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Posts by blueeyedbella84  

Joined: 29 Jan 2011 / Female ♀
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From: ontario canada
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: polish man, finding mr right

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29 Jan 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

hi, i was dating this polish guy for about 4mths. and he kept telling me he loved me and everything and he would leave for work for 2-4days and the whole time would be texting me and i would reply back, he gets home and we talk and and hr later he says he needs a break. and then a week later we finally talk and we hangout and he says he forget he broke us up and when i asked him how he could forget he said we are over ok. and when i asked why what changed his mind in a few hrs after we talked and what changed his mind again...he said it was nothing about me and that he needs to find a polish girl. and says he only dates seriously polish girls yet he told me before privately he was hurt by an ex polish girflriend. and his brothers are both married to polish women and were married in poland he in the yougest and wants to do the same, yet says he wants to be the one thats difference. and he knew i was not polish his parents specially his mother liked me. and now making it even more weirder is i was suppose to meet both of his brothers at his house for dinner and now that we are not together his mom is not doing it, but i have seen both his brothers at my work. i know what they look like because they look similar to him and same as the pics he has showne me. is that fate or is that just me? does anyone believe in fate anymore???

my question is polish parents really strict on who ther children marry does it have to be polish girls if everyone else in there family is polish?
30 Jan 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

thanks alot guys. well i have not being talking to him for a few days letting him go on to this dating site we have here in canada, that is where we met. and he is apparently stricking out, and hen asked me tohangout the other night. nothing happened but he now wants to hangout again. he is a worker and is sometimes not home for days but he is wiht his brother the whiole time. if his parents didnt like me then why would his mother always want to sit and chat with me when i was there and tell me when her and i both have a weekend off to come over and she makes a big dinneer so i can meet everyone and talk.

he said he only has serious relationships with polish girl because it is hard and to him rude to have to translate alot and in hius family they all speak polish they speak english aswell but the odd time you can hear polish. he knew fromday one i was not polish. and now it seems like everytime i am work for the last week i keep seeing one of his brothers or sister in law( they do not know who i am but with the photos and everything i have seen of them i know what they look like and i guess his onebrother who he works wiht knows what i look like aswell.
31 Jan 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

I am scottish....i was born in canada but my father was born and raised in scotland and i lived there for a year.

well we are talking right now. and as for going online while we were dating yes he was, but so was i.....lol talking online does not mean anything to me. since i know how he is online when he talks he is no smooth charmer online and alot of the time he is not smooth in person either. i am letting him come to me, i am done with him. i believe fate brings people together for a specific reason and if they are meant to be together either being just friends or more than friends than nothing will stop that. and i already told him that when he grows up and learns that woman are not toys then to come talk to me. his polish sausage may be ok lol but i know where i can get better......lmao he did not like that comment very much lmao.
25 Mar 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

well he says he has an ex girlfriend that he loves, but the other night he calls me up basically in tears and we decide to go drinking and he tells me how they met a few years ago and he loved her( and thinks she lvoves him too) but emailed him saying telling him to f off and that she was marrying soemone and that now he is heartbroken and happy we are friends ad we are i dont want to be serious with him as i was in a long relationship prior to him and i meeting so i dont wany anything long term right now i am too young im only 26 lol. so we get to his house and i go to my car and he says to come inside and we end up having sex a few times, and he kept textin me and calling me making sure i was ok and that i had a goodtime and tehn out of the blue says that he was with her again and they were going to try again even though his parents and family does not like her eihter does her family like him. it is messed up i dont get why he thinks he has to lie to me. and as for me meeting his brothers i did meet one of them but it wasnt a long talk it was just a quick hello and goodbye because we were heading out. and i do know where and what he does for work. he texts me while he is working almost every day.

i only just want to be friends with him and am looking to date other men, but i just dont get it. i dont likehow he thinks that he has to marry a polish woman i told him mny parents would love me to marry a scottish man too but they arent saying i have to, it is not a necessitiy i can date whoever i want from whatever background i want as long as i am in love and treated properly. i dont know he says he wants to be different tehn his family but this is the same i think he is a big baby. and his polish sausage is OK not the best sausage ive had lmao but we cant be telling him that lol. ps do polish man ever have any sexual problems? ie problems ejaculating? or get vesectomys early? like 16yrs old early?? just asking
29 Mar 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

you did thank you. so then why do you think he keeps telling me and other people he has to marry a polish woman. his brothers are both older and are both married to polish woman and were both married back in poland so when we dated he kept mentioning that to me and we were even talking about going to england and scotland to see my family and then to poland to see his family this summer. it seemed like it really bothered him that i did not speak polish and his mother the first night she met me was very admit about me coming over for family dinner so that she and his brothers and his dad could get to know me better even though i met them all once or twice during the course of dating.

and yes you are right to the person that said why wouldnt he be happy with a friend of benefit with someone like me i know im great at sex lmao his polish sausage isnt the only hot piece in the room hehe.

i am so done with him. i tried being friends with him. and now he is acting like an idiot and big KID. are all polish men aweful when they are drunk? can they handle their beer? cause this one cant.
13 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

when he is drinking he will will randomly text my cell or go online and message me and ask me repeatedly to come over or if he can come over here and get me so we can "hangout and have some fun and drinks" and if i say no to sex or coming over because to him sometimes hanging out is sex because we are not 16 anymore sex is ok even though his parents want to beliweve he is a virgin but his mom found like 5 of my broken bras by his bed in a bag because he kept them after ripping them off me lol....if i say no he will be like oh well then grow up dont talk to me anymore ever again like a child would when they dont get there own way or he will sit there with a long sad facw and sulk until you give in or i get pisssed off and get up to go home......and i am sorry i do agree not all polish woman are bad it depends on the woman itself not the culture.

as for him and me not being polish makes me laugh he was telin me his cousin is marrying an idian girl and his family almost got a divorce based on that but didnt because they love eachother and are hoping the son and her call it quits but i think its dumb you love someone because you love them not the culture i told him that too, you live in canada we live in a world where cultures collide your bound to have a mix of cultures in every family.

we are not even speaking right now at all. and i am good in bed lmao ive never had any complaints....i am from canada but i am scottish( my dad was born and rasied in scotland and moved here when he was a teenage and then met my mom and then married and had me lmao) i lived in scotland for a year after i was done school. and yes i do hope that he wakes up and sees that what he is doing is just being an yes man to what he thinks his family wants and it is sad. thank you!!!
14 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

i agree, he and i are no longer speaking...i am a very opinionated, strong woman and was raised to do what i think is best. yes my families opinions matter but to an extent when it comes to whom i date or marry in the future. i dont want a man that thinks that his parents or what his siblings did should reflect what he does. i am done with him time to find me a real man haha.., thank you for your comments they helped alot.

funny enough though he only ever acted like a big kid when he was drinking if i was to of said no to fooling around he would whine a bit but stop when he was sober or we were out, it is very weird. i am scottish and can hold my liqour very well lol.
20 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

i did not mean i was very experienced in sex i have only had maybe 3 other men besides him, he said he has had the same amount and from what he and i have done you can tell he speaks the truth...lol.........as for the bras it is so embarrassing because his mother saw them ripped from the front and all in a bag i asked him the one day if he threw them out and he said yes and then i was over and he was changing into something more appropriate for where we were going that night and i saw the bad in his closet so i looked inside to see and im like i thought you threw it out and he said oh no i forgot too he has every single one and they are all my bras not any from other girls it weirded me out a bit who keeps ex girlfriends and now a casual go out and sometimes have sex friends bras. he even called me up the other night almost in tears because the polish girl he does like rejected him in public twice in one night and because i was out and close by i stopped by his house and told him why because he is arrogant and pushy if he stayed the same way eh was when he and i first met sweet, funny, caring and not so pushy maybe she would like you, and i told him that is why i am not into dating him now, i dont like pushy, rude, arroagant lying men. and no i will not take this incident as a bad judgement for all polish man because it is not polish men it is all men. some men are just born mamas boys and when he wakes up and realizes that life does not revolve around making his mommy happy then he will see that he may of had someone that could of made him happy. everytime he and i talk and he brings up something that a "polish woman does saying sexual or flirty" he brings it back to canadian woman dont do that and im like im canadian and you live in canada you have since you were a baby so you are canadian, and then he goes well your not just canadian your european because i am scottish and thats what makes me sexy? i dont know he is weird.
22 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

unfortunately he kept my younger brother and best friend on his chat friends list and told them i was being mean to him and other things and we have a mutual friend that is intereseted in both of us and keeps spoking her nose into things which makes him message me and im the type i cant not reply i find it rude lol.
14 Jun 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

congrats that is awesome news!.......the polish man i know"see" he is confusing me aswell still but we are still just in the "friendsstage" yet he has no problems saying he loves me when we talk about things and we share so much in common. yet we sat and watched this sweet romantic movie the other night and he even said he liked it and new the plot to it from start to finish which amazed me, and then during the movie like right in the movie the star is lying in bed with another woman thniking about the "female star" of the movie and he goes see thats what bugs me with this movie. it feels like you have to push yourself to make the girl you love see you, and while your doing that your in bed with another girl....like what the.......does that mean? he is a polish man also the youngest of his family and is almost 28years old and single........we hangout alot..