file a case against ACN accusing it of this and that, that documents means N O T H I N G, you are wrong, completely wrong when saying MULTILEVEL MARKETING is pyramid scheme. Read the books, enrich your culture, think with YOUR mind, do not surf the Internet for getting acquainted near the wrong people, ask the right people.

Indeed - and furthermore, if they don't pay your bills, you get nothing.

Ahahahahahahaah of course you get nothing! Do you know any company that gives you money for a gift? Please be serious!

Perhaps you might want to tell us why you aren't allowed to market your telefony product, but why you ARE allowed to convince people to sign up as an ACN rep?

We do NOT convince people, if there are some ACN reps who do this they are wrong, we SORT people, that's very different. If I have to invest my time and my money (to buy gasoline to go back and forth) with a person who shows interest he/she HAS to convince me first WHY I have to recruit her. We do not convince anyone.

28 Feb 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

So, do we believe bodies which protect the rights of people or a person who makes money by supporting a particular company? I wonder.

So, why six years later from the year that case was filed by "bodies which protect the rights of people" that is 2005, ACN is still active in Australia? I doubt ACN is a pyramid scheme. Use the brain buddy! Talk to an ACN rep if you want to know the truth.

Who is the next? I'm warming up now! Come in this thread people, come to sling mud on the company of which I'm a partner, I will sling back that same mud on you!

28 Feb 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Keep going - nothing puts off people more than a brainwashed individual who is desperately trying to convince himself that he'll see a return on that $500 investment.

Desperately? I have already seen a return of my 478,80€ you loser!

Tellus, Colossus - why did ACN's legal representative say, on video, to Fox -
the majority probably do not make a profit

Yes, this is true. Try to guess why...

This is they same crap ppl spouted when I was in ACN, They just repeat it lke parrots. I am wondering if collosus even know what he is saying

Aha, here is the truth revealed:

"When I was in ACN"

So you didn't have success in ACN and the fault lies in it? Sorry buddy the fault lies in you because you didn't have the right mindset to keep on going. You had instead the wrong mindset, the one of the L O S E R S...

Who is the next?

1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Sure you have.
You're not going to prove it though, are you? :)

Of course I'm not because you will say that the my bank account is retouched with Photoshop. I don't care you believe me or not Delphiandomine, I have had a return of my investment. But tell me, what do you REALLY want from your life? Do you have a dream to achieve? Get acquainted into a matter by YOURSELF instead of keep on posting blogs with personal opinions of losers, negative and always complaining people.

People do earn money with MLM, this is a FACT not a personal opinion. But only those who keep on going and going and going. Only those who REALLY believe they will have success, O N L Y T H O S E ones.

You all keep on thinking MLM is illegal, is a pyramid scheme, I can't change and I don't want to change your negative, pessimistic and always complaining mindset. Remember: FACT vs OPINION, fact WINS.

Tell me - why did the State of Montana say that almost every single person who had signed up to distribute ACN's product had lost money?

ACN in America gives 90 days to quit if I'm not wrong, here in Italy 14 days and you have back the money directly on your bank account. Is it fault of ACN or fault of the person?

Delphiandomine, you washed your brain with the WRONG shampoo. Do a favour to yourself and read books such as "Poor Dad, Rich Dad" and "School of Business" both of Robert T. Kiyosaki. Enrich your culture, stop listening to losers, pessimist and negative persons, think about the dream you had when you were a child if you ever had any.

But hey - anyone reading can read this for themselves

Yes as I said above, the personal opinions of the L O S E R S. But again FACT vs OPINION: fact W I N S.

Next please! I'm really having fun here, thanks to all of you of course...
1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Misery? Paedophiles? Easy riches?

Harry you are not lost yet, please wash your brain with the right shampoo:


and see what MLM really IS!

Next please!
1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Ahahahahaahah you funny Harry! I'm not trying to convince anyone, we SORT people. That is VERY different. I'm just defending my activity but you know this very well...

Also you are already brainwashed Harry, I'm just telling you to use the right shampoo...

Next please!
1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

No, I've never been brainwashed; although you very clearly have been, which explains why you think that MLM is such a wonderful idea.

YES, MLM is one of the ways to achieve financial freedom Harry. Do you know what it means financial freedom?

Why do you keep talking about shampoo? ACN don't sell shampoo. But Amway do! I was right, you are a secret Amway agent who has come here to drive people away from ACN and into the arms of Amway!

Ahahahahahaahahha stop drinking vodka buddy! You funny! Ahahahahahahahahahahah

I'm asking you why the State of Montana said that almost every single person who had signed up with ACN had lost money. Answer the question.

I've already replied, go up in the thread and see my reply. Also watch the "people losing money" here:


Watch and BELIEVE, because only if you BELIEVE you can achieve your goals, your dreams (unless you ever had any...). With MLM you can achieve F I N A N C I A L - F R E E D O M but you have to BELIEVE FIRST. Change shampoo but please do not buy the Amway one ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Next please!

1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

If it means owning one's own home and car, being good enough at a job which one enjoys to earn a good living from it, having debts of zero and enough money in one's bank account to buy a new BMW in cash today, then yes I do have personal experience of what financial freedom means.

It doesn't mean this infact. Read books such as "Poor Dad, Rich Dad", "At school of business" of RObert Kiyosaky and "45 seconds" of Don Failla instead of speaking by reading what is written on the Internet.

First get acquainted with a matter by reading books related to it like the ones above in case of MLM and THEN you speak since the mouth will be connected to the brain and please stop drinking vodka buddy :)

I've seen figures of a 98% failure rate within ACN. Ask yourself - do you want to "invest" into a business that has such a high failure rate?

And - folks - there you have it. DON'T "invest" in ACN otherwise who will pay the utility bills from which we ACN reps achieve financial freedom?

Next please!
1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Before you could buy it, you'd need to attract some suckers into your scheme so you can make back the money that you have lost on ACN.


Next please!
1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Such an ACN devotee should be able to answer such questions easily, right?

Devotee? Man I really think something is wrong in your mind. What does it mean devotee? An independent representative of a multinational company is a devotee now? Seriously, are you ok?

Re-read your question. How can a question asked in such a wrong way be answered? Is it so cold in Poland nowadays? But to get warmed you can cover yourself with more blankets, you see what happens with the vodka...
1 Mar 2011
Law / ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]

Well done - as a representative of ACN, you're now insulting Polish people in Poland by associating them with drinking vodka.

LOL, you want to play dirty man, you are going to the bottom man, it's so evident, this is the result of the wrong brainwashing.

How many people made a profit last year (or in 2009) as an ACN Independent Representative?

This is the main problem: you judge a business by looking at what others do. Is it a sound way of reasoning? Next please!