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Joined: 6 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
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From: canada
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6 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / Moving back to Poland after 7 years in Canada [22]

Hello. I'm new to this forum as I registered myself just few minutes ago. Even though I could find many interesting topics, there is something that I've sought an advice for a quite a long time.

I came to Canada 7 years ago along with my wife and son just after graduation from the university with our master's degrees related to business management. The beginning in Canada was very harsh for all of us. My son was just few months old at the time. I could not find a job adequate to my education; therefore, I had to do lots of ****** jobs just to get the money for our survival. Anyway, after 2 years of struggling, fighting for a better life we managed to establish a pretty good standard of living in Canada. My English has improved, I think. I also completed some post-graduate education and finally got my first pretty good job in Toronto. Now, I've got nothing to complain about except one thing: namely, I am very homesick. I miss my family and friends I left behind in Poland. It reached a point where I am actually considering moving back to Poland or any other EU country, which would be closer to Poland. I cannot picture myself spending the rest of my life here in Canada and just being able to visit my family and friends in Poland approx. every 2-3 years.

I am aware that in order to move I need to sacrifice what I have established so far in Canada and that is OK. However, I don't want to loose a pretty decent standard of living (financial security) which I have established here as I believe that my marriage would not be able to hold that much of a change. It would be a different story if I were on my own. Therefore, the goal is to find a job in Poland or other EU country first and then move. The problematic thing is that it is very challenging. Me and my wife we have sent out tones of resumes to Poland, etc. but it seems not to be working. We keep loosing contact with potential employers as soon as they hear that we are located outside of their country and not really able to come for a first interview. I tried to establish teleconference or telephone interviews so many times but no success. Unfortunately, I am not able to go for example to Poland for every interview I get unless it would be some kind of a final step in recruitment process.

I hope the Polish Government is now also aware of the problem of the decreasing Polish population. In addition, lots of people emigrated and are still emigrating away from Poland. Therefore, I ask: who will work for the retirement plans of the Polish citizens in future?

Even though I like Canada because honestly it is a very nice country, I would rather live and work in Poland. I could contribute to the economy there instead of here! (I mean paying taxes…, etc.)

I would like to hear from people with similar experiences. How did you guys manage to get a decent job in another country like Poland while being abroad? Maybe you know some resources I could refer to, like recruitment agencies specializing in hunting down polish people educated abroad and bringing them back to Poland? Are there any incentive programs for people how emigrated to bring them back to Poland?

I appreciate any support, which can be in either Polish or English - I don't care, I guess I am fluent in both but not always though. HAhaha
