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Joined: 25 Aug 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Aug 2010
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26 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

If you consider yourself polish and American than that is what you are. Anyone that tells you different is wrong. Nobody can say that you are not a race/nationality if your heritage says you are. Narrowminded thinking like that is what causes wars. You don't need to be born in poland live and poland and speak polish to be considered a pole.

The fact is people are always going to consider yourself one thing or another and that's thier choice. But what you consider yourself is the thing that matters. My grandfather was born in Glasgow and move to the states as a child With his parents. Do I consider myself polish even tho I was not born there? Damn right I do and nobody will tell me different

Damn it I mean Krakow not Glasgow my bad
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

A child born to parents who were born in America is American.

So what would they put down as race for the census? American is not a choice
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

Still American, though.

So what you're saying is that to be considered polish/Mexican/Irish what have you. You MUST be born in that country and if you are not born there you should not consider yourself a part of that countries heritage even if your relatives were born there?

How about this one, you say all people born in America are Americans right? What about the native Americans that were here before the Europeans even thought about coming here? Now they are considered just Americans and not native Americans?
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

I would love to just up and move to Poland for a couple years but since I have a life And job here it's not likely. I may not be fluent in the language but I know a bit more than busha and for the record I have spent over 2 years researching my heritage and can go back over 300 years I am not bragging I am just saying that just because i can't live there does not mean I can't consider myself from there in my heritage.

And I i had my choice i would choose Poland. At least for a while
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

He is still a "Czarnuch" to most Poles who will run like crazy if he walks down the street. Lol.

Why would they run like crazy just because he is black?
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

Thats the real predicament of being an American. We are everybody and nobody. The whole thing is just more trouble than its worth.

27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

Doesn't mean didly. If you wanna be Polish MOVE TO POLAND.

I really don't think you guys are grasping the concept of heritage here. I don't NEED to live in Poland to be polish. If someone lives in Poland but has no ancestors from there are they polish? No, it just makes them a resident of Poland.

What is the time limit I gotta stay in poland? Is there a chart somewhere I can refer to? If I stay for a few years do I get like a % of polish? I mean it just does not make sense that I need to live there to be considered polish.