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Posts by sascha  

Joined: 10 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Sep 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 824 / In This Archive: 575
From: germany
Speaks Polish?: no

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19 Jul 2010
News / Why are Czechs more effective than Poles and Poland? [116]

Hmm....why not trying out the famous Currywurst for once? Ja I know it's exotic but really worth a try! :)

"German" Currywurst??? Where did you get the Curry from??

Better offer Sauerkraut und Eisbein...
20 Jul 2010
News / Why are Czechs more effective than Poles and Poland? [116]

Yeah..you "German", you should know about the famous Berliner Currywurst, every German does! Grönemeyer did even sing about it...another proof that you are a true Serbian.

Eloquence wherever you write sth. Entertaining on child level, but as I said already.No improvement. Just babbling, no arguments and gay(quoting yourself).

By the way, classic grilled sausage is my favorite. Did you buy Groenemeyers LP with the song about Currywurst? Its great.
20 Jul 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

he'd have never made it to Israel.

You constantly talk about Israel. What is so special about that country? I was there and did not experience anything special there, besides young armed people on almost every corner.

What makes you think sb would like to go there?
5 Aug 2010
Life / Why are the Italians and Polski so much alike? [90]

Let's be honest, Poles are more hospitable than the cold, heartless Teutonic German

I wouldn't judge them like that. We have our positive sides. ;-)
7 Aug 2010
Life / Why are the Italians and Polski so much alike? [90]

Sorry, but wrong.

We are anything but "false..sth". Maybe just less kind and polite. U pretty much know from the beginning what u are up to.

Any bad experiences?
10 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

Absolutely but Putin is a totally power-hungry moron and no one will change that. The help was for the Russian people and not for the Russian government.

Is that important now? Putin as a topic and his need for power? Who of the West politics or others does not have that? It's prestige for them.

Anyway, Poland sent its help while others are still negotiating...
12 Aug 2010
News / Nigel Farage voice of reason for Poland and EU? [79]

Farage would raise the case for the redeployment of democratic tools. There needs to be a return to EU citizens having more say in how they are governed.

Agreed, but I think it's hardly going to happen. Maybe I am wrong. Hope so...
It needs more than one dedicated guy to turn things around. ;-)
Now everybody, especially those who run the show in EU, is afraid to loose its role.;-)
16 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / The slow, whiny death of British Christianity [86]

He has some interesting approaches to this topic on a more general level.


Try some of his books. This f.e..

16 Aug 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

I understand ur point crow, but don't forget that the German state is actually doing quite a lot since they have 9% foreigners. That is sth u don't play with.

This one is a delicate case but not the norm.

Do u know any administration which is flawless?
16 Aug 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

What would you do if somebody separate you from your child and in the same meddling in your personal communication with the child?

A mess.
I repeat. I understood ur point.

. Who can dare to steal someones child, someones life, someones personality?

what would you do? would you accept any explanation for your destroyed life and hopes?

Noone, of course and as I said. Which administration is flawless?

I would try to make my problem public, via press, lawyer etc. Draw attention.

To all, please keep on topic. thank you.
17 Aug 2010
Study / Polish schools and Polish educational system level in your eyes [135]

Germany are not in better shape than their peers in Greece and I was surprised by their lack in theoretical knowledge although their ethics and behaviour are excellent(Germans pay more attention to character formation than simply stuffing you with knowledge).

I guess that depends on what they are studying and where. In Germany are noticeable differences in quality of universities. The better they are(standard, program), the better u get prepared. I guess it's everywhere in Europe like that.

German universities are not military schools.;-)

They are not so elitist.Germans require just average marks in Abitur and do not have competitive entrance exams system.

That's not correct.
The better ur average in gymnasium the better the chances u get a place at the uni u want. For some subjects/fields they have numerus clausus and entry tests.

The elite is usually formed at private institutions.
17 Aug 2010
News / Newsweek's The World's Best Countries (Poland ranked 29) [128]

Who the frack would like to live in Finland??? Look at this.


Wannabe superpowers Russia and China are put in their rightful place ranking 51 and 56 respectively.

What a source u took. Bravo.

Btw, China is 2nd world largest economic power and Russia is doing quite well, too.

(Amazingly US has 16/20 best universities in the world and unrivalled healthcare and medical technology for those who can afford).

States an american newspaper...
19 Aug 2010
News / Poland's elite more pro-US than society? [29]

America must have interest in Poland in order not to lose influence in Europe.

I guess that US&A has enough under their control in Europe/EU. Their interests there are secured.

Btw, u canadian plunker, in EU nobody is dictating anything but following what's been said. A little bit cuddling with the russian bear was never for disadvantage. ;-)

Who should Poles like, USA is closes to polish ideal of state, they would like to be USA themselves .....

Why so?
21 Aug 2010
News / Poland's elite more pro-US than society? [29]

American individualistic and competitive culture is very agreeable to Poles.

Quote: In 2007, 88.4% of the population belonged to the Catholic Church.

That's not quite matching, catholic church and competition.

I guess it's all about $$$$$$$$$$
24 Aug 2010
Feedback / The image of Poland according to PolishForums [90]

Is PF the place where the foreigners get the real image of Poland?

If u consider language, food, party, jobs etc, as a real picture, then yes.

Does it create good or bad image of Poland and polish people?

Don't have a clue since those like me "from the outside" are a little dominating, but sharing somehow interests/opinions.

Did it encourage you to visit / to live in Poland or did you change your mind?

I was in Poland in the middle of the 90's almost every week in Poland professionally and I liked it there. Of course I had my favorite places there ;-)

How the experiences shared here corresponds with yours?

For me this looks more like an EU/USA forum rather than a PF regarding the opinions promoted here.

Do you think there is too much pointless discussion on unimportant matters?

Not specially.

Do you think that the atmosphere here is friendly, neutral or hostile?

Depends. In case minorities are in the in "line of fire" all the radicals/fascists come out of the holes and give their best, including personal attacks. That should be better under the eye of admin. Hate and fascism is here in my perspective "en mode".
27 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

The US Census seems to divides Americans into white, black, Hispanic, orietnal, Pacific Islanders, native Americans and a few other, but lumps all the rest in the 'white American' categoo. There has been a movement in somw quarters of Polonia to have PolAms cross out that term and pen in 'Polish American'. How do you feel about that?

Do u have an identity problem?
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

The World Health Organization's ICD-9 (1977) listed homosexuality as a mental illness; it was removed from the ICD-10, endorsed by the Forty-third World Health Assembly on May 17, 1990.[61][62] Like the DSM-II, the ICD-10 added ego-dystonic sexual orientation to the list, which refers to people who want to change their gender identities or sexual orientation because of a psychological or behavioral disorder (F66.1). The Chinese Society of Psychiatry removed homosexuality from its Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders in 2001 after five years of study by the association."[64]

Taken from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

There is no homo gene neither is it a mental condition. If people gave as much effort to their own lives than they do sticking their noses into other peoples private lives the world would be a much more advance place.

Very bombastic statement.

For 1: The experts are still fighting over it what it is. I mean experts. ;-)

For 2: Very wisely spoken. Are u philosopher?
31 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

They are just guys with a different sexual orientation, period!

OK, but do you honestly consider homosexual sex as normal? Or is it normal for you because somebody tells u so?

The gay community has pressed the psychiatry associations so that homosexuality is not considered anymore a sexual deviation but a normal variation.

I guess southern makes a point here. If u all look up the link I posted earlier in this thread u would know what he meant.

Exactly....note to all....lead your own fecking lives! Stop being so concerned with others :/

Besides ur energetic statements, do u have some arguments to offer. It's not just about saying sth. Content is a part of every post, at least should be. ;-)

There is now a large body of research evidence that indicates that being gay, lesbian or bisexual is compatible with normal mental health and social adjustment.[59] The World Health Organization's ICD-9 (1977) listed homosexuality as a mental illness; it was removed from the ICD-10, endorsed by the Forty-third World Health Assembly on May 17, 1990.[61][62] Like the DSM-II, the ICD-10 added ego-dystonic sexual orientation to the list, which refers to people who want to change their gender identities or sexual orientation because of a psychological or behavioral disorder

31 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I always wondered how come that the same guys who like to penetrate a girl in her arse condemn homosexuals for doing the same :)

Because one thing is when it is done between a man and woman and the other if two men are doing it.
Anal sex in hetero relation is just a variation of sex, but again it's performed between 2 people with different gender.

Sex with the same gender is simply biological not "normal", but accepted in society and give a sh1t what they are doing.

All in total I really d not care what gay people, men or women are doin. It's their thing.

For me it's just annoying that the scientific in this discussion is put aside.

Ive said this before...but aparently its okay if it's a woman they're soddomising! :D *The big smile is because it really does make me laugh*

What are u talking about? U would like that experience? Go ahead. in normal hetero conditions it's usually a consens between the 2 partners. If not it's rape. OK?

Who is soddomising women? Are u living in the stone-ages?
31 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Sascha, read the list of animals with homosexual tendencies on.

Stu, nice try, but I know about that fact. I go one step further. Some animals masturbate(like apes) some don't.
Some homos masturbate, some don't. Masturbation was long considered as disease and cured with ugly methods. Now it's completely normal.

Just one example. This disease drapetomania got a diagnosis in US&A and over time vanished. Same with homosexualizm.
For whatever reason... ;-)


So fact of the matter is, that you are the one who puts scientific evidence aside.

En contraire. This is a debate about nature/nuture. Some things are maybe given the rest is formed by circumstances. Just u think about that.
31 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I bet you didn't even make an effort to browse through the articles, cause it would be way out of your comfort zone. You cannot simply deny or explain away the fact that about 130 species of birds have homosexual tendencies. And it really isn't about masturbation ... . And bonobo's aren't just bisexual simply because they want to masturbate.

And there are 100 ets of other species which do not have these tendencies. What kind of argument is that? However u put it. I do not mind what u do in your private life and how u see homsexualizm. For me personally it is not normal but well accepted in society(read about that topic in psychology. it helps a lot). Go on with ur life/sexual life, whatever u do. Just enjoy.

Two words really spring to mind: Slavic repression :)

What drove u to this comment? I am NOT slavic. Clear?!

Any treatment for those that blindly label others?

How about shock-treatment? :) I know a few Slavs that would be eligible for that :)

U walk on thin ice my friend...

.Judging by your frustrated posts, we should have a wip round and buy you one you might find it rather liberating!

Nothing to do with the stone ages...I can now just imagine you and your missus doing it missioinary with the lights off with her poleyester nightdress hitched up!

Me, frustrated? What the f**ck is wrong with u, u english housewife. If u project ur poor sexual life in others, pls leave me out of it.
31 Aug 2010
News / Newsweek's The World's Best Countries (Poland ranked 29) [128]

Sascha, would you go to Albania as a Serb or is it too dangerous?

Seanus. I am GERMAN(unlike other rumors here :-)).

I was there in the 90's frequently on business trips and then it was a sh1thole. Don't know how it looks now. Not interested.
31 Aug 2010
News / Newsweek's The World's Best Countries (Poland ranked 29) [128]

From what I saw of Serbia like Novi Sad, Belgrade, Vojvodina, Region Nis etc. it is not so bad, but the biggest plus are the warm and friendly people.

If you suggest that the whole country is in a mess then please don't forget 10 years of embargo etc.