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Joined: 26 Sep 2010 / Male ♂
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26 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish eligibility to claim benefits in the UK [30]


I live in London with my polish fiancee, since we met she has never worked or even looked for work though she did go to the effort of getting a national insurance number when she moved here at the beginning of march 2009. This has been extremely hard as London is very expensive, I earn good money but sadly to support 2 has been a major strain on my finances and our relationship.

She ended our relationship last week, so I have had to leave and spend a week away while I work out what to do, I cant afford to rent 2 flats at the same time and support us both again and as there is no hope of her ever wanting me I just cant take looking after her any more not to mention I have been used enough as it is, I really do sound like a whining ***ch, apologies for that I will now get to my point.

She has no one in the UK, no friends as she never leaves the house, no one to turn to for help at all, in my experience during a couple of weeks between contracts this year I discovered I could not get any benefits due to her being my fiancee and she was not eligible for benefit? it was all very confusing and again a massive drain on me financially.

So now she is a single Polish woman living in London (living in the UK since march 2009) with no job, my question is, is she eligible to claim anything at all? I was hoping jsa and housing, I need to know this as I intend to remove myself from our lease next week and also disable her access to my bank accounts, I have no choice I just wanted the info so I could post it to her or something.

Could she get deported?

god what a mess.

PS. Please no derogatory comments on my ex partner or racism re:polish claiming benefits, I happen to love this woman and my experience of the Polish and Poland has only been a pleasure (apart from this relationship)
26 Sep 2010
Love / Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch. [240]

Trust me on this one, kick her out right now this very second. Block her email her phone everything run from this woman like your life depends on it.

Go find a woman that is interested in you, these issues make you sound pathetic and no woman could find this attractive.

I apologise if this sounds hard but trust me, I know about similar things.
26 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish eligibility to claim benefits in the UK [30]

Just one question, why on gods earth did you put up with a sponger for all this time?

I am a freelance consultant, I work all the time and these months flew past, I am very much in love with her but I am aware how stupid this is, was hoping she would return to being the woman I met that made me ask her to marry me.

Also why did you come to a forum when you could have got the information here....

I have researched these sites, having worked for the government before I know that the systems in place are a complete mess and also those in charge of implementing them are often the least skilled people in the UK workforce and mostly unskilled agency workers themselves so I wanted to hear from people that may have had similar experience.

Thank you for the information.
26 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish eligibility to claim benefits in the UK [30]

She won't get a thing because she hasn't worked legally for 12 months. It'll either be work or the streets for her - or she can go home.

Aha! this is indeed the reason behind why I could not claim during a short dry patch of work earlier this year, I was hoping that with us no longer being together she would become eligible as yes, her options are the streets or to go home.
26 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish eligibility to claim benefits in the UK [30]

I dont get that because as a British person (are you?) and a tax payer you could have claimed JSA in your own right so you were miss informed.

I am indeed British, my dealings with the job centre were confusing beyond belief.

If you as a person who has already worked were turned down, what made you think they give her a free ride?

Just asumed by all the daily mail style hysteria I have heard over the years that it would be easier for her.

Didnt you forget the work option? You know that strange thing that pays the bills? Just curious but how old is she?

Old enough to know way better.

She will not get JSA as she needs to be actively looking for employment and furnish evidence of that. She is a coaster, one of the escaper brigade. Leave her to her own devices and cut your losses.

She worked all her life till she got here, I am sure that the moment she realises I ain't paying out she will find work quickly.

Let her find her own way or getting benefits whether eligible or not. Other Poles do.

They do indeed, I have huge respect for those making the move to London, it is hard enough to get established as a British Citizen.
27 Sep 2010
Love / Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch. [240]

As far as I understand he didn't, he showed her this forum, but didn't confirm that this is the thread he had in mind.

I think she may well read this one.
28 Sep 2010
Love / Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch. [240]

Mind you, if he did move his hand in that direction I'm sure she'd hold it quick enough

This sounds like a good plan.