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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Mar 2011
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23 Feb 2011

My recommendation would be to avoid using voice recognition software at all cost when writing University papers. From my past experiences with voice recognition software in English, which is my native language, I've found them to be terrible, unpredictable, and a waste of time. Being a recent college grad, I've also spent many hours writing reports and papers and could never imagine using voice recognition software for them. Papers are often very complex, need a lot of revision before turning in, and 99% of the voice recognition features would only add to the time it takes to complete them. Also, the point of writing reports and papers is to further the students understanding of the subject and that is by nature time consuming.

If it's her typing ability that is slowing her down, the best bet would be to take a typing class or practice typing regularly. Given the age we live in typing well is a necessity.

This is not the answer that you may have wanted, but from my personal experiences it's the best way to go.
6 Mar 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

skysoulmate: There's a strong isolationistic movement in the US and there might come a day when the US gets tired of being unappreciated by foes and allies alike and withdraws from most alliances.

I wouldn't say there is as "strong" isolationist movement in the US. I would say that we are broke, and if a president and a congress comes along that is serious about balancing a budget then one factor may be limiting our support to the rest of the world. If we were smart here in America, we would be electing people in 2 years that make that happen, (of course that would mean drawing attention away from Charlie Sheen for 5 minutes to make room for a clear and rational thought.. eek) but realistically its looking more like 6-10+ years before we will probably get serious, excluding a world wide economic collapse first.

Piast Poland: We dont need the US just Europe.

At this time Europe, as a whole, is incapable and unwilling to fight the real threat in today's world, which is Islamic terrorism. Poland and Europe should show great interest in shaping what happens in the Middle East and North Africa for the simple reason if something happens in Pakistan or Iran and a crazy person get nukes or even dirty bombs, they are a lot closer to Europe than America. Islamic terrorism is not going to go away any time soon. If I were in Europe and the U.S. decided to leave that up to the Europeans, I'd get my butt back to America. Personally, I'd love it if we dealt with the Mexican drug cartels before Afghan insurgents, Libya, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia.... but that might be an off topic thread.
8 Mar 2011
News / Poland in the 'brave new world'? [10]

Polonius3: Barring some meteorite or other unforeseen catastrophe, there is much to indicate that the world's power and economic balance is shifting away from the developed West to the already developed (Japan) and rapidly developing Orient (China, India, Japan, Korea etc.).

This would mean that the socialist in American and Europe have gotten their way and have succeeded in making us as poor as the rest of the world. Their cries of equality would have made mankind equally poor.

Polonius3: How the Orient interacts with the Muslim World, which controls strategic fuel deposits, may play a key role shaping the further course of events.

Well China would not play nice with the Muslim world. The full force of communism would be upon the Arab world if they messed with China. Public executions, slave camps, the whole works, the Chinese are capable of it. Of course China would love to allow the oppression of people under Sharia law in the Arab world if it benefited them (and it would), unlike the west, because under both communism and Sharia law human rights and dignity are nonexistent.

Polonius3: Mass emigration from the above to the West may also play an important part in the overall West to East shift. Probably the only unknown is the rate at which this will occur. Some predictions maintain that within 50 years English will become a minority language in the US, outnumbered by Spanish and oriental-language speakers.

Na. Many will be bilingual but if anyone wants to achieve success in America they need to know English, and therefore their kids will know English. There is a difference between people being bilingual and in 50 years 250+ million people (say the population is 500 million then) in America not knowing English. Very unrealistic. American may have a large poor community that does not know English, but screw them, if they don't want to learn the language to bad.

Polonius3:Where do you believe Poland will end up within the total puzzle, let's say 50 years from now.

Ya, Poland and the rest of Europe would be screwed. I go back to world wide poverty on this one. The amazing wealth the western world has seen has been a direct result of the free market capitalism. Without that, and you ain't getting that from China or the Middle East, I would say Europe falls back into communist rule or some twisted form of it. It seems like that's Europe's natural state anyway.

In conclusion, if the economic demands of the world focus on China and the Middle East, then expect poverty. These places have amazing wealth and natural resources right now, but they are all still crap-holes. You have a west that buys every resource you have, every good you produce, and most of the people there still live in poverty. The middle class would once again become nonexistent and you would be left with rulers and serfs.
7 May 2011
News / How Polish diaspora see future of Poland? as ethnic Polish state or just Polish in origin? [120]


Are Polish people forgetting that our ancestors killed their ancestors 500 years ago? when they tried invading Europe much like they are now, and imposing their way of life.

Well you can take the UK or US approach and just let them impose their way of life through political correctness. Let them adhere to shariah law instead of the Constitution in America. Encourage them to migrate freely into your country, then violently protest Osama's death in the UK. The biggest threat to people in the UK are from Muslims born in the UK, not Pakistan or other places.

I don't know the Polish people. (If I am wrong on my Polish history in this next part please forgive me, If you know of any books in English that would help explain Polish history please let me know) I know that for a long time, Poland was not on a map. The Polish superpower was destroyed for doing something so simple like giving rights to its people. If Poland wants to adopt Communism or Socialism today, then I don't care what happens to it. It deserves what it gets. But if Poland fearlessly, like I imagine it once did, adopts policy of giving power to the people of Poland (assuming the majority of them embrace freedom) then the only thing you have to worry about is how popular Poland becomes.

We live in a world where you can be from Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, UK, but all the extremist (or the general population) from these countries want one thing, that other nations convert to Islam. They're not interested in the language you speak or the color of your skin, they are interested in you adhering to their ideas. Poland needs to take a stand on what the people believe.

So ethnic Polish, Polish in origin, I do not know. Poland and the Polish people need to decide on what they believe. You want communism and socialism, then don't waste my time. If you know what makes Poland Poland, then I would love to listen. I would love to learn the history and culture of a people on the other side of the world if they embrace the goodness which is freedom. If not then I could only resent you.