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Posts by skubus  

Joined: 28 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2017
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 42 / In This Archive: 26
From: ireland
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: moving to poland to enjoy life and get away from this useless country

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5 Jul 2010
Law / Banking tax Procedure in Poland [14]

Thread attached on merging:
Polish Banks

Can anyone give me some advice on Polish Banks? I'm trying to find out what kind of interest rates are available and are funds guaranteed i.e. if the bank goes bust will the goverment refund the savings??

Polish Banking

Hi all, could someone explain how polish banks work?? Can i open a savings account? what kind of interest can my savings make? How much "dirt" tax or capital interest will i have to pay on any profit i make? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated
11 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]

i would be interested in finding out more about property prices in poland as my wife and i want to move there
30 Sep 2010
Food / I have a Polish couple coming over for afew days and would like to cook for them. [93]

my suggestion would be duszonki (ziemniaki duszone)..i'm a paddy and the wife makes it for me and i love it and any poles i know love it too..all you need is a big pot, a little oil in it, sliced potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, onion and a good flavoured polish sausage, any kind will suffice, crack some black pepper and a pinch of salt for seasoning. you can add other vegs if you like, onion,red or green pepper or yellow for that matter. as i said a little oil in the bottom of the pot and start layering everything in spud, carrot, mushroom, sausage etc etc. fill the pot to the top cover well and cook on a low heat until you can stick a needle easily through the top layers..bottom layer may get slightly caramelised if cooked on too high a temp but if your friends are anything like my mrs they'll love the burnt bits too..i know i think its delicious so maybe give it a trial run before your pals arrive. hope this is a help
30 Sep 2010
Life / Bugs in Polish houses and apartments [78]

get your buddy to buy a cat..but then again if he's into a clean house a hairy moggie might not be such a good idea..hate the feckers myself
10 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / John Drennan: "Poles in fear of starved Irish influx" [15]

Flogging a dead horse???

Just read the following article. Things are bad but not that bad...well not yet anyway!!

John Drennan: Poles in fear of 'starved Irish' influx
Polish mag says we're a 'poverty-stricken' land

THE Polish edition of the respected Newsweek magazine has painted a bizarre portrait of Ireland as a poverty stricken country where "20,000 horses" are starving by the sides of motorways.

Ireland's international reputation is now so battered that relatives of eastern Europeans living here are anxiously contacting them to "see if they are all right''.

The article, titled 'Hang-over Ireland', and written by journalist Marek Rybarczyk, claims that one of the most striking aspects "in today's Irish landscape'' (...)

independent.ie/national-news/poles-in-fear-of-starved-irish -influx-2615055.html
18 Jul 2011
Law / Which currency is better for Poland and the Eurozone? Euro or Zloty? [36]

Hi all, can anyone advise me about which currency is better? Should i convert my Euro into Zloty given the current situation in the Eurozone? I have money in a savings account in Poland but it's in Euro, not Zloty! I'm getting a little nervous as i'm afraid the Euro currency is on the verge of collapse!!! Please advise, Regards Skubus
18 Jul 2011
Law / Which currency is better for Poland and the Eurozone? Euro or Zloty? [36]

My biggest fear is that the Euro will loose all value and that the Germans,French etc will revert back to their own currencies and leave their bankrupted and bust neighbours i.e. the Irish, Greek and Portugese and possibly the Italian and Spanish out in the ecenomic wilderness with a currency worth nothing! My thinking is that maybe it would be better to convert my Euro into Zloty because i believe the Zloty will remain in circulation and become a strong trading tool within Europe because it is a country still with it's own currency, not solely dependant on the German and French banks
18 Jul 2011
Law / Which currency is better for Poland and the Eurozone? Euro or Zloty? [36]

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I'm not interested in entering the markets and doing any kind of trading. I just want to make sure my savings remain secure. I don't want to wake up some morning to hear reports that the Euro currency has totally collapsed and is worth nothing. If i thought this were going to happen then i would convert all into Zloty, at least then i would have something of value still left in my bank account. I realise if the Euro did go pop that it would effect the stability and worth of other currencies, but like i said the other currencies would still have some kind of value whereas the Euro would be worth zero!!
19 Jul 2011
Law / Which currency is better for Poland and the Eurozone? Euro or Zloty? [36]

Wow..my head is spinning after reading all the posts..but like i said i'm not into stocks and shares be they currencies or precious metals, i'm too much of a coward to consider risking our savings on the roll of a dice, literally. Good luck to all of you who partake of such activities, yer brave souls. And to clarify some points, i still live in Ireland, i still work here, i still pay taxes here and i still have mortgages here (two of them) and on top of all that i still have to try and sleep at night and not think too much about the sence of dread i feel for myself and my fellow inhabitants about the state of our nation. The savings i talk about in here aren't mine in essence they're my wife's. She moved here 6 years ago, got a job, saved as much as she could, met me, married me, stuck at her work and continued to save as much as she could until finally she could take no more of the bulls**t she had to endure i.e. the extra work while at the same time having her salary slashed every few months. So the savings "we" have are precious and would hate if by some cruel act they became worthless.

I think from reading all these posts that the savings will remain in euro, for now, and just hope that the crisis will stabilise. I'll keep a close eye on what's going on in Europe and maybe look into the markets concerning precious metals, just out of curiousity mind. Still can't see us delving into this though, it sounds a bit frightening!!

Thanks everyone for the feedback
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

Hi all. I have a query regarding Polish traditions and customs. I'm an Irish guy married to a Polish girl. My wife and I argue quite a bit regarding finances. My wife's attitude when it comes to paying bills is that she shouldn't have to pay her share of the mortgage, electricity, gas, fuel, insurance etc because I had our house before we got together. She states that it is the male's responsibility to pay for everything. I can't get my head around this as it seems ridiculous. We both work but my wife saves all her money while I'm basically broke after all the usual bills are paid. Can anyone enlighten me on the facts regarding this issue?
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

Thanks for all the replies to my query. To answer some of your questions yes we did live together before we got married and we had a joint bank account which we lodged money into it every month to pay for monthly bills apart from the mortgage, but because I was in financial difficulties I advised my wife to keep her money separate from mine in case the bank came after her savings. So since then we have separate accounts, she saves everything she earns, spends very little of it and anything she does spend she considers it her's not mine even food. And no I don't believe she's cheating on me. She doesn't trust people enough to be unfaithful, even me at times. I know when she grew up in Poland she along with her family had very little so anything earned was protected and cherished but now she has savings in excess of €90k but when she does buy something she chooses the cheapest and quite often the crappiest items. I've told her numerous times to enjoy life and live life but she's always waiting for that black day ( Polish expression) We did discuss finances prior to getting married and agreed then that I would pay the mortgage because as I've already said I owned the property before we met, but since then (10 years) I've struggled to keep my head above water. A couple of times she has helped with funds when things became too tight but under threat of death or divorce I've had to repay every cent, which I've done.
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

Smurf. Wow man your pulling no punches. I'm gonna have to take a little time to think about how to reply to some of your thoughts because some of them have hit a cord with me but I will answer one, she's not a culchie, she's a city chick. I'll come back with answers to your other thoughts in a bit. Thanks
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

rozumiemnic We don't have kids at the moment. Currently visiting a fertility clinic because we have fertility issues. This has also caused a lot of conflict in our home. In fairness my wife is paying for these procedures because like I said I'm broke. **** I don't really like the thoughts being expressed here because a lot of them are making sense.
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

dolnoslask, she refuses to go. I've used counselling services and found them beneficial but she just laughs when I suggest we go. Like everything I do that involves payment she considers it a waste of money. I'm lost!!
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

delphiandomine. Her Mum and Dad are separated. Dad works abroad and sends enough money home so that his adult son who lives with Mum can pay the necessary to keep their apartment. Dad is equally as anal about money as my wife is. I think that because what her Dad has done to her Mum she doesn't trust men.
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

rozumiemnic Hate to say it but an early grave doesn't sound too bad at times. I don't know guys, seems I know the answers and I've tried to act on some of the advice given but I just can't take the big step to sort this mess out!!
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

Atch I've tried to walk away in the past but I love the girl and as she keeps telling me no one else would want me. I've actually asked her to leave and take her money with her, a clean split, but she refuses, flutters her eye lids and melts my heart. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. I loose either way. And as regards what terri stated regarding her getting half of everything, well that is true, she would get half of my mortgage half of all the bills but likewise I would get half of what she owns but I don't want this.
7 Mar 2016
Love / Polish traditions and customs in a relationship - payments [39]

Too true ironside. I'm far from perfect but for all my failings I try to compensate by being as genuine, honest and as fair as I can. I work in a medical profession looking after people when they are at their most vulnerable both physically and mentally. I try and give my wife the same attention as I give others but she sees it as not being enough. Maybe I deserve it I don't know.
18 Apr 2017
Love / Polish girl "loves" me, despite not meeting in real life first [56]

Careful mate. I'm suspicious of the type of "intimate" photos being sent to you. Firstly any Polish girls I know would never take let alone send these kind of pics. Secondly this could be an attempt to entice you into doing something similar and then try and blackmail you at a later date. From what I know about Polish girls you have to earn their trust and then their love. It's not just offered on a plate!!
2 Jul 2017
Work / Current median income in Poland [14]


Polish income

What is the average monthly income of a Polish family? I'm enquiring because I would love to relocate to Poland with my family. Spent 3 weeks there recently and fell in love with the country again. I believe it would be a fantastic place to bring up my child.
11 Aug 2017
Work / Paramedic salary in Poland [69]

Hi all.
Can someone please let me know the most up to date Paramedic salaries in Poland. I've checked numerous websites but all the information is years old. I'm aware also that Polish Ambulance staff recently took part in a campaign to have their salaries brought in line with Nurses. What was the outcome of this action?

Thanks in advance
11 Aug 2017
Work / Paramedic salary in Poland [69]

Thanks @DominicB. Since I posted my initial query I've spoken to a former Polish Paramedic and he basically said the same as your good self. From my conversation with this gentleman I can consider a slightly different approach i.e. tutoring or lecturing to medical and paramedic students. As I'm already a trainer/tutor in BLS and Manual Handling this could be a route to investigate but I appreciate my oral Polish is nowhere near proficient so alot of study regarding the Polish language is required. Thanks again
11 Aug 2017
Work / Paramedic salary in Poland [69]

Ideally work front line in pre hospital care, same as I'm doing currently but I know I can't speak enough Polish to work in this sector. I have an American Heart Association qualification in teaching Basic Life Support and CPR which is the standard taught in Poland. Along with that I'm a qualified Manual Handling and Patient Moving instructor, an internationally recognised higher level qualification.
11 Aug 2017
Work / Paramedic salary in Poland [69]

I appreciate your input G undercover but I'm not interested in making any fortune. I've been to Poland many many times and it's the Polish lifestyle for my child that I'm craving. Good honest innocent rearing of kids in a family based community!!
11 Aug 2017
Work / Paramedic salary in Poland [69]

Wow. Some strong reactions to my perspective of what Poland is all about that's for sure. I'll reply to some of these discussions in a while. Have to get my head down as I'm on duty tonight but I will continue this conversation
11 Aug 2017
Work / Paramedic salary in Poland [69]

Okay. I read and reread all of your replies/thoughts on my original post.
Yes I've been posting questions on this forum for the past 7 years and in that time I've imagined pay scales, terms and conditions etc have changed, hopefully for the better.

I don't look at Poland through tourist tinted glasses, I've been to quite a few different places there and all the time I'm trying to find out if this is a place I'd consider moving too with my family (wife and 9 month old baby girl) I'm well aware that many families struggle to maintain a basic standard of life there, many living with 2 or 3 generations in a small confined apartment. But from what I've seen first hand of this existence is a genuine family bond that used to exist in Ireland but because of the former Celtic tiger material and monetary values came to the fore leaving the true meaning of the family unit or community in its wake.

Both my wife and I work full time in Ireland, my wife is a Pharmacy technician and I'm a front line Paramedic. Our lives revolve around work, working to make ends meet, working to pay bills etc, like the hundreds of thousands of other families in both Ireland and Poland. I for one am growing weary of it. I still want to work but not in this environment here now.

I've posted questions here in the past and the answers were food for thought. I'm not interested in making millions but instead just enough for a comfortable life with my family. I'll, as I've done previously, take all replies on board and discuss with my family what to do. The reason I pose questions on this forum is to get the experience and reality from those who have already made the move.